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Everything posted by bluebombers87

  1. Funny, every other teams offense is never as gassed as our defense seems to be.
  2. Isn’t that a chop block to engage a player already in a block?
  3. Seems like the girlfriend is trying to play it down but if they already have the report, photos of injuries, and a recording they’re going to follow up on this. IF what is being reported is true and the injuries line up, this will be a pretty big affair.
  4. I think this is likely the situation. Although I think it would be slightly worse if anything. We have to remember that AR is still a rookie. That will make rookie mistakes. Even Manning had his struggles his rookie year that impacted the team and AR is no Manning.
  5. Wonder if it was one of those “Will no one rid me of this meddlesome priest?” situations.
  6. Eh I’d rather we put the money towards other areas of need. Although if the price is right I’d like to have him, I just don’t think he’ll take what we want to pay.
  7. Calm down. 1) In confused, I thought we were supposed to be positive? Or is the world ending. I can’t keep it straight with all of this. 2) And he’ll be that much more prepared for next season with his legs being rested that much longer. 3) Yes if he knows that a few more games balling out will prove it wasn’t a fluke. 4) Teams probably aren’t comfortable paying money to any player after a small sample size. JT isn’t playing for the near future. Either look at the positives or wallow. I choose to see this as a blessing in disguise.
  8. Agreed. Hand injuries are most of the time not as severe as leg injuries for RBs. Stinks we won’t have him for a playoff push but I’d rather he be ready next year when we should (assuming Richardson continues to progress and isn’t injured again) have a better shot at the post season.
  9. Honestly I’m seeing this as a potential blessing. This will rest JT’s legs and likely keep him from risking a more serious injury, while at the same time allowing Moss to show the league what he can do. Hes gonna work that much harder knowing he’s potentially auditioning for other teams (I’m of the opinion we won’t be able to or want to afford what he wants). We can pick up additional RBs for next year in the draft.
  10. Everything about that play made me smile. Makes the game way more fun to watch when you have a coach that’s willing to gamble like that.
  11. I was never a big fan of the way JT handled things this offseason and into the first number of games. I was of the opinion to let him (and mostly his agent) find out after fooling around. However, since the contract, it does appear he’s putting in the effort and earning back some of the fan base with his hard play. I would like to showcase Moss more to save JT’s legs and allow him to show other teams what he has. We likely won’t be able to afford him and more importantly it’s the right thing to do.
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