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Bad Morty

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Posts posted by Bad Morty

  1. The Goodell Beating goes on http://sports.yahoo.com/news/brady-vs--goodell-hits-new-battleground--but-theme-remains--nfl-isn-t-fighting-fair--062446546.html


    Even if you suspect Brady is as guilty as sin there is no denying the NFL had a profoundly weak case here.

    he proof is that the NFL felt compelled to state Brady said the exact opposite of what he actually said, not correct false media stories, hire a non-independent/independent investigator, ignore overwhelming scientific conclusions and even change the verdict after the verdict was rendered – in May, the NFL claimed it was "more probable than not" that Brady was "generally aware" of the deflation; in the July appeal decision, Goodell significantly upped that and despite a lack of additional evidence suddenly claimed Brady "approved of, consented to, and provided inducements and rewards in support of a scheme."

    If this was a fair and strong investigation, then none of that is needed. If Ted Wells did a good job, then he could've stood on his own. Instead you have a case that can be perhaps best defined by bookend media reports, each false and each extremely prejudicial to Brady and the Patriots.

  2. Do you think there will ever come a day that Tom will admit guilt?


    I don't.

    That's how one would expect most not-guilty people to behave, isn't it? It's funny how everyone dismisses the unequivocal sworn testimony of someone with zero history of lying so readily. Benefit of the doubt - it's determined by what uniform you wear.

  3. I feel like I want the opposite of what Brady wants.

    I want him to admit he did it.

    I don't care a bit about the games, draft picks, or fines.  They can have all of that back.  Just admit you did it, like you should have in the first place 

    Why do you think he's lying? He has a 100% clean track record over his 13 year career, his character has never been questioned, and he has sworn under oath that he is not guilty. I guess giving people the benefit of the doubt depends on what uniform they wear.

  4. Lol...Goodell now throwing Wells under the bus for not correcting the false Mort report. To quote The Big Lebowski, "You're out of your element, Roger". Seriously - the league lawyers need to tell this guy to shut his mouth because every time he opens it the NFL looks worse



  5. "they also apparently have a new head coach who doesn't seem to have much control over his locker room."


    Based off this (faulty) logic every locker room in the NFL is bad and no the HC cannot predict that two players jawing at practice will lead into a fight or punches thrown. Now we can say not everyone punches there starting QB in the face which is obviously true....But we are not talking about a star QB here...Or even a good one at this point...we are talking about a QB whos likely to be a career back up soon

    These situations simply don't happen in well run/well coached organizations.

  6. Aside from his good reputation, this is a good place to say why you think he was railroaded

    A) As I said, Turner is a first rate stand up guy and ex-marine

    B) As we know, Wells is a lying scumbag


    Pretty easy math...hey remember that phone conference Wells did where he got all indignant about everyone claiming he wasn't independent? Lol...that is hilarious to listen to in light of the NFL now admitting he wasn't independent.

  7. Is that because you have strong feelings about Jim Turner's innocence?

    I went to school with Jim Turner. So your snarky insinuation is misplaced. We was a tremendously well respected player and coach at Boston College and he was 100% railroaded by this scumbag Wells. The guy served his country honorably to boot in the Marine Corps.

  8. I believed you. I meant that the punishment was too lenient. I think there should be harsher punishment for cheating.

    Hence the frustration at the NFL over this situation. I think even the most devoted hater out there would acknowledge that a receiver using Stickum is a FAR greater advantage than a few puffs of air out of the football. So how can we be told that for the "integrity of the game", the Patriots lose a million dollars, a first and a fourth round pick, and their starting QB for 4 games while the guy caught using stickum gets fined for $9K? It makes no sense.

  9. That's ridiculous...

    That's real... http://m.nbcsports.com/content/%E2%80%9Cconduct-detrimental%E2%80%9D-vs-%E2%80%9Cequipment-violation%E2%80%9D-brady-vs-nfl


    Consider this: If a player were caught using stickum to help him catch the footballs thrown by his quarterback (or, to make the facts more aligned with the Brady case, if the player knew that the equipment managers were applying stickum to his gloves for him), would he be committing conduct detrimental to the integrity of the game?

    Perhaps, but the NFL already has agreed that the fine for a first offense would be $8,681.

  10. And the league investigated both... so what's your point? 

    My point is that despite the investigations you claim happened in '05 and '07, people still think the Colts do this. Just last fall, Harbaugh was throwing it out there (again...how familiar does that sound) http://www.baltimoresun.com/sports/ravens/ravens-insider/bal-chuck-pagano-takes-allegations-of-fake-crowd-noise-as-challenge-to-colts-fans-20141001-story.html


    No smoking gun was found proving the Colts did this. No smoking gun has been found proving the rumors of the Patriots deflating balls either.

  11. I didn't say an independent investigation now did I?




    The pertinent quote

    "The NFL has investigated both in 2005 and in 2007 and found nothing to even suggest that the Colts piped in crowd noise, but people don't mention that.  They just mention the rumours."

    I see...so you are acknowledging that there ARE rumors about this around the league...just like there were rumors that the Pats deflated footballs.

  12. Not to 'deflect' anything...but I still can't believe that nobody seems to care about the Falcons getting caught pumping in crowd noise, yet air pressure in a football became some national scandal. I mean, on one hand, we have a situation that has proven to affect a football game, and on the other, we have air pressure in a freaking football. And which one do people want to look at and call out for cheating?



    I mean...it's pretty obvious why fans here wouldn't want to focus on pumped in crowd noise.

  13. Refs will have complete control of the balls right up to start of the game, where K ball group/NFL Ops takes over.  No more home team locker room attendants.


    I recently heard that at any time during the game, including half time, any ball measuring below 12.5 psi will be recorded and re-inflated to 13.0 psi. You bet the NFL will record time, temp, barometric pressure, wind speed, and relative humidity as well. Those cold and wet/snowy days ought to be fun now...

    this will change everything...lol...leave it to the NFL

  14. Ok if Brady and the Patriots are innocent,

    1. Why are the ball boys suspended?

    2. Why did they say, no more interviews with McNally?

    3. Why didn't Brady bring them to his appeal?

    4. Why did McNally say he wasn't going to ESPN, yet?

    5. Why did McNally take the balls into the bathroom?

    6. Why did McNally sneak them out of the ref room?

    7. Why would Brady be mad at McNally for not taking air out of a ball from the Jets game, after the refs put it at "16"?

    8. Why did McNally try to put in a K ball?

    9. Why were the balls PSI levels under, even what their own biased experimenters said the ideal gas law would put them at?

    There is no way you can answer all of these questions and still logically conclude, this was some innocent mishap. People trying to explain all of this away cannot possibly believe what they are saying.

    great questions..here's one for you - are you a little bummed out that the national media put down their pitchforks and have instead begun blaming the NFL for this?

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