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Posts posted by bababooey

  1. Rosenberg implied in his article that the big screen outside CBS Scene could be seen from the Patriots sideline, and that somehow aided the Patriots in being able to see replays faster than the opposing team...you know....just another example that proves how this team is a bunch of scumbags.


    In this picture though, its clear that, in addition to the fact that the advantage that the writer referenced is ludicrous, you cant even see said screen in the first place.


    That whole article is a microcosm for how opposing fans and general Patriot-haters drop the 'cheaters' line as a rallying cry even though they dont know what the heck theyre talking about.

    I know the Patriots were involved in the most prolific cheating scandal in NFL history that resulted in loss of hundreds of thousands of dollars and multiple draft picks but yea I don't know what I'm talking about. Cheaters

  2. dude manning was injury in that game why he could hit any targets. easy win the colts.  was john fox fault manning should stay out last 2 reg season games too heal up . hint why fox was fired. buck stops at the HC.  letting manning play hurt  for the last 2 reg season games  was dum .  cause them too lose against the colts.

    I've been reading several of your posts today. You need to work on your grammar.

  3. What's several? 3? 4? 10?


    And how do you know what is the normal amount for balls to be removed especially in bad weather conditions? I have seen games in those weather conditions where many balls are removed.

    I think based on who I'm speaking to "several" wouldn't be enough to change your opinion so I believe this is a moo point.


    Like PFT said, not uncommon for a couple to be removed in bad conditions, but several is alarming.

  4. Yeah, most likely the inclement weather. Happens all the time.

    You act like this is the first time bad weather has happened in a football game. As Pro Football Talk reported, it is not unusual for a ball or two to be removed. However when several are removed it begs the question 1. How did this happen? and 2. Was it deliberate? it was 50 degrees and rainy not 10 and snowing don't give me that %

  5. Yet everyone here wanted to give Irsay the benefit of the doubt when he was caught driving around like common street trash with a sack full of cash and drugs.......



    Hey, if it comes out that something was up with all/most of their balls and ours were just fine......okay, I'll be ticked off. But I'm not gonna jump on the Patriots-hate bandwagon based off of an incident that took place 10 years ago. 

    You are comparing cheating in the NFL to breaking a law in real life. You lose all credibility just by that comparison alone. Obviously there is bias here because he is the Colts owner and this is a Colts forum.


    That is your decision to not jump on a hate bandwagon but when the same HC/GM/Owner get caught cheating multiple times yet remain so successful, a lot of other people will hold on to that.

  6. You're grabbing snippets of cursory speculative info from media reports. Nothing is confirmed as far as I know beyond one ball being taken out, and we don't even know if that ball was suspect or just taken out for testing because that's when word got to the refs. 


    The Patriots deserve some benefit of the doubt here, because it strikes me as insanely stupid to try such a thing knowing that refs and the opposing team will touch their balls numerous times through the game (get your mind out of the gutter). 


    I find the very idea absolutely ridiculous, and I think Tom Brady summed it up best when he laughed and laughed when asked about the deflated balls during a radio interview yesterday. 

    Again, the New England Patriots do not deserve any benefit of the doubt when it comes to cheating because the same owner/GM/HC has been caught cheating before. Pro Football Talk did confirm that "several" abnormal balls were removed from the game. It's normal for one but several begs the questions 1. How did this happen? and 2. Was it deliberate? And no the weather had nothing to do with all the balls magically losing pressure.


    What was Brady supposed to say? "Ha yea didn't think they would actually intercept us and notice it", Gronk saying "LOL whoops bc I spiked the ball so much in the blowout". Typical arrogant Pats players deflecting and dismissing their own cheating.

  7. It is interesting you post this. I was listening to the radio last night and a Bears fan called in and said back when the Bears were winning the 80's they had a bad boy rep similar to the Raiders. He was saying the fans should embrace it because what a guy like Bill does to an opponent is he gets him thinking about everything ... every small detail of minutia and it gets into their heads.  


    I believe when the Colts intercepted the ball it was 14-0 Pats and all of a sudden the Colts player says hmmm this ball feels kind of flat. He goes to his equipment manager who tells Pagano and then goes to Grigson who calls the NFL. So right there in the second quarter, the Colts are already thinking did the Pats do something? I wonder if they were playing a different team if the Colts player says anything at all but with the Pats you have to question that and it gets the wheels churning. I am not saying it necessarily threw the Colts off so bad that it caused them to lose the way they did as it was 14-0 at the time but it got them thinking and perhaps mentally off their game.

    doesnt matter still cheated

  8. How about we wait until the investigation is finished before jumping to conclusions? It's very possible that a far less dramatic explanation will be at hand. Maybe it was just one ball that was either defective or improperly handled pregame. Maybe someone goofed up in preparing them (innocently, without malice) and then, in turn, the officials didn't do their job and check the balls properly? 


    Or.....maybe the Patriots cheated and they deserve to catch hell for what they did. We should chill out and wait a bit for clarity. 

    The Pats don't deserve the benefit of the doubt. Also it wasn't "one" ball, it was several.

  9. we were down one score to the Patriots this year in the regular season. One game doesn't justify a regressed season. We definitely got better this year and beat all the teams we were suppose to instead of losing to teams like the Chargers, Dolphins, and Rams like last year We didn't put up points in this game because no receivers got separation when they shut down TY.. Brazill did that last year.

    We did have some better personnel this year, but don't forget we knocked off the top 3 of four remaining teams last year. We lost to the Chargers bc we couldn't stop the run at all, but Arizona, STL, and Cinci were all right after Reggie got injured and all of a sudden we were lost. This year we beat who we were supposed to beat but couldn't beat a single top tier team.

  10. Well, that ought to be much less frustrating because they win so many more games...

    Oh wait...

    They win more superbowls and wouldn't be a lone fan out here, I would do my best but it's not just up to me. Plus who knows what happens years from now. I don't want my kid to be the little ahole with the "6 Years I've been Alive, 6 Superbowls Tom Brady has played in" sign. I wish nothing but bad things for that kid.

  11. That's all due in part to Kraft and Belichick's genius. They often trade away first round picks and stockpile second and third rounders, where the players are typically just as good, but the cost is drastically lower than first round talent. I see some of that in Grigson from time to time. His 2nd and 3rd round picks have been very good, IMO.

    Grigson gets crap for Werner and Richardson but look at all the guys from 2012, look at Mewhort, Moncrief, and Newsome this year (Jackson also helped out) vs a team like the Jets w 12 picks and most of them not on the roster halfway through the season. I read somewhere that the drop in potential from the 1st to 2nd pick, then down to the 3rd, all the way down to middle of the first round is so wide, it makes sense the Pats crush their drafts. Seriously there isn't much difference in 3rd and 4th rounders anyway. The only difference = they actually can get them to produce and make them look like superstars due to spectacular scouting on picking great players and great coaching on developing them.

  12. No offense to you, but there is a built-in solution for anyone so frustrated with being a Colts fan: go root for someone else. Just be sure to realize there is only one club that has been as consistent and has won more big games, so your only real answer is the Pats.

    I love my Colts. I stuck with them through all the lousy seasons here in Indy in the 80's and 90's. I desperately want them to win, all the time, and want to puke when they lose (especially to the Pats). I think I will stick it out, though, despite how terrible the team is.

    I live in CT but my dad's side is Colts fans dating back to my great grandpa living in Baltimore and knowing Gino Marchetti. That being said, as much as I love the Colts and hate the Pats, I might let my girlfriend raise our kids Giants fans when the time comes...

  13. In the Grigson/Pagano era, the Colts have allowed 40+ points in 19% of their games. 

    To put it in persepctive, we had 9 games like that in 227 games during Manning's career here (4%). Polian knocked it out of the park with the 1st rounders drafted back then aside from Peyton (Edgerrin, Freeney, Wayne, Clark) whereas Grigson followed up with Werner and Richardson.

  14. By the time we get the monkey off our back it will be Garrappolos team, or if he goes the way of most Brady backups, someone else's team. I would never call Luck/Brady a rivalry considering we just get destroyed every time we play them and we probably won't beat them until Brady is gone.

  15. because you can't. akcolt was right.  The games where the defense has looked the best are the games where they've gotten help from the offense. Help in the form of being able to sustain drives and actually score points.  The defense has shown that they can be very good when the offense does their part as well.  That's not to say that there's no room for improvement on the defense because there definitely is.  But it was by far not just the defense that lost the game for the Colts yesterday.

    It falls on both sides but mostly the D. When the colts had the five game winning streak and the D was a top D in yards, points, third downs, etc. it was because we were playing the Jags, Titans (home), Texans, Bengals (home), Ravens (home) and because we were cruising past (most of) them. When we play real teams like the Pats the last three times, the Cowboys, or the Chargers last year on MNF, our offense doesn't sustain a drive, D goes in there and gives up an 8 minute TD drive to a real team, Luck comes off the bench thinking he can't go back with no points and makes some bad decisions.


    You can say the O did poorly so D had to stay out there but once you are down 14-7 and get a little momentum after Cribb's muff, they kill the quarter and score then get the ball back and kill most of the third quarter and score now we are making more bad decisions which brings the D back out on the field, and it's perpetual. Russel Wilson threw four picks yesterday but the D bailed him out and held GB to field goals all game. We never had a good D with Peyton and it's the same story again here so far.

  16. Could someone elaborate on this? I guess I've just never heard much about the NFLPA and how they could influence someone like Luck signing a contract. Thanks.

    I haven't either, but could be similar (bear with me here) to when Alex Rodriguez tried to take less money to go to Boston from the Texas Rangers. He got shut down by the MLBPA. Of course that's after he already signed his ridiculous contract.

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