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Posts posted by stitches

  1. 5 minutes ago, Restinpeacesweetchloe said:

    If you don’t remember how much Reich got roasted for good plays wrong players I don’t know what to tell you.

    I roasted Reich for horrible predictable playcalling! Precisely what Holder and the people unhappy with Steichen seem to have wanted him to do... smash into a wall with Taylor down the middle despite EVERY FREAKING BODY expecting this. Steichen did what a good coach does - he designed them a play that every QB-RB pairing should be able to execute. Hell, even high school QB-RBs should be able to execute this one. Minshew and Goodson didn't. 

    • Like 3
  2. 1 minute ago, Restinpeacesweetchloe said:

    I think they will get beat first game if they are on the road. Playing Browns at home is another story.

    He is 100% correct 

    He's not! I would take that call for Minshew and Goodson over Taylor smashing into a wall on a telegraphed play 10 out of 10 times. We watched that one again and again and again and again last few years. It was ugly then and it would have been even more ugly now. Give Steichen better talent. DO NOT stifle his creativity. The stars of this team had PLENTY of opportunity to show themselves and to make a difference. And they did! Precisely because of Steichen's playcalling and not being predictable as F---k ... 

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  3. If people want to * and moan about Steichen the Falcons game was a much better case for it, since in that game the players just didn't look prepared to play and win that game. That's more on Steichen than designing a great play and 2 players not being able to execute it the simplest of passes. 


    So yeah... the Falcons game was one we should regret much more than this one vs the Texans. This one was a good game between two teams on the rise and one of them executed better and had better talent at QB. 

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  4. 2 minutes ago, GoColts8818 said:

    The play call was set out to get a first down so there it didn’t achieve what it was set out to do.

    Oh come on. This is nonsense and you know it. Process over result. The goal of the playcall is to put your players at the best possible position to execute via predicting tendencies of the defense, creating conflict for them and giving your guys a chance to make a play. This playcall achieved all that and created a WIDE FREAKING open play.

    2 minutes ago, GoColts8818 said:

     Sure it might have looked good but if the execution isn’t there it wasn’t a success.

    The play wasn't a success. That's obvious. The playcall was a resounding success. You don't need Taylor or, hell, even McCafrey or Kamara to make that play. This play should be makable for any pair of college QB-RB duo. The playcall is THAT good. BTW that's not just on Goodson. Minshew's throw was the bigger problem IMO. There's just so much you can do as a coach. After some point it's up to the players to execute.

    2 minutes ago, GoColts8818 said:

    Coaches are also held accountable when their players don’t execute.  I have no way of knowing if it would have worked any better with Taylor maybe the throw would have been just as bad and Taylor would have dropped it too maybe Taylor would have been covered and unable to get it to him but I do know one thing no one would have been going they should have tried Goodson there!  

    Coaches should be held accountable too, buy IMO here you are misattributing the blame. I would blame him if they hadn't practiced that and he just decided " you know what, why don't we just sneak Goodson out and I bet he will make it", but by the way the play went this seemed like a well rehearsed play and it went exactly like it should have... up until the throw and catch part.

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  5. 20 minutes ago, chad72 said:


    Behind every great call is great execution. But the bottom line was, that 4th & 1 play wasn't the main reason we lost. We couldn't control the line of scrimmage in the first half, and pass effectively in the first half to keep it close enough and put pressure on the Texans, overall.

    People seem to never get it. Players make plays. Coaches make play calls. Judge them on their own merit. Steichen made a great playcall that ACHIEVED what it set out to do - it put the players in position to execute and win the game. They didn't. To me it's plenty clear where the problem lies here. 


    We have a problem with talent, not coaching. And that's been the case with most of the losses this year. Minshew is OK for what he is -a backup QB. Minshew is not good enough to lead you in playoff games and expect anything great to happen. 


    It's a bit harder to parse the receiving corps, because Minshew leaves too much on the table, but in general I feel like we lack dynamic weapons too. We need more/better receiving weapons and we need our franchise QB.... And we need a coach to set the standard... Something he's been doing this year. 


    Overall I'm optimistic for the future. We need Richardson to pan out, though, because in a division with Stroud turning into the monster he is and Lawrence we will need a game breaking talent of our own at QB, too...

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  6. 1 hour ago, Superman said:


    I think we've seen about 30% of Steichen's offense so far. Most of what we do in the passing game is RPO, and stresses efficiency and getting rid of the ball quickly. We have a QB who doesn't handle pressure well, and doesn't threaten down the field. And the run game should be exponentially more diverse once we have a QB who can play a role.


    I think Steichen's offense and play calling should be the least of our worries going into 2024.

    I think Steichen's offense and playcalling has been fantastic when you consider the limitations of what he's working with and the sheer ammount of injuries at key positions/players. I'm never watching a game with Steichen on the sidelines and worrying about what he's going to call this time the way I used to with Reich. To me it feels like he has a good rhythm about his playcalling and he the problems of the offense are much more talent-based than coaching based. 

    • Like 3
  7. 2 minutes ago, richard pallo said:

    Yeah that’s the problem with Minchew.  He’s not dangerous.  Yet he was one of the first players we signed and he can not run the entire offense.  Very limited in what he offers.   We somehow managed to get to this point so that’s a plus but I wouldn’t be in a rush to bring him back.  I would bet there will be better options out there in the off season.  The quarterback carousel is always moving.

    Do you think we would have done better with someone like... lets say Marcus Mariota, who has strengths and weaknesses closer to that of our starter? 


    I'm not dying on the hill of "We should bring back Minshew" and I kind of agree we probably could do better, but I also think we can do worse. I think we all know what Minshew is... hell even Minshew knows what Minshew is... and in a certain way that's a plus. When AR is healthy you know you have a great locker room guy in Minshew who will help your starter prepare and help the team. You know he can actually play in the league. He's not great... he's not a starter... but he can actually run an offense competently and you can win some games with him if you end up in a situation when you need to play him. 


    I think I will be OK with bringing him back... plus he seems to have great relationship with both AR and Steichen so... that's another plus. 

    • Like 5
  8. Ballard is a fan of players with positions mismatching their talent at the NFL level. For example Marvel Tell was a safety in college but we drafted him to be a CB for us. @Superman just mentioned Ronnie Harrison. Rodney Thomas was a linebacker in Yale... Julian Blackmon played more at CB than Safety in Utah. 


    In general, it seems like Ballard and his scouting staff is evaluating not just their play at the positions they play, but also their traits and possible transitions to other positions if those traits translate better at a new position in the league. 


    So, to answer your question - no idea about those specific players, but IMO Ballard is very open to picking players and moving them to other positions if he thinks they will be better suited there and if he thinks there is unexplored value there... 

    • Like 2
  9. 10 minutes ago, John Hammonds said:

    Actually, I would say that the multiple suspensions this year suggest that there is a sense of leadership.  At least, if the players did something and the team didn't hold them accountable, I would take that as a sign of lack of leadership.  The fact that they're being held accountable is a sign of leadership.

    I would half agree with this. The sense of leadership is emerging from the new coaching staff. And the myriad of suspensions to me is a sign that such leadership has been lacking in the last few years. 

    • Like 2
  10. 6 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:

    You can say Shane appears more strict with the team, but I’d caution against dumping all the blame on Frank.   If Frank wasn’t handling things right, then Ballard should’ve stepped in and intervened.  

    These are complicated issues, they don’t deserve simple answers.   

    There were rumors floating around that Frank didn't hold players accountable and that was especially true about the best players and leaders of the team. And this was shared/hinted/alluded to by some serious people in Colts media(Bowen, JMV, etc)... 


    Of course no way to know for sure, but it tracks with how player friendly Frank seemed to be. 

    • Like 4
  11. 13 minutes ago, Superman said:


    So I don't disagree with the idea that this was a bad throw that hung Pittman out to dry. I just think this particular analysis would be more appropriate if offered on another day. This makes it seem like Brady thinks the penalty call was wrong.

    I hate that reasoning... "Oh the QB threw a bad ball? Well I guess you can do whatever to the receiver then... might as well kill him on the spot... cuz you know... the QB should know better". 


    I swear this incident has awakened some of the worst takes I've heard recently. 

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  12. 5 minutes ago, Superman said:


    It's a super dangerous play for Kazee himself. Lowering your head and leading with the helmet, into an airborne player, is terrible technique all the way around. He also can't see what he's hitting. This shouldn't be hard to coach.

    The more I'm thinking about it, the more * off I get at Mike Mitchell... what an absolutely horrible thing to say the day after your own WR1 got taken out by one of the dirtiest hits of the season. 

    • Like 5
  13. Just now, Superman said:


    Some of these are tough on the defender, and I get it. This wasn't one of them.

    Yep... If you are going to teach your guys that the only way to defend such a pass is to launch yourself head first into another player, then you are putting not just the other guy in danger but your own players too. 

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  14. I just rewatched the final 2 minutes since I had to miss them during the game. I freaking love Steichen. He assumed the Steelers will let the time run out since it would have left them something like 35 seconds for a 3 score game otherwise and let Minshew kneel it down. The Steelers decided to be smartasses and called the timeout. 


    What did Steichen do? You could see him on the sidelines * off. "Oh, you gonna play those games?" Two runs down the middle to waste a bit more time and make the FG even easier and he let Gay kick the FG. Steichen has the killer instinct. He doesn't let anything slide and he extracts everything he can from a game. If there is a coaching thing to do to give the team an edge he will do it. Love it. 

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  15. 4 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:

    The year has completely exceeded all expectations.   Steichen has been as good as anyone could hope for.   AR was better than expected.   As a fan, I couldn’t be happier.  

    At the start if the year, I thought the Colts might be picking top-10.   Now it looks like we’ll be picking top-20.   

    Who’d of thunk it?    Not me!   



    The only thing that's a huge negative is AR's injury and him missing on opportunities to get experience and development during the season. But other than that... I love that Shane has brought back the spirit of this team after they seemed so soulless by the end of last year. This team seems to have character and some juice. 


    IMO we still need talent infusion at certain positions if we want to be a serious contender, but it looks like this season at least gave us the answer on the HC position. 

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