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Patrick Miller

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Everything posted by Patrick Miller

  1. Yeah, I hope that’s not it because it wasn’t very impressive and didn’t instill confidence. Offense isn’t looking too great.
  2. Clark was one of my favorite Colts! I love that old commercial where they’re in really Peyton’s mind and you hear “Clark”.
  3. I wonder if Pierce might be used more instead of just being a deep threat?
  4. I know a few of you think that I am an AR hater but I’m not. I really do hope he pans out, but you gotta admit he’s still a huge question mark. we don’t really know if he’s going to be a legit starting quarterback in the NFL he’s only played a handful games and we simply haven’t seen enough yet. I like his attitude and I like his athleticism, but I gotta see him make it through an entire year and make smart decisions. I mean some people would say we reached at taking him with the fourth pick that being said look how many teams reached this year! Anyway here’s to AR turning out to be the guy in Indy! Go colts!!!!!
  5. Didn’t the Patriots go to the Super Bowl during the spy gate year in 2007? They lost to the Giants but they still got there. As he was a patriot I’m sure he knew what was going on. Makes me wonder how many times they cheated and didnt got caught. I’ll give him his props. He’s a good quarterback, but I wouldn’t call him the goat.
  6. As many times as Brady and company got caught cheating I don’t know how anyone can put him #1. Especially a Colts fan. Just my two cents.
  7. I bet Flacco will give up 15 for Latu.
  8. Would anybody be upset if Mitchell wore 87 or 88?
  9. Anyone know when rookies are assigned their jersey numbers? Anyone want to take a guess on who will get what number?
  10. Wasn’t a pennix a tight end in college?
  11. I wonder what they see in Craig Young to warrant giving him 60k?
  12. Is it just me or do we have a lot less undrafted free agents than we normally do?
  13. You mean bean? Isn’t pennix a RB?
  14. Pierce seems to me like a one trick pony. Probably won’t take AD long to get more snaps than him.
  15. Overall, I think the colts have had a pretty good draft this year!
  16. We also have Goodson. The dude that dropped the pass.
  17. Am I crazy or did we trade with Green Bay to get this pick? we had the 155th pick….
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