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Posts posted by BlueShoe

  1. 1 hour ago, Coffeedrinker said:

    I'm confused Blueshoe.... do you like Leonard or not? :)


    personally I think he will be a Day 1 starter at WILL and like most rookies he will look brilliant at times and utterly clueless at other times.  Just as long as the latter become fewer and fewer throughout the year.


    Thanks for the scouting report and a bit of tooting your own horn.  I hope he turns out as good as you think.  He definitely checks on the boxes with college production, leadership, love of football, hard working and measurables.  He wasn't on my radar but I spend maybe 10-12 hours total "scouting" players not 10-12 hours a day like scouts/GMs and coaches.




    I am not trying to toot my own horn. I am making a point. :) 


    I spend many, many hours scouting players every year. Many of the players in the 2019 draft, I scouted last year. 


    Darius Leonard was an easy pick to make, and more than justified at 36.


    He might be the most sure tackler I have ever scouted. He doesn’t focus on laying the wood. Instead, he gets players to the ground. It’s very, very impressive to watch. 

  2. 31 minutes ago, Smonroe said:


    No, I don’t read anything that say a player was “a reach”.  Because it’s based on what, somebody like Kiper or McShays opinion, right?


    Its fun to go back and read their mocks from three or four years ago.  It makes you realize that they don’t know much compared to the real scouts.  


    Personally, I’ll have faith in Ballard until he proves me wrong.  It didn’t take long for Grigson.  Last year Ballard took one player that never contributed, Thats not a bad draft IMO.


    Yeah. Ballard also added some clarity to last years draft too. He admitted to scouting for players in a defense (34) that he wasn’t used to.


    Ballard had a good draft in 2017, and when we add in the dynamics of him learning a completely foreign system then it is even more impressive.


    This draft was more in Ballard’s wheelhouse, and I think he hit it out of the park. 

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  3. 4 minutes ago, braveheartcolt said:

    I would never contradict an NFL professional over such things. I'm pretty sure our back office knows more than a mere armchair fan does. Plus the draft has a large element of luck involved, so to be so sure makes me feel people have too high an opinion of themselves. Opinions are good, but don't ridicule people who have different views on something which has no current evidence of fact. 


    I do do hope your are right however......


    There is more than enough data to justify Leonard going in the top 36. 


    Take away everything I have preached about DL. The data is there. People who really think we reached are just not doing their homework.


    I don’t pound the table for every player. There are only a dozen or so I am willing to pound the table for each year. I have an excellent hit rate on the players I believe in. Leonard is one of those players. 

  4. 7 minutes ago, braveheartcolt said:

    Dear OP. Could you not have just posted about DL, and how good you think he is? The arrogant way in which you vilified your fellow fans makes me think you are a complete blank. You also tell us what a brilliant evaluator of talent you are, and how you know you are right. Then you tell us all you had him as a first round pick, which was, er, wrong. I for one could not care less about what you think on the matter. I do however trust Ballard to have made the correct choice, and that is no compliment to you.


    Did you think the Colts reached for Leonard? 


    I said he had first round potential. I was 4 picks off of his ceiling to get drafted. He went 36 overall. That’s pretty solid in my book. 


    I honestly did not think he’d be there at 36/37. 

  5. 1 hour ago, Jdubu said:

    Until they get into an nfl game, every pick is a prospect with potential to bust or blow the roof off. Of course everyone on a discussion board has their opinions of who who have been picked or where they got picked or even what position we picked but that what this place is for, discussion. I like your passion for it but at this point, I’m hopeful that him and every other player we picked balls out hard because it means we’ve improved greatly. Let’s hope this kid is a prow bowler and can later get him into our ROH when he retires. I’m not a scout so I’ll trust whoever the team picks. I remember back in the day when Polian chose Edge over Ricky and I thought who in the heck is this kid and we passed on the great Ricky for this kid. I know many thought Polian had lost his mind and turns out, he was right. I’ll trust the team picking, not that I won’t have my favorites, but they have so much more info on what these kids bring than we do. 


    I didn’t want Ricky Williams. I felt he had too many miles on his tires. I did not second guess Polian picking Edgerrin over Ricky. 


    However, I did second guess Polian trading Marshall Faulk away which left us with a huge hole to fill. I also second guessed Polian for not trading the pick to the Saints and Ditka (for their entire draft). 


    It’s likely we could have traded the Saints and still walked away with Edgerrin. 

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  6. 3 minutes ago, Smonroe said:

    People can say anything they want about a draft pick, good, bad or indifferent.  


    Nobody can can say their opinion was right until that player performs as a pro.  


    What they did in college, who they played against, or when they were drafted is all moot now.  


    BTW @blueshoe, who were all these people?


    Everyone is entitled to their opinion, or what some rankings (from someone else) said that gave them that opinion. 


    Have you not read read people talking about DL being a reach? That would be a surprise, because it has been a reoccurring item of discussion in several threads that I have skimmed through. 


    It’s amazing to me that out of all the picks we made, Leonard is the one many Colts fans think we reached on. In my mind, both Nelson and Leonard were great value picks (even if both positions would not have been a need). 

    • Like 1
  7. 2 hours ago, MikeCurtis said:

    Who knows what the kid will do


    I am excited to see what we get with him...... He looks like a good prospect


    He WILL need to step up (just like others draftees)


    The NFL game is quite a bit faster than the league he came from


    My fingers are crossed for his success


    Negative opinions, at this point are moot........  he is our guy..... best to wish him luck (and hope)



    He was 4 picks away from being a first round pick. That’s what the NFL thinks of him. I mocked him at 28 to the Steelers. I thought there was a real chance he would be gone before 36/37. 


    This off ball linebacker class was incredible. For months, I have said the LB class was unlike any previous drafts in recent memory. People kept claiming positional value (which I do not buy into). 


    I had 5 linebackers possibly going in the first round and post’s exist on this board where I talked about it (around mid January). 4 of the linebackers went in the top 22 and 5 in the top 36. The exact same ones I talked about possibly going in the first round. Keep in mind that before it actually happened, many people thought it was impossible. It happened, and it wasn’t difficult to see coming. It was an unusual off ball linebacker class, and we benefited from it. 


    Leonard will play WILL, but there is no reason he cannot someday transition to MIKE. He lined up at MIKE several times in college. He played MIKE at the Senior Bowl. He might play MIKE in the nickel for us. 


    Leonard stood out at the Senior Bowl, against higher competition than he played in college. He even surprised us all with some unexpected pop from the MIKE position. Something he is not know for. He is known to be a sure tackler. We have not had anyone on this team who is a sure tackler like Leonard since...... It’s been a very long time. 

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  8. 13 minutes ago, Luck 4 president said:

    I don’t think anyone here is saying Moore is as good as Leonard. People are just saying they have very similar traits. PFF thought he was a steal just saying. His ceiling is much higher than just making the team like you said.


    I am rooting for Moore. But he is not in DLs league. 

  9. I am not sure why Leonard and Moore are used in the same sentence. There is no comparison here. Leonard has all pro potential. Moore possibly has making the team potential.


    As soon as people understand that betting on Leonard is like betting on the favorite, and betting on UDFAs is like betting on the biggest underdogs, then we can move forward and visit realityville. 

  10. I am a huge Leonard fan. I have scouted him for the past several months and have yet to see him miss a tackle. He plays extremely well in space too. 


    I am quite sure he was high on most teams boards. I thought he had an outside chance to be a first round pick.


    Leonard is going to be tremendous. 

    • Like 2
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  11. 1 hour ago, Pelt said:

    I know you're the OP, but fisticuffs posted the first video. He clearly dips his groin down on the guy after he throws him to the ground.


    Either way, we've needed this kind of attitude in this oline for some time. I'm glad he's here.


    I think he is intentionally sitting on people. He even mentioned he does that. He wants to wear his opponent out. 


    He is not intentionally putting his junk in people’s faces. It may appear that way, but I don’t think he is doing it on purpose. 

  12. 5 minutes ago, Pelt said:

    Look at the first video on page 1 of this thread. It was intentional.


    I don’t think he is Tee Bagging people on purpose. LOL


    And I am the OP. :D 

  13. I don’t think his intentions are to actually Tee Bag anyone. I think his intention is to put all his weight on them and wear them out. He is just a big guy. 

  14. On 5/1/2018 at 3:37 PM, crazycolt1 said:

    I still don't get how he turned into someone who don't have good sportsmanship in this forum? It's puzzling to me.


    I learned a long time ago that Colts fans can come up with some crazy %. 

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  15. 3 hours ago, Jdubu said:

    I’ll add that I hope he urinates on himself during or just prior to the * event. Get really nasty!! Get in their heads too. 


    Ummm....  LOL


    I hope I never run into you in a dark alley...


    Just saying. :D 


  16. This is something I pay very close attention to. These numbers are relatively rock steady every year. The number of safety's drafted were down a little this year. 


    Players Chosen Per Position:


    Quarterback Prospects


    Running Back Prospects


    Wide Receiver Prospects


    Tight End Prospects


    Offensive Tackle Prospects


    Interior Offensive Line Prospects


    Interior Defensive Line Prospects


    Edge Defender Prospects


    Linebacker Prospects

    Cornerback Prospects


    Safety Prospects



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  17. 4 hours ago, Four2itus said:

    I liked the draft much more when the announced pick on the TV was the first call. Also, I don't need to see everyone's tweets. It would be nice to see a draft where they don't go to a commercial break during a Colts pick for once. 


    Yeah, man... 


    NEVER get on twitter during the draft. It will ruin the experience. :D 


    I like to watch it the way it was intended to be watched. Pure, and live in my time.

  18. 23 hours ago, AZColt11 said:

    IDK about the rest of you, but it just seemed like a strange draft overall.  Many guys that were thought to go high went late and a few weren't even drafted for various reasons.  Then there were many guys who were barely even on the radar that went pretty high.  I guess it's sorta like this every year but this year seemed moreso to me.  Anybody else?


    Most players went around where I thought they would. I had 82 of my top 100 get drafted in the top 100. While that is towards my lower scores it is not eye-popping. I range anywhere form 80 to 90 players in any given year.


    I had 27 players in my final mock get drafted in the first round. Only 1 player went in the first round that I didn't mock in any of my 4 first round mocks. 


    Every year a couple of players fall... such as Mo and Guice this year. It always happens and I always expect it to be somebody. 


    There are always a few surprises.....


    The strangest thing about this draft was for Mayfield to go number 1 overall. We heard about it the final week leading up to the draft and it happened. For me, that is the oddness of the 2018 NFL draft. 

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