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Jules last won the day on January 6 2018

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  1. No matter what happens the rest of the year, Grigson/Pagano still need to go. Sorry but it's true and we all know it deep down.




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    2. Jules


      BTW we could be 7-0 right now!!!!!!!!! I mean just a few breaks and we could be 7 and O!!!!!!!!

    3. Synthetic



      Thank god that Stevie Wonder don't play guitar...Irsay would be trying to buy those too lmao


      I wonder if he has a copy of Innervsions, Talking Book, or Songs in the Key of Life...Great records. 


      Our teams are pretty much identical this year. You even have Patrick Robinson who I spent years saying was the worst corner in the NFL. All offense, no defense...Frank Gore is your version of Mark Ingram, except at one point, Gore was a very good running back when he was younger 


      And at the same time...my fan base is all talking playoffs too :hide: I don't want to make the playoffs, cause it would just be another stomping to the damn Seahawks who I don't even want to play next week. If they get shut out tonight, watch them shut us out next week. 

    4. Jules


      Seahawks are putting me to sleep tonight.....holy crap.




      And at the same time...my fan base is all talking playoffs too :hide: 


      Honestly considering the division maybe they can for fun since 6-10 might do it. lmao 




      Thank god that Stevie Wonder don't play guitar...Irsay would be trying to buy those too lmao


      When we went to London I bet Irsay said "I don't own anything by Bowie yet?. Grigson get on it."

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