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Everything posted by bluebombers87

  1. I don’t think that’s what’s being argued. I brought up possession being pretty serious but ultimately not what he was charged with. BlackTiger mentioned possession would count if he had no prescriptions on him for pills that were not in the correct issued bottles, which in some circumstances is illegal.
  2. That doesn’t reference the arrest. It just says the doc Irsay used is being investigated and that he got 400 OxyContin in a 24 day period. Which is insane.
  3. I wasn’t there. Neither were you. All we have are contemporaneous media reports and what is being said now.
  4. Possession is a felony. Pretty heavy one at that. If he didn’t have a script for that then that’s huge. I would be surprised that would be dropped.
  5. Then either Irsay got lucky with getting a possession charge dropped or the police were incorrect in their initial findings and subsequent reports should have been amended. But again to your point, it was never explained.
  6. Did they ever state how the pills were being carried? Being in prescribed bottles is a very different situation than having them in baggies. One is very easily explained (and should never even been mentioned beyond the initial description of observation) and the other is illegal in some circumstances. He also possibly didn’t want to fight since he knew it would be a much bigger ordeal in the media with not a sure fire victory to be had. Sadly the issue was perception was he got popped with a bunch of pills and slapped with a misdemeanor DUI. This has continued to follow him to this day.
  7. Of course the cops would be pumped about popping a billionaire for whatever reason. Why wouldn’t they be? All kinds of people are cops, including ones that would love to put their department in the news for arresting the owner of the colts.
  8. I hope if this is the case (his possible retiring) he’s been in communication with the team. I can’t imagine he hasn’t been.
  9. Poorly worded but I don’t disagree. It would’ve come off better had he phrased it more so that Carmel PD wanted to get some notoriety for busting the rich owner of the Colts.
  10. First half pressure was good/great. Pats adjusted in the second half and it was much tougher sledding overall. Still, I do think we may have rattled him as a result.
  11. I don’t think it was conclusive that he tipped the pass unless additional video showed it outside of what’s already been posted. Also assuming you mean the INT by Blackmon.
  12. I’ll give them credit for sticking with the run. We had 28 passes to 26 rushes. Keep in mind, BB is very good at scheming defenses to fluster opponents.
  13. Agreed. I hope he develops into a great QB but there’s also a chance he won’t. I think we need to manage expectations that this injury very possibly delayed his progression.
  14. Possible, still don’t think the ball gets to the receiver either way. The spiral still looks pretty intact. Either way, that was a good effort by Leonard. Edit* Looks like the ball was already coming down in its trajectory. Of anything there was a graze that helped it go directly into Blackmon’s bread basket but still don’t think that ball was going near the receiver.
  15. He looked real jittery on a lot of plays. The only thing I’m wondering about is how often the pocket collapsed and how often it was in his head.
  16. Unless the plan is for Moss to be kept next year (which is entirely possible) then we should showcase him for a possible trade at the end of the year.
  17. Their offense was out there just as long as our defense. This has always been a poor excuse
  18. Sorry not gonna anything on a hope or a dream. Maybe Minshew will get better. Maybe Franklin will.
  19. Arguable he’s our best LB. Stats can be funny sometimes but eyeball test shows he isn’t the leader on that field. He doesn’t seem to care, gets mauled and then complains about being underused. Hes not worth 100 million.
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