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Posts posted by Nickster

  1. 2 hours ago, Stephen said:

    Honestly Luck was that accurate especially his rookie year. 54 percent passing

    Luck wasn’t overly accurate.  He kinda was a catalyst to end Reggie’s career throwing behind him on that knee play.


    one thing he did do though is throw well short with Frank that awesome year.  It was quite a bit different offense than the downfield deep drop stuff he had been doing.



    56 minutes ago, pgt_rob said:

    Just not T-Rich. Lol

    Rolling ball of butcher knives lol.

  2. 3 minutes ago, Superman said:


    A lot has been posted in the past few weeks. All of it clearly shows where Richardson is most effective and where he is least effective, and if you watch the videos on YT it's not hard to figure out why the charting shows what it does.


    Are people still arguing whether he has accuracy issues? This is an accepted fact at this point, right? More at question is how much better he can become, what you do to help him improve, and what you do to help him make plays in the meantime. 

    Some seem to be arguing it.  I don’t understand why.  

    the dude is young and could very well polish up.  

  3. 3 minutes ago, Superman said:


    When I say "the splits" I'm referring to charting, heat maps, etc. So since I'm not gonna chart every one of his passes myself, I'll just be paying attention to the charting that some of the online guys publish. 

    Do you have access to that data?  It would be surprising if it didn’t suggest accuracy issues.

  4. 13 minutes ago, BlackTiger said:

    And there have been a lot of recent qbs that were under 60 for a year or more in college and turned out well.  Lamar never hit 60 and hes a comparison


    Mahomes, Burrow, Luck and Allen all had a year under 60.  AR only played one year and was a true freshman during covid 


    Its not really right to compare his one year as a starter to guys who graduated.  


    I’m down with all that.  The pretty clear reality is that as of now AR is inaccurate.  It is evident even beyond completion percentage to just about everyone, especially in short spaces.  This is a not a controversial opinion.


    BT he could clean it up, but right now he’s an erratic thrower of the ball.  That’s all that I am asserting.  Not that he can’t improve.

  5. 57 minutes ago, BlackTiger said:

    If he can hit 55% on a bad team in the sec while still needing work on accuracy then thats not a bad starting point.  Its not like hes a typical prospect either.  Hes like Cam, Lamar and Vick


    They were not that accurate either in college but still had pretty good careers 

    Newton was 66 completion rate in college and Vick was 56 in a different era when downfield passing attacks were prevalent and that stat was lower in general.  Manning for instance was at 60 his senior year on a talented team that won the title the next season.



  6. 5 minutes ago, BlackTiger said:

    You can work on accuracy despite what that poster thinks though.  AR has work to do as a passer but hes not wildly inaccurate to the point that we all need to be hung up on some comment the coach made a few months go


    Those qbs mentioned had trouble hitting on certain routes, so they worked on them and became the best qbs in the league now.  


    Sure you can work on accuracy.  It may improve or it may not.   Completion % does not equal accuracy but accuracy is one thing necessary for good comp %.   PM was 64% for his college career .  Hurts was 65.  Jackson was lower.  57.  


    I'm not basing the inaccuracy on this coach you are mentioning.  It's from watching his game film and watching the combine.  

    He's pretty inaccurate right now man.  I don't think anyone is seriously arguing that he's not. 

  7. 1 hour ago, csmopar said:

    Lamar, Hurts, Mahomes.


    Inaccurate?  Mahomes?  Hurts?   Even Lamar? He's the only one you could ever argue was inaccurate and I don't think that was ever a knock that I  remember.  The question was could he run an NFL O.  Then Harbaugh simply ran the type of O that suited Lamar.  that's the difference with mobile guys now too.  OCs have changed scheme to accomodate them.  

    one of the posters pointed out the difference between completion % and innaccuracy.  Thought one can help contribute to the other, they are not necessarily tied at the hip.

    AR combine you can see him struggling with placement throwing on air in the short throws and the intermediate sideline throws. 


    Mahomes doensn't need to be mobile to be great and proved that this playoff and other times his mobility was limited. 

  8. 41 minutes ago, csmopar said:

    Yeah you have I’ll give credit to you. I also have been saying his Wentz 2.0 for weeks. I didn’t think he’d drop out of the top 10, I thought for sure the Raiders would grab him at 7. Let alone dropping out of the top 31

    He's got a good fastball and can locate it, but he really struggles with the change piece. 

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  9. 46 minutes ago, ChuggaBeer said:

    Case in point.    When I was younger and had to pee.  I almost always miss the toilet and peed all over the place.   But as I have gotten more practice and older. I hardly ever pee on the floor or the wall or the toilet itself anymore.  I think my accuracy is up to almost 79% these days 

    Well I followed the same pattern as you until I started peeing sideways about 5 or so years ago. 

  10. 46 minutes ago, BlueShoe said:


    Thanks. I do not mind it when people to disagree with me. I encourage that. Some really good discussions happen from people contributing honest thoughts to the conversation... It can occasionally get out of hand when people start making personal attacks... But I never worry about it. I have learned to not take the bait. Usually the moderators come in a clean it all up. 


    Earlier in this thread I called Steichen a liar... It would have been more appropriate to just say he lied. He did lie, but that does not make him a liar. A liar is someone who repetitively lies... Although I think he blatantly and intentionally lied about the situation,  that is just my opinion. I hope it is a one time thing. If not then we will be blowing this entire team up in a couple of years... If Steichen has this very bad trait then the players will see it... You cannot hide these things in a locker room. It's like a melting pot in there. Either your true authenticity comes out, or they make one up for you... They never make one for you that's better. 

    If not lie then certainly prevarication lol.  I'm pretty sure I lie every day.  Lying is good in many situations. 

  11. 1 hour ago, iuswingman said:


    Sure, some people are able pick up things easier than others but they still have to learn it. 


    AR can learn to throw more accurately.   


    Other QBs have learned to improve their accuracy so the data doesn't back up your opinion that accuracy is set in stone at birth.


    Btw I doubt anyone is born 6'4.  That would be one hell of a delivery.  And btw, if we are now talking about physical traits being something you are born with (which I already said was more set in stone), then that is probably a big reason why we chose AR.  Thanks for proving my point.  Methinks you just like to argue.

    Urukai Orcs are born in that range and often above. 

  12. 26 minutes ago, NFLfan said:


    That is right.


    I hate reading these all or nothing comments where everyone is all bad. I think those are lazy comments that do not involve a lot of thought.

    me too dude, me too.   It's an American cultural issue IMO.  Black/White.  Left/Right.   Good/Bad.


    It's like caveman or toddler level reasoning skills. 

    • Like 2
  13. 2 minutes ago, DougDew said:

    Back in your day, daytime TV was filled with soap operas, All My Children, General Hospital, etc.  and Game Shows.  Now they are filled with "news" shows.  But the daytime TV watcher still wants their drama.  Its as if the media and sports media create a reality TV based drama series using real people as their stars.


    I see soap operas and game shows being replaced by news shows and talk shows, but the bent towards the dramatic is till the theme, just executed differently .

    That's an interesting way to put it.   Sports programming is following the same pattern too.  

  14. 2 minutes ago, Superman said:



    I agree. Not trying to be dramatic or anything, but there's a difference between media and journalism, and a lot of people don't properly acknowledge that difference.


    And despite most of the media being about engagement, there is real journalism out there. It's a little hard to find, sometimes behind a paywall, and often dry and boring, but it exists and is accessible.


    Yeah, journalism is all but dead at least in its traditional "just the facts ma'am" state.   Academic writing is journalistesque, but even then there is a lot of bias in academic work in many fields too. 

  15. 2 hours ago, DougDew said:


    What I see is Ballard's attempt to find a QB to compete with Allen and Mohomes.  Exactly what "schemes" do they run?  Nobody cares what scheme they run.  People care about what plays they make off structure.  Run around with the ball and make a play. 


    Sort of like Phil Jackson's "scheme" to get the ball into MJs hands and have him make plays...with a little designed diversion here and there to give him a break so he didn't have to do it every play.  Boring strategy....Chicago Bulls = Yawn.


    Steichen has reportedly told Ballard "nobody can do the things at QB that AR can do".


    It seems to me that they are looking for an athlete that can make plays out of structure and win ball games for them.  Teach him some structured football for those diversionary "rest plays", but then he has to get back at it and do something for us.   


    Picking an athlete that has started 13 games at pick 4 and hoping he can have the impact a Mahomes or Allen has in a few years is pure desperation, IMO.


    There were lots of trades in the first round,.  Its conceivable that a less desperate GM could have traded down a few times and now be sitting with 2 picks in rounds 1,2 and 3 next year and potentially drafting Levis...or Hooker if that's who you prefer.  But QBs like them have to succeed within structure. 

    Steichen probably sees an even more explosive version of Hurts. 


    Hurts played 4 years of CFB and was a much more polished passer with actual success in college.  I get that.


    I don't know how it will play out, but I really think CB and SS think they can develop this guy into a stud.  I think they probably think the guy is too good to pass up.


    I have serious doubts about the kid as an accurate enough passer of the football at the NFL level, but he's still 20.  Football has changed dramatically.  Hurts is a run first QB and just put up 35 in the the big bowl.  It's a reality.  It's different.


    But AR will be perdy good Day 1 running the mesh with JT if we get minimally competent line play.  I don't think he will start right away, but I expect to see him taking some snaps in Game 1.


    Don't know Doug.  I'd really like to see us go for Levis or Hooker in R2.  I think we could likely convert a pick like that into a nice draft pick in year or two when we are really ready to compete and have a better handle on where our needs are going to be when and if AR is ready to be a good QB.  Will the austrian work out at LT?  Will our young Pass catchers develop?  will our Dline with all the investment improve?  Lots of unanswered questions that will also take a year or two to judge.  


    There will likely be even more QB desperate teams next season than this season IMO. 

  16. 5 minutes ago, DattMavis said:

    As much as I hate to agree with this, I do completely.

    I’d trade those commercials and SNL for another ring…

    While Peyton was making us laugh, Brady got the last laugh.

    Oh it took along time to admit the Brady thing.  But after he started dominating Superbowls in his late 30s and 40s then with the new team, it was impossible to deny lol.

  17. 32 minutes ago, csmopar said:

    Yeah but I think you could get some day two picks pretty easily. 

    but then again, they may wait until closer to the trade deadline, see how things are going.


    I’ll say this, I think Ballard is safe even if we go 0-17 next year, same with Shane. They don’t make this pick without Irsay onboard

    Definitely day 2 picks.  You get way under the cap too.  So if the guy shows promise you can go spend some money like JGs did,

    I agree about Irsay .  I don’t think anyone seriously thinks AR will come in this season and make the Colts competitive.  2024 or 2025 I would think would be when the window opens.


    we would have a lot of aging big money vets by then.  Gotta protect this kid.  I would think they’d wait among other things to see how good the line will protect before starting him.  Let Minshew get the feces knocked out of him lol.

  18. 2 hours ago, csmopar said:

    Well the Hooded one has done this same approach for 20 plus years so if we even get half those results out of Shane and AR, I’ll be stoked

    Yeah me personally I don’t give a rats about anyone’s personality in sports.  I don’t watch much post or pre game. I just want to watch the Colts win on Sundays.  

    manning was great before the Mike and the camera and Brady wasn’t but I’d certainly have rather watched Brady’s results .  

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