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Everything posted by 2006Coltsbestever

  1. I really thought it went like I thought it would. He likes his teammates, fans, and city but he wants to be paid too. I have always been 1 that said he wouldn't be traded and would play as soon as he was activated.
  2. Just being out there with the fella's has to refresh him. Open arms is always a good feeling.
  3. Not really because some in here are negative for no reason. They find reasons to be like that and nitpick everything, sad really. I am glad the Ravens smoked us like some suggested. I also find it comical back in 2020 when I picked us to go 11-5 and make the playoffs while half the forum called Rivers a noodle arm for no reason. Dude is a Hall of Famer, he deserves respect. Some in here don't read when I say we play bad or when I put the team down or I am critical of a player - it happens a lot, so you are right, people read what they want. Never said or thought it was all peaches or cream. Being a positive person is sure a lot better than being a miserable grouchy stooge though .
  4. You know what I say, lets all be negative and say Taylor is a fake, AR can't carry Stroud's Jock, and Tennessee will just whip us 31-10
  5. Thanks, I wasn't saying Superman said those things, I was just making a point. I agree with your whole post. I am all in on Sunday, Chips in the middle of the table, what hand do we have, who knows . I am just glad Taylor is back.
  6. I am 44-20 on our picks this year, when he used that word I felt like dumb Homer _ I was like what is prognoses
  7. It's cool. I didn't think his presser was all that great but Iiked a few things he said. Yes, I love our chances to win the division if we win this week, in a year where I had us only winning 8 games or being worse. Taylor helps bigtime.
  8. I gave you a trophy for this even though directed at me and I already said we can have a fair friendly debate about this, since when does Superman and Hulk don't get along .
  9. Yes he had to speak to the media - it was required. Everyone in here wanted him too to hear his thoughts. Now I think he should of just said no comment to every Question because some think he is a liar and a fake.
  10. I never said you said that he would not play another down or you said we should trade him for a mid-round pick. Sometimes to make a point in here, you have to bring stuff up in here that a lot of others have said. I just don't get it, he is ready to play and said he wants what is best for teammates, fans, and the city and winning is important. Yet a handful of people like you aren't happy about it. That is fine, I will enjoy watching Taylor dominate like I said he would, people can call him a fake and liar all they want, I could care less. I just want to win. Enjoy the season when he is one of the main reasons why we win the division, tell me he is fake then
  11. So now people are saying he is fake, why can't people just be happy he wants to play Sunday.
  12. It was a catch that should have been made because he had both hands on the ball coming down. Yes, a hell of a catch though.
  13. Did he ever say he was demanding a trade? It was all rumors. You seen what he said today.
  14. I have, but what I want to know is, what makes you think he isn't being honest? It wasn't a convincing presser - I agree, but he said he would be ready to play Sunday and he knows it is a big game. I am not sure what you want the guy to say, maybe "I want to be a Colt for life"? Yes, that would be ideal, but I am not upset with his presser. You seem to be though. All I said earlier was, that I was right in saying he would play and not be traded and you jump on me for saying that. If you go back and read a lot of the posts, many did say that he would not play another down and we would be lucky to get a 3rd or 4th rounder for him. I honestly don't see how what I said is Strawman material at all.
  15. Ok, you know what I mean though, you have read a lot of posts in here. Keeping it between you and me, what is he not being honest about? I am open minded to this.
  16. What is he not being honest about? I am having a great day. I said he would play this week and wouldn't be traded. When almost everyone in here said he would never play another down here and would be traded for 4th rounder - how dumb is that? He really didn't give one bad answer, he wants to be paid so I know that.
  17. This is it right here, loved what he said here. He is ready for Tennessee, on to Tennessee as BB would say.
  18. Fair enough. I read posts in their entirety though and I can even tell who likes AR and who doesn't at this point as far as if he is going to good or bad. I am not a psychic, but I did stay at a Hilton last night
  19. If he didn't want to be here, he would not play at all, that is common sense. It is like when you date someone and you know it isn't going to work out because you can't stand her, you want out bad. He didn't seem like that to me, he just wants to be paid. Exactly 100% correct.
  20. Yep, that is why he didn't seem overly happy, but he seems ok (understands) with what is going on and is ready to play. If he performs great, he will get paid bigtime, bottom-line folks.
  21. I knew you wouldn't, not trying to start anything today but I can read you like a book and pictured you saying this . All it matters is, he is ready to go and we have a big game this week vs the Titans that can determine a lot in the end as far as who wins the division. -My opinion on his answers, wasn't good or bad. He seems like he wants to play and he likes his teammates and the fans here in Indy, he just wants to get paid too.
  22. - that muscle bound man made Homer mad - that was a mistake, this is how we need to be on Sunday
  23. We are due to blow the doors off them, I can't wait for Sunday. We owe them and it is such a huge game.
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