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Jules last won the day on January 6 2018

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  1. Happy Birthday to Synthetic!!! AKA the artist formerly known as Bogie.:D










    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Jules


      I'm done after this message so I won't spam your birthday thread. lmao Have to get some sleep soon, will be back tomorrow night.


      I think the song that best reminds me of the Colts right now is the Beatles "The Long and Winding Road."

    3. 2006Coltsbestever


      Happy Birthday Bogie - hopefully for you the Falcons will drop back down to being an 8-8 team and the Tide will slip up and lose a game, @Jules nice choice of song for the Colts. Who knows how this season will go? I am honestly more into Baseball right now being a Cubs fan and the Division races are heating up but the Colts are always #1 in my heart. Oh well, just have to see how things play out!

    4. Synthetic



      I'm hoping BOTH our teams can win our crappy divisions this year so we have something to enjoy...It's rough when you have to watch a mediocre team stumble to a 7-9 or 8-8 record.


      I live on the gulf coast and we have no baseball at all down here. The closest team to me is the Atlanta Braves and I just don't have it in me to root for an Atlanta team...Hank Aaron is from Mobile though and is a local legend down here. I covered a few of his charity events in town back when I still worked, he's a very nice man...We have a minor league down here (The Bay Bears) but they don't get talked about often. Everything is about BAMA BAMA BAMA. 

      The Saints fans I've noticed who are into baseball often root for the Houston team, which is the closest they would have in their area. 

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