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Bad Morty

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Posts posted by Bad Morty

  1. Yeah because coming here to take shots at Luck is a smart idea.


    I think it was unnecessary for the author to use Luck to underscore his point. That's not really an apples to apples comparison. But his point stands nonetheless. This forum over the winter/spring/summer was proof that the world was watching to see how Brady looked with "properly inflated" balls, ready to pounce if his performance dipped even slightly. The fact that he's excelled since that game is further proof that this was a non-story. I am more convinced than ever before that there was no scheme in place to deflate footballs. Why would there be, given that it clearly has zero impact? That's what "homer" Pats fans were saying all along...now the national media is coming around as well. The NFL really does need to quietly drop their appeal and walk away before they embarrass themselves any further.

  2. I guess ill be the first one on this thread to say that IMHO the Pats were not very impressive today. this is a game of inches and when your offense cant even get inches it will make the opposing offense and defense look better than they are. the patriots first 3 games they looked immortal. there offense was unstoppable they were completely in sync and on time their line did great in pass protection. not so much in all those categories today however there defense did a lot better especially against the run than prior games how much of that can be contributed to the cowboys inability to sustain drives?/ im not sure but I can say that it definitely was a factor. I think its about the time the patriots come back down to earth not saying were going to beat them but I have a feeling we will be competitive this game and play a lot better this game than in the recent past JMO


    I actually don't disagree entirely with this. It's a bit simplistic to laugh off the notion that Dallas' D made the Pats O struggle by pointing to the score, but I think it's fair to say that the 30 points is actually pretty underwhelming given the great field possession the Pats had all first half and the number of 3 and outs the Pats D generated. That said, I don't think we're looking at a "blueprint" here by any stretch. Dallas has some exceptional defensive talent, particularly with Hardy back. I don't think too many other teams are going to be able to drop so many players back in coverage and generate as much pressure on Brady as Dallas did. And I would also expect that now that the Pats have seen it, they'll figure out a way to attack it. They pretty much figured it out in the 2nd half when they started running successfully against it. The game is all about adjustments.

  3. Isn't that what Pats fans refer to as stat padding?


    Last weekend's Pats/Bills game should have ended once and for all the preposterous notion that an NFL team is "running up the score". The Patriots were ahead 37-13 with 3 minutes gone in the 4th quarter. Buffalo then scored 3 consecutive td's and made a game out of it. So any team who has the chance to score 50, 60, or even 70 should be doing so. This is pro-football...not Friday Night Lights high school ball.

  4. Just a horrible night of execution any way you slice it BM. With the kind of pressure Luck was getting Monday night, the amount of drop back steps on Andrew's throws wouldn't have mattered 1 bit because it was difficult to determine which rushers were actually coming & which ones stayed back in coverage from Luck's perspective.


    Our entire problem is o-line penetration plain & simple. No running game holes & no ability to step up into a throw or climb inside the pocket for our QB. 

    You can neutralize a mismatch on the line of scrimmage like that by putting the QB in shotgun and getting the ball out quick. I will say this about the Jets (and this is why they will probably do a better job than the Bills at slowing the Pats offense down)...they have a secondary that can cover, more so than the Bills. The Bills are all about that front 4, same as Detroit was last year. But the Pats receivers were able to quickly shrug off the initial bump and get into their patterns, so Brady never had to hold the ball in either game. The Jets will cover some of that up and give their front a little bit better chance of getting home I'm guessing. Even with all that said, the Colts left at least 13 points on the field and probably more thanks to their sloppiness. I can't see the Jets holding the Pats under 20, and scoring over 20 without help will be a challenge for the Jets.

  5. I for one believe Luck did ok. If Gore didn't fumble, it's a different ball game.

    Our issue is OL and it's been forever. I never liked Grigson but the season is early. We shall see.

    For patriots, best TE in the game, best slot receiver in the game, add that with an effective run game and yeah making Dobson relevant. That offense is methodical.

    The Gore fumble, the Vinatieri missed chip shot...Colts clearly gave that game away. Revis is getting a lot of bouquets tossed his way, but he got beat a couple of times by Hilton and Moncrief...I didn't think he looked that great at all. I just don't understand why the Colts would spend the whole game having Luck take 7 step drops given the pressure the Jets front 3 was able to generate....you have to adjust to that at some point. Anyway, the Jets seem to be the new "team who might be able to take the Pats down in the east" now that Buffalo failed. I'm sure they'll defend them better, but it's hard to envision them putting up enough points to hang. They only scored 20 points after having had 5 turnovers...that's really kind of woeful when you think about it.

  6. I know Bledsoe got you to a SB but Luck is much better. For 1 Luck can run = he is 2 dimensional, Bledsoe was a statue and if he didn't have a Line he couldn't do much. Secondly Luck is much more clutch, he has had several come from behind wins that are just unreal.


    I think Luck is better as well. Besides, the jury eventually spoke when it came to Bledsoe. Brady walked in to the job and did more with the same weapons, so that pretty much sealed it. That said, Bledsoe's trajectory in his first 4 years (as I recall) was pretty much straight up. He was on a  HOF track under Parcells. When Carroll and Bobby Grier took over, he became a shell of his former self.

  7. I do want to add something about the fumbles.  So far there have been 4.  One on a strip sack from the blind side, and 3 by Dion Lewis.  Ask any Patriot fan in here and I bet they would all tell you how surprised they were to see Lewis still get the ball after his first fumble yesterday (his second in two games).  Belichick has zero tolerance for fumblers.  It really has nothing to do with underinflated footballs, it's a strict team policy.


    Lewis has some good moves, good hands and seems to be competent at pass protection which definitely makes him valuable, however I can't imagine that any more fumbles will be tolerated.  It also might be the reason (with the injuries) that he's on his 4th team in 5 seasons.

    The Patriots lost 10 fumbles last year. They don't keep stats on how many fumbles they recovered themselves. My guess is that they probably put it on the ground 18-20 times last year. People will of course want to make a big deal of this number (even though the original "research" on this has been soundly debunked), however it will by definition be an apples to oranges comparison. As you noted, so far this year, the ball has been put on the ground 4 times in 2 games...3 of those came from one guy who wasn't on the team last year. Logical people would come to the conclusion that this particular guy has fumbling issues. But I'm sure that's not how it will be spun.

  8. This thread is very reminiscent of what "sports talk" was like in Boston as Drew Bledsoe got into the middle years of his career. Sides were definitely drawn among the fanbase...his supporters saw a #1 pick with all the talent in the world and some gaudy numbers in his first few years who just didn't have enough weapons or a good enough O-Line. Others saw a guy who just didn't have "it"...whatever that intangible is...and viewed him as a guy who would never be "a winner".

  9. The whole thing about some people bringing up the point that the Patriots did much better when the balls were at legal regulation really isn't a strong point IMO.  The Patriots jumped out to a 14-0 lead and had a cushion early so that allowed them to play their type of ball from the 1st Qtr and on when the balls were illegal.


    Brady has a 72% completion rate in the 3.5 games since halftime of the AFCCG...over 1200 yards and 13 TD's. He seems to not be too phased with the new emphasis on air pressure.

  10. Based on the NFLPA briefs filed yesterday, it confirms in my mind that no settlement is possible here. Brady (whether you believe him or not) is adamant that he is 100% innocent of the accusations the league leveled against him. The league seems to be adamant not just that he IS guilty, but that he also needs to publically declare it and validate the findings of the Wells report. I think both sides are ok with the "all or nothing" proposition of a court ruling. Win or lose, it's a FAR more  appealing alternative for both sides. Any settlement the league agrees to that doesn't include an admission of guilt is going to leave them looking like the "pants around ankles" clowns they look like in all of these situations, especially after a federal judge just put their $3M report on trial and validated many/most of the criticisms that report had taken from Brady supporters. As shaky as the Wells report looked before, at least the NFL could claim that it was only biased Pats supporters who weren't buying it. Now, a neutral judge is on record as not buying it. So they seem to need Brady to step up and say "ok...you got me...that Wells report really nailed it", otherwise that report will forever be remembered as a $3M fools errand.


    From Brady's side, it's pretty simple. He believes 100% in his innocence. He has a judge here who is clearly skeptical of the findings the NFL has against him. The worst case scenario for him is that the judge sides with the NFL's authority under the CBA to essentially do whatever it wants and he sits 4 games. I think he looks better in the long run if the judge were to rule on the case by publically stating that he doesn't find any evidence supporting the league's claim against him, but unfortunately he has to side with their right to hand out this punishment based on the language of the CBA than if he were to accept a game and/or a fine.


    So to sum it up, I truly believe we're at a place where the damage to both sides from any type of settlement would be worse than the damage either side would suffer from going all the way and losing.

  11. Please understand, this will not clear Brady of cheating. Just like what was on the destroyed Spygate tapes, people will always know that there is something incriminating in the missing 10,000 text messages as well as examining The Deflator and Dorito Dink under oath. Nothing clears Brady of cheating, especially if he gets off on a technicality because Wells couldn't get enough evidence since Brady and the Patriots withheld (and were punished for, and accepted punishment for withholding).

    Lol..yes it will. A Federal Judge just reviewed the Wells Report and said there was no evidence tying Brady to anything. Keep the dream alive though...

  12. And neither are you

    no I'm actually pretty honest about what happened. I've said for a long time now that I think McNally violated a rule by taking the balls into the bathroom. I've also acknowledged that all speculation on what he did in there in 90 seconds is equally legit, ranging from "nothing", to "checking the balls to make sure the refs did them right", to "taking some air out of the balls". We will never know, but any one of those 3 scenarios is equally plausible and regardless of which one it is, it's still a violation that he took the balls in there. I also know that the PSI level of the footballs had exactly ZERO impact on the game that was played on the field, which renders this entire situation trivial.


    When we start getting into "deep conspiracy with Brady the evil genius at the top of the pyramid"...I'm sorry - that is just complete nonsense. You are free to believe it as you wish...same as people are free to believe in UFO's, Bigfoot, Crop Circles, etc etc...but as a Federal Court Judge said yesterday "Where is the direct evidence that ties Brady into this supposed scheme?"....and the NFL replied "There is none". That's all you need to know here...the NFL has acknowledged that they have no direct evidence to support the wildly overblown claims on which they based their punishment. That's why we are here. That's why this isn't going to get settled. Brady would rather lose in court and take the 4 games than be railroaded into validating these bogus assertions and I don't blame him. Take the 4 games if that's what it comes to.

  13. I wonder how the owners feel about the people who's refusal to you know maybe own up to this trivial thing created the need for a hugely expensive investigation? 



    This is simply not an accurate portrayal of what happened. The league intentionally leaked a preposterously false story about what happened within 24 hours of the completion of the AFC Championship game and this story led the national evening news on all 3 networks because of it, with no correction from the NFL. People seem to want to dismiss this aspect of it because it doesn't fit the nice tidy narrative they are trying to pedal. This was all about PR, and the NFL (for reasons STILL unknown to me) got the jump on the PR war and immediately had the Patriots in a position where an admission was not going to be to any minor, trivial thing that would have disappeared with the next news cycle...any admission would have been taken in the context of the overblown "major cheating scandal" framework that the NFL itself created.

  14. Because you are a friend AMF, I will take your concerns seriously out of mutual respect. Okay, lets say for a moment that I accept your premise that Roger Goodell is making a federal case out of a minor equipment violation. Why would Goodell want to sabotage the career of a 4 time SB Champion & 1 of the most popular faces in the NFL that expands the global prestige of the shield itself? I will concede to you that I thought the penalty would be cut in half because Brady during his appeal showed Goodell all the texts he had in reference to deflate gate & attorney Jeffrey Kessler astutely pointed out that the NFL can't specify according to CBA stipulations what rule he broke in writing. I will freely admit that I was surprised even stunned when he maintained the original suspension duration.


    This case isn't being tried by journalists just 1 lone judge.  


    When I heard some NE fans claim, not you, that they believed that Chris Mortensen lied about the number of deflated balls or was over the top in his unfounded proclamation & therefore, Goodell should force ESPN to issue an apology or retraction to the Patriots organization I was like why? The NFL can't tell ESPN what to do. ESPN is not beholden to the League offices in NY. 


    Also, what does a stick 'em glove violation have to do with PSI air pressure levels in a football or an elite QB who just won his 4th SB who expects me to believe that he had no clue what 2 ball boys did & whether or not he's a cheater or not? Nothing. Alright, in fairness to you, I get what you are driving at: A stick em violation is a specific penalty spelled out in the CBA along with the amount of the corresponding fee. 


    To me, the worst thing Brady did in Deflate Gate is not cooperate with an active investigation. It just rubs me the wrong way when a rich QB thinks that the rules don't apply to him. Everything is Ted Wells fault, Roger Goodell's fault, or that nobody told Brady that a failure to comply with an investigation could lead to some kind of suspension. Missing games is irrelevant to me, just own up to the fact that you were wrong Tommy to think you are more important than anyone else in this football league.


    What's more ridiculous? A Commissioner who remains dug in over maintaining a 4 game suspension over air pressure or a QB who thinks he's bulletproof, beyond reproach, & under no circumstances will he admit he made any mistakes over these many months? 

    I have heard many people use the argument "Why would Goodell want to go after one of his best players?"...all I can say is this: Have you heard Goodell speak and paid attention to his actions since he became commissioner? I think this guy is incompetent and way over his head. A lot of people will counter with "look how successful the league is under his watch". I'd venture to say we could install anybody from this forum into the commissioner's role and the league would still manage to be successful. The fact is, this guy isn't very credible and I don't trust him to carry out a truly impartial investigation on pretty much anything.


    In the immediate aftermath of this incident, most of the people on this forum were quick to go on the record with something to the effect of "it doesn't matter what pressure the balls were at...that's not why the Colts lost". That's a very rational and reasonable comment. And Judge Berman essentially made this same comment yesterday in court when he observed that Brady performed better in the 2nd half so what was done didn't provide any advantage.


    THAT should be the context of this entire scenario, whether you believe the balls were tampered with or not. I think most Patriots fans (myself included) can agree that a guy dragging a bag of footballs into a bathroom looks kind of sketchy. I have gone on record as saying that given the fact that the measurements of the balls being inconclusive as to whether or not they were deflated could suggest that McNally simply gauged them all to make sure the refs didn't screw them over by over-inflating the balls. But I accept the possibility that he also took a small amount of air out of them. But again - it's context. If air was taken out, it was a fractional amount. No refs noticed that the balls were soft, and they spent the entire half handling the Colts balls and the Pats balls. Context.


    So the worst case scenario we really have here is a ball attendant taking an insignificant amount of air out of a ball and not impacting in any way the competitive play on the field. Yet here we are in Federal Court with the NFL trying to argue that a major cheating conspiracy was in place headed up by a guy who has never had a run-in with the league in his entire career with no evidence to back up the claim (the claim being the conspiracy...not that air might have been let out of balls in one game). That is on Goodell. He succumbed to the pressure from a bunch of bloodthirsty owners still mad about spygate. A good strong commissioner doesn't let that happen. He needs to go.

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