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Posts posted by bababooey

  1. Interesting that Chris Mortensen is reporting this all dates back to our first game with the Pats back in November.


    Mike Adams picked off Brady twice and thought he noticed something funny with the ball.    He alerted the coaches,  and the team alerted the NFL.....


    Now it happens again in the playoffs.


    There's just no level low enough that Belichick won't stoop to win....    and for what?    He had the much better team!

    The forgotton point being it was a one score game in the fourth quarter and the game ended up giving them home field advantage and zapped all our confidence.

  2. since you guys are so concerned with the integrity of the game, i can only assume you were all blasting the Colts throughout the Suck For Luck year?  Afterall, tanking is far bigger slap in the face of integrity than doctoring balls.


    I also assume the baseball fans amongst you get equally enraged at teams that steal signs and doctor balls, right?


    Or any hockey fans in the group must have en eagle eye looking for inconsistencies in a player's stick curve

    I didn't see anyone lay down to another team. Did you not see Dan Orlovsky that year??? He looked like he was in the 3rd year of a hangover.

  3. Does nobody else see this?


    This was obviously all orchestrated by none other than Peyton Manning.


    Think about it - Peyton called Reggie and Adam after losing in week 9 saying what they can do to try to beat the Pats since his team couldn't. He had home field advantage to gain since they held the tiebreaker over the Colts from week 1. He mentioned the balls might be suspect and tipped Indy off. Mike Adams got the two INT's in week 11 and they gave the balls to the equipment guys to check out. He knew the only way for them to be able to substantiate the claim was to be prepared to catch them in the act though.


    Peyton took the dive in the divisional round. "Yeah my quad is torn that's why I didn't walk for that 3rd and 5 with half the field in front of me and overthrew every ball since that perfect first drive"


    He let the Colts get feasted on (possibly a little last dig for releasing him before we welcome him back when he retires) to save himself the embarrassment of another loss to Brady and co. So while the Colts had a day of embarrassment it was overshadowed by the fact the Pats were caught cheating red handed.


    Their records, titles, reputation, legacy, all further tarnished/tainted/asterisk'd. Goodell can't let them get off easy on the biggest stage of them all. Not this time. He will suspend BB and Brady for next year.


    Peyton will come back w Kubiak, grab home field during the regular season, make it to the Superbowl with BB and Brady watching at home, win it convincingly and ride off into the sunset. Not a single blemish.


    Greatest. Of. All. Time.

  4. Interesting fact: the issue was rectified at the beginning of the 2nd half. The Pats scored 17 points in the first half and 28 in the 2nd half when they were playing with properly inflated balls. So there was absolutely no advantage. In fact, they played worse with under-inflated balls. Point differential may very well have been even greater had they played with properly inflated balls all game long.


    Also, Rodgers has stated that he likes to push the boundaries in regards to over-inflating his team's balls. And the Buccaneers did something similar during their SB win. So did the Vikings:




    This is a league wide issue. Many teams have done and continue to do this. It's simply personal preference. Some teams like under-inflation, some like over-inflation. They all push the boundaries.


    This is a non issue.

    do you still believe in santa too?

  5. I'm at work...what's he saying?

    NFL needs to make a decision before the teams take off for arizona, you can say "on to seattle" all you want when its funny and youre at home but not on media day on monday, tuesday, wednesday. you can't suspend him for 2 meaningless games next season. the nfl knows everything already they just don't know how they are going to deal with this.


    Said how air pressure is not an issue, all the balls were checked and approved correctly. dispelled anything about the balls deflating naturally and with weather. talked about thank God the game wasn't close, the colts even admitted it they woulda still gotten smoked. the nfl is thankful this wasnt a close game.

  6. Regarding the punishment, I think it all depends on what was known, by whom was it known and when was it known.  


    If the directive came down from BB and he knowingly violated certain rules and successfully over rode every single internal control in place to prevent such an act, he should be fined (the max amount - $500,000 again?), suspended for a certain amount of games, and they should lose draft picks.  


    They will never prove that though.  Ever.  


    Always have your underlings do the dirty work, and don't ever get your hands dirty.  

    True, they will pin it on a rogue ball boy and fire him but the writing on the wall is there, if apparently they have been doing this for multiple games you can't say Brady and Stork as well as the others who handle the ball didn't know. Either way, they will get BB under the "ignorance is not an excuse" excuse that got Payton but somehow shielded Goodell during the rice case.

  7. Not as much as you think... if they continue to win. People said the same thing in 2007 but most fans eventually let go of the notion that they had to film other teams' signals in order to beat them. 

    only difference is this is being caught again, so there is a cloud of doubt over the last 15 years, he's not going to all of a sudden rattle off 3 superbowls. everything he has done up until now and including next week's game bc the possible cheating in the previous games influenced this season is suspect/tainted/tarnished/asterisked. see ya.

  8. I know it's wishful thinking, but you're wrong. They will still both be first ballot Hall of Famers, they will still be sitting at the top of whatever list a show is doing about rankings, and the banners will still hang in Gillette Stadium.


    Just as the Spygate chatter finally calmed down, so will this. I know this is a wet dream for everyone who has ever hated the Patriots, but I'm sorry to tell you it just won't change a thing in the grand scheme of things. 

    to the biased patriot fan no it won't change anything, but to everyone else they are in the same boat as lance armstrong, mark mcguire, alex rodriguez. all cheaters, liars, multiple offenders.

  9. He only needs one win though this time for a happy ending.

    they cheated in the game to get in and god knows how many games before this.


    Wow. So @mortreport just said Colts turned in a ball in back in the Nov game in Indy that seemed shady from the Patriots

    — Carp (@robcarpenter81)

    January 21, 2015



    Wow. So @mortreport just said Colts turned in a ball in back in the Nov game in Indy that seemed shady from the Patriots

  10. The Pats thrive under negative media coverage/pressure. They have had so much the past 7 years. Mostly self-inflicted sadly. But remember the first four weeks of the season when Brady and Bill were washed up heading to Cincy?


    Bill will use this as motivation and turn into us vs them. They think we only win because of deflated footballs mantra. lol.  Plus. I think the Pats are the more balance team and when that is the case, they usually win. To be honest, I am just happy it is not the Giants. We have never lost a SB to anyone but them. lol.

    Honestly don't even care about the outcome of the game now. It's just another tainted title, makes no difference.

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