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Posts posted by Nadine

  1. I am confused on what we are discussing here.

    I don't remember anyone saying we couldn't end up with the #1 pick

    A lot of arguments as to whether or not that should be the goal.....or what the Colts should be willing to do to get there.....or luck v manning and plenty of insults around those topics.

    If you predicted the #1 pick earlier than any other fan....then props to you

  2. Hope it works for you Maureen. It's a lot cheaper than the lottery. haha

    My family gave me endless grief about this.

    We have two door mats and they told me i put it under the wrong one. Then they started grilling me as to whether I put it heads up or not

    It was dark so, I don't know

    What a bunch of negative nancies!

  3. Happy New Years to Everyone.

    Now I will pass on something that my grandmother told me they used to do. ( she was from Scotland )

    Put a quarter under your front outside door mat and that will bring money into your home in the new year. I won't tell you whether it has worked for me or not. :???:

    I'm doing it. The lottery has not been working out for me!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. I would imagine since Casey has been working with her father now she would have control of operations and maybe the other 2 girls will have other positions in the organization. I feel sure it will all be set up by Jim before he retires. His retirement will still be coming from the organization. He will still want to live in the life style he has become accustom to. :whatever: JMO of course.

    All three of the Irsay women are currently vps. http://www.colts.com/team/staff.html

    That article is old.

  5. Its looking like manning is the collective voice of our forum.Is there anyway that we could let mr.irsay know about our thoughts/opinion on this matter?I want him to understand our feelings about it.

    I have the impression he already thinks that. Seems to me I saw a tweet of his to that effect but maybe I just dreamt that

    Anyhow, he is on twitter so you could tweet at him

  6. We are going to win and will be there to watch the final game of the season. Looking forward to our team playing!

    You picked a good game to go to for sure.

    Seems to me that there is not really a way to plan to lose this game.

    I think it boils down to how well the players are playing.

    If they are playing well............they will win

    We've seen lots of what it looks like when they don't play well this season.........and if that happens.............the mascots can beat us.

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