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Posts posted by bababooey

  1. I was responding to Jerod's post on it being revoked. I think the NFL will look at the ball prep and may want to take that away to avoid potential ball violations. Letting players doctor the balls for months means those balls may lose air faster when put into the game. For sure all things will be looked at ...

    How many more controversial rules are we going to have to create because of the Patriots? Tuck rule, diving at the QB's legs, even hitting the QB, now the NFL has to address custody of the balls after being inspected and approved by the referees.

  2. you keep bringing this up. before game you can do what you want to the grip of the ball. changing after the inspection is what's in question here.

    Exactly. The whole point is they were inspected and marked by the refs, then found to have been tampered with.


    Please everyone, listen to Mike Francesa's monologue yesterday and get all the facts straight



  3. Because it smells like Jim Irsay would be all over this. He has general disdain towards the Pats from their history, has faught to get rule changes and emphasis in place before because of the Pats and had a history of being bit of a bully in his personality.

    Like I said, this could be a "careful what you wish for" scenario if the league goes to a standard gameday process were each team has to use fresh factory balls as a result of this.

    I'll try to find the article later, but I've heard that there are a few teams that are, and I quote, "livid" with the Colts for sounding the horn on this.

    I'll take all the other owners that are happy considering they get crap like "tampering" charges for an owner saying he wish his incompetent GM would have gotten one of his ex players back. The buck needed to stop here. If a couple owners are livid at the Colts? Guess what, we will beat them too for the next 10 years, at least we can clean up the NFL in the process.


    And the source regarding most owners being happy: Jay Glazer, the guy that broke Spygate.

  4. I don't like them skating the rules, because as fans we have to constantly hear about it if they do..

    But this is all 100% speculation right now, they haven't released details of their findings but in the social media court of public overreaction and opinion, they're guilty and people are already trying to line up a punishment that far exceeds the violation in question.

    Comparing this to domestic violence, DUI, PEDs and other serious issues is so far off the mark I don't even know where to begin.

    Sort of, DUI and Domestic Violence is an off the field issue. PED's, videotaping signals and walkthroughs, and deflating footballs damage the integrity of the game. The fact it's a second offense for this team and occurred in a championship game is why there is an "overreaction".

  5. so you're really running with this unfair advantage that won them the game angle, that's amazing..

    I'll give you credit for cobsistency.. physics be damned, burn the Pats at the stake!

    I'd be embarassed to try and draw attention away from the fact that Colts got completely outmatched by a vastly superior opponent, with the same convincing result as the last 3 times they played before that.

    Ignoring logic and blowing it epicly out of proportion just to justify to yourself in your own mind that the Colts really are the better team, and if not for 1 psi of air pressure in a football, things would have been different!

    Let's conveniently ignore the fact that the balls were inflated to regulation at half time and the Patriots continued to pound the Colts to dust, 28-0.

    TY Hilton = 1 catch

    Reggie Wayne = 0 catches

    Moncrief = 0 catches

    Nah it couldn't have been the Colts complete lack of effectiveness on offense, combined with tthe Patriots physical running game that was the reason they were blown out, it's those 11 psi footballs!

    Just wow.



    "we scored 28 points in the second half"

    "everybody does it"

    "the weather affected it"


    Again, nobody is debating the score of the game. It's the fact it's cheating, it's a second offense, and it's a championship legacy that is out the window.

  6. You don't think the Pats completely bullying the Colts and dominating in all 3 phases of the game in the biggest blowout in AFCCG history was legitimate?

    Wow. Your very own player Dwayne Allen disagrees, because he knows how embarrassing it would be to hide behind this overblown story as an excuse for being thoroughly dominated on the field by a superior opponent.

    The Colts didn't deserve to go to the SB. If you want to play for a SB championship, you have to play better... which I have no doubt the Colts are headed in that direction, Luck is a top QB in the league at such a young age... but they didn't come close to getting it done on Sunday and the better team advanced to represent the AFC in the SB

    Colts fans are not doubting that we wouldn't have gotten beaten if they used a beach ball. You can't say they didn't deserve to go. The last two games prior to the AFC CG were one score games in the 4th quarter. The same thing happens every time, NE pulls ahead to two scores and the Colts start throwing wild and going for it on 4th down to get it back. The colts definitely quit last weekend.


    But what about the week before? It was a one score game the Pats possibly also cheated in. Perhaps they did or they didn't. If Flacco doesn't air it out for the endzone and uses the last 1:39 to dink and dunk from the 40 on 2nd and 5 then perhaps they travel to Indy for the AFC CG, where they lost earlier this year. You saying the Colts didn't deserve to go to a SB is moronic. They weren't the ones who cheated.

  7. to clarify a misconception in here.


    The fact that the Colts balls were in the acceptable range at halftime does not rule out the weather factor.  They said the Colts balls were legal at half, NOT that they had lost no air.



    If the Colts fill theirs to the top of the range, they could lose air and still be legal.  We know the Patriots fill theirs to the lowest allowed pressure, so losing any air would make them illegal.


    We also havent had the 2psi figure confirmed either.


    Not claiming it was the weather, just pointing out things that need to be clarified from the league before judgements are made

    Can you just (no pun intended) get off of the balls. The balls were fine, you're acting like there has never been a rainy game or a game played in 50 degree weather. It's been 4 days, enough of hearing about the science of the balls, that's not the issue.

  8. Aside from some jokes, I'm all for due process here, but it doesn't look too good right now. I think Belichick and Brady will be towing the same line, but the shark like press are going to be all over that ball boy and equipment manager. You can bet TMZ is throwing all kinds of money out to get to those people.

    Loved how TMZ crushed Goodell in the Rice presser. I need Benjy from Howard Stern show in there screaming his head off "don't take me to the elevator!".

  9. only because people dont know the rules that were broken in Spygate.


    1. taping opposing coaches was LEGAL

    2. they changed the rule to not allow it on the sidelines

    3. the Pats did if from the sideline after the change


    Taping signs was not the violation.  The location of the camera was

    Ah ok no wonder they only lost 750K and a draft pick and we never got to see the tapes. You realize they were so damning that Goodell, just being elected commissioner, could not inherit a cheating scandal implicating 3 of the last four superbowl champions. He had to destroy them. Get outta here w that nay nay

  10. If he intentionally tampered with the football, then by the nfl rule book it would be a $25,000 fine.

    Everyone looking for some draconian punishment from this is wayyyyy off their rocker and is just wishful thinking. The punishment is meant to match the crime, you dont put someone in prison for rolling through a stop sign

    Seems a lot of Colts fans want them to rain down some insane punishment that will cripple the franchise for the next 5 to 10 years. I guess that makes sense, if you can't beat them on the field then I guess you try to take them down off of it

    I would love for them to get a bowl ban, or fined a million dollars a ball. Considering they have been a thorn in our side for 15 years while already proved to have been cheating before. This isn't about the Colts trying to take them out because they can't beat them on the field. We were 2-14 3 years ago, Brady is in his late 30's and involved in a second cheating scandal, I think we will be ok in the future, our time is just not here yet.

  11. One of his best Crow. He was thorough. Explained how he doctors ball for practice but does not have anything to do with the game balls as he is busy preparing the team. He said to basically ask Tom which is exactly who we need to hear from. This is not on Bill. Think about it. Why would Bill tell Tom how to inflate his balls? No HC does that with any QB.

    40 years in the league and BB doesn't know the process for his team's balls on game day? Get real

  12. Chris Mortensen @mortreport 16m16 minutes ago

    This may not be popular but did I believe Bill Belichick? Yes.

    That's why he is the evil genius. He's the head coach, he knows his legacy and HoF implications with another cheating scandal. He's done everything in the game everyone else wishes they were able to achieve. Every player has a shelf life in the Patriots organization and Brady's is possibly up.

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