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Posts posted by bababooey

  1. This is not anywhere in the neighborhood of spygate.


    Still, interested to see what Brady says. Like I said no way he does all 12 balls intentionally. He was just getting them to where he likes to grip them. That is what I am expecting ...

    Doesn't matter what neighborhood your cheating scandals live in. Separate teams I can see, but same guys again? hmmm. Marshawn Lynch was about to be suspended from the NFC championship game for his cleats. How can the NFL not do something harsh for something that actually tampers with the game?

  2. there's going to be a lot of disappointed folks here.  without actual evidence that brady/belichick/whomever altered the balls after the inspection, there's not going to be anything harsher than an orgazinational fine.


    and no the psi being different is not proof the Patriots doctored the balls.

    Unfortunately you are correct. Another way of the Pats to get an advantage but not being caught. Just like how Al Capone made it through life.

  3. Obvious advantage? Mythbusters and Sports Science proved that there is arguably a DISASVANTAGE, because the ball would travel 15 yards 0.003 seconds slower through the air.. which for an NFL corner, that would equate to 1 more inch of ground covered. . In a game that they always say is "a game of inches"

    Overinflating the ball is more advantageous because it allows more velocity and tighter spirals, which are easier to catch.

    Does an inch in the air matter as much vs the tsunami that game was played in and the fact the football is not just thrown in a football game, but is also ran with?

  4. What gives me pause here is that all 12 balls were deflated. Brady may have thought the balls were inflated to the max and told ball boy to let air out. What I am sure of is there is no way this was intentional cheating. But more Brady getting the balls the way he likes.

    Incorrect, 11 of 12 balls were underinflated. Even so, you can't possibly think that a guy who touches a football every day for the past 15 years (with NFL balls) doesn't know the difference between one that is so altered that 2 pounds per square inch of less pressure felt ok to use? He got it the way he likes, unfortunately the way he likes is illegal.

  5. source? or just more pathetic hyperbole.

    go pump some more crowd noise in, maybe you'll beat the Pats at home


    If you think a random kid did it because he knows the advantage you're out of your mind. No kid would do something that stupid on his own. What If they would have lost? You blame a kid for deflating the balls? Bettis and Brunell are on sportscenter right now picking under inflated balls from a group and saying the clear advantage. This is it, Brady's legacy (what's left of it) is done

  6. I will also let you all know what Bill says. Which I am guessing will be "that is a league matter, ask the league" over and over ...

    Absolutely not. You don't think everyone is going to crush him at media day every day? You can sit in your home and say on to cincinnati on to seattle all you want when it's funny there. Not this time. There won't be reporters here that are afraid of him similar to tmz showing up at the goodell presser. He's not going to stand there for an hour a day and say no comment on to seattle

  7. What? I think you are getting carried away. The Pats did not lie. They were never asked about the balls. They were removed. Standard NFL procedure. It is also important to note that the issue with the balls came form the Colts not the refs so no way they stop the game or ask the Pats anything. They do an investigation like they are doing. Now, that being said, IF they find out that the balls were inspected for psi before the game and were properly aired and then deflated then I agree, big problem here for Pats and I am all for a huge fine and a loss of a top draft pick.

    Brady instructed the balls to be under inflated after they were checked by the refs. Your hero is a lie. I imagine this is how Gotham felt when finding out Harvey dent was a murderer

  8. I feel pretty strongly that Belichick will deflect any and all questions about this. I will be shocked if he so much as acknowledges it.

    He is not going to be able to deflect anything when you have people at media day in Arizona every single day, maybe some people from tmz who aren't scared of him like others asking him real questions ( similar to the goodell presser). You're not gonna have peter King throw him softballs. Heck I would love if Benjy from the howard stern show came in and started screaming like he did at that press conference.

  9. I could literally copy and paste what you just wrote and apply it to any 'assumptions' that have been made by your side though too, can't I?

    The fact is that nobody knows, but for some reason one sides opinion should be taken with more seriousness than the other? No...that's not the way this works. You guys have been mocking Brady's ability to throw the ball for years now...but all of a sudden you find out the balls had a little less air in them and that's why he's able to throw it? Doesn't add up.

    Do you really not have anything to do with your life than sit in a colts forum bickering with 5 colts fans who hate your team? Brady was throwing absolute ducks in last year's AFCCG, sailing over everyone's heads. Now he's throwing a lot better after adjusting the balls illegally to his liking. that's it.

  10. Correct...they did. But that doesn't automatically mean an advantage was gained. That's all I'm saying, is that that aspect...how much or how little...is a matter of opinion.

    This is all a moo point. no one cares except for homer new england fans about the degree of competitive advantage that was unfairly gained. no one cares about that. again, no body cares about that. all people care about was the fact that they cheated. thats it.

  11. Every team tries to gain an edge everywhere they can, whether it's a mental edge, physical, or in this case, straddling the line of what's allowed...but who judges the amount that an advantage was actually gained? It seems to be a matter of opinion at this point...and for me, without saying cheating is ok because once again it seems I have to continually reiterate this...if I don't believe that a big advantage was really gained then why would I sit and willow about it?

    Doesn't matter how much of an edge was gained. still cheated.

  12. Just read on rotoworld that John Madden thinks that Brady could be part of it if whats coming out is true.

    On my phone so I cant link it

    I got you




    John Madden: Blame Tom Brady for deflated footballs


    Makes sense, why would you screw something up in the ball without Brady knowing? That doesn't help you one bit. The comments are hilarious btw. If you haven't seen #patsfanexcusebingo on twitter today you are missing out.

  13. http://www.si.com/nfl/2015/01/21/new-england-patriots-deflategate-investigation-bill-belichick-tom-brady


    Potential punishment for the Patriots

    Article 8.13(A) of the constitution details how Goodell could punish the Patriots if he finds fault. In cases involving a violation "affecting the competitive aspects of the game," an appropriate penalty for an offending team can be forfeiture of draft choices and a fine up to $500,000. If Goodell concludes the Patriots willfully broke a rule that is designed to guarantee fair play, he would almost certainly fine the Patriots and probably require the team to forfeit draft picks. There is precedent for this type of penalty. The Patriots were fined $250,000 in 2007 and required to forfeit their 2008 first-round pick due to Spygate, and the New Orleans Saints were fined $500,000 in 2012 and required to forfeit their 2012 and 2013 second-round picks due to Bountygate.


    just a snippet

  14. It will be interesting to see how this shakes out, as the NFL support 'heads up football', the program to teach youth football programs proper tackling, we'll see what the precedence is here, as to what message the NFL sends to today's youth in regards to "bending the rules" to win...

    Does anyone remember what episode of South Park it was when Cartman taught about Bill Belichick. "Say it with me now....I mis-interpreted the roools"

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