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Everything posted by 2006Coltsbestever

  1. Gibbs is great and fast. Lions got this. This will put them 6-2. Before the season started, I had Ravens vs Lions in the SB (Ravens winning). Both are leading their divisions and 6-2. As of now, I think only the Eagles can beat the Lions in a Playoff situation if the Lions get that #2 seed. In the AFC, the Chiefs are my Elephant in the room. Ravens can beat them but better have their A game that day.
  2. Not only is Jimmy on a crap team, he has a crap coach. Purdy has the keys to a Lamborghini.
  3. Jimmy is on a crap team - easy to mock him now, put him back on the 49ers when he won a Conference Championship and he would be better than non-championship Purdy has been doing lately.
  4. Meyer was a lot like Marchibroda. Like Marchibroda, he didn't have much to work with. We got 2 great years out of Dickerson and got a Division Title out of it in 1987 under Meyer.
  5. Lions up 6-0. I thought River Boat Dan was going for it on 4th and Goal from the 7,
  6. I requested Levis be added to the title. He is a rookie and may play a few games coming up. Change has been made.
  7. Yeah the Colts section, AR vs Stroud vs Young.
  8. I will private you and tell you the bet I made on the Ravens.
  9. Some people want him out, but he isn't going anywhere.
  10. Yeah, I picked the Ravens to win the SB before the season. You did too. 2 great minds think alike. I think they will end up playing the Chiefs in the AFC Title Game.
  11. Your 1st sentence is comical. No. I will leave it at that. You just like to nitpick everything I say and then try to stir something up that isn't there. You, Moose, and Solid do the same crap everyday with me. I have at least 100 other posters in here that pretty much respect my opinion and most agree with me on things, so I am not going to lose sleep over what 4 or 5 people think about me. I have nothing personal against you guys, this is just a chat room but it is always the same ol' crap with around 4 or 5 people in here that I can't relate too. I won't name the other 2 people that do the same thing. It is trolling 1 person without being an overall troll. Thing is I am smarter than a lot of people, so I don't fall for childish games. Everyone has their takes, and it would be boring if everyone was the same. That is a forum for you.
  12. Actually, I thought AR was playing great at Houston before he got that concussion, but I wasn't in here saying he was Lamar Jackson or even great overall because of 1 game. It really doesn't matter. We will find out next year who is better between Stroud, Levis, AR, and Young. Can't really judge AR fully because he is out. When he was in, I thought he played above average which is respectable. If AR gets injured again so be it, maybe we have to look elsewhere. Maybe Stroud and Levis go on to have great career's. I won't hate, I won't like it because they both are in our division but if they do, kudos to them.
  13. 49ers have a better roster (nobody is arguing that) but what good will it do them without a good QB? So far Purdy has shown signs of being good-great but the last 3 weeks he hasn't. The goal is to win the SB.
  14. Good, don't let the door knob hit you in the rear end on the way out. I have over 20 followers and get along with 99% of people in here. At least my blood pressure will be better now.
  15. You simply aren't understanding my points, so I am done here. Why is it 95% of people in here get my points and most agree with me but you rarely do. I don't think that is a ME problem looking at my track record in here. I seem to have a problem getting my points across with you, Doug, and Moose almost every day and that is about it. Strange.
  16. Stroud has been good for 7 games. Ok we agree. Levis has been great for 1 game, we agree. Actually Stroud was bad yesterday, but I am done with talking about this.
  17. Even if AR throws for 300 yards and 3 TD's and rushes for 2 TD's on opening day next year, I won't be vindicated of nothing. I will be happy that is about it. I want to see him play good for a whole season. See the difference? I doubt it?
  18. I would start it but it would be merged. It would be easier for a MOD just to change the title and add Levis.
  19. I think you are way wrong. Lenny's thread alone of dissing AR was the most ridiculous thread maybe ever in here. Why is not ok for me to say I think AR will be better than all the rookies when he gets healthy, but it is perfectly fine for people in here to say Stroud or Levis will be? Makes no sense. It is like my opinion doesn't matter.
  20. For all the people who think I hate Levis, I copied a MOD telling them to include Levis to the title of rookie QB's. Yeah, that is real hate (ROLLS EYES)
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