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Posts posted by bababooey

  1. Apples and hammers as you would say. There was a hit ring going on in New Orleans. We are talking about the psi of game balls that are only handled by the QB and the equipment manager. I still think Bill gets fined or maybe Kraft because you have to hold them accountable for a rule violation whether they knew about it or not but no draft pick or suspension I would think. I think this comes down on Brady or perhaps the league. What Brady says is crucial to this whole thing. He can shed the most light.

    We are talking about multiple offenses in a championship game that ruins the integrity of the sport, not an issue with player safety. Bountygate could be the same as Rice or any other type of violent crime it just happened to be on the field but this is an integrity of the game issue. Ignorance is not an excuse.

  2. If the Pats win, Brady will go down as the greatest QB of all time. It won't matter what some bitter Colts fans perception is, the Colts got humiliated in a Championship game so now they're deflecting the attention away from that shalacking with this.

    The SB is tarnished, lol.. whatever it takes to make you get over the loss, the Pats are getting ready to fly to Arizona and compete for another Super Bowl.. and the is nothing you can do about it.

    Could not disagree more. Even the most casual NFL fan will know he has been very good for a long time but cheating follows him, his coach, and his team.

  3. Have you read or listening to Bill's press conference? He said the Pats keep their balls at the lowest acceptable psi. He said going forward they will make sure to inflate past the minimum so the balls don't dip below the accepted minimum limit after use.


    In terms of the footballs, it has not been revealed if the Colts balls lost pressure. Only that they were within the acceptable limit when examined which makes sense as Luck likes his balls inflated more than Brady. If the Pats balls were right at the minimum than it stands to reason that all of them would have lost air and be below the range. I agree with you that if all the balls are the same amount (2lbs) under than something is fishy here but as you have said before, the NFL has to prove the tampering. Brady is going to speak today at 3:45 p.m. EST. Bill basically handed this mess off to him so he must have insights into this.


    FYI - word here is the Pats org is very upset at Brady and that he may have been careless with his prep. Not sure if that is just a rumor or a way to deflect off of Bill but that is what the scuttle is here.


    So much for Kravitz wanting Kraft to fire Bill, eh? lol.

    That's a lot of IF's right there, based on your guesses on what Luck likes his balls at. Also you are very naive if you believe a word of Bill's press conference. 40 years in the league and he doesn't know the process for game balls but knows every minute detail of the practice balls. Either way 2 full square pounds below compliance? Obviously saying they keep them at the minimum is an excuse but TWO FULL SQUARE POUNDS in less than a half in normal weather? Are you kidding me?


    Edit; either way if Luck likes his balls at the highest you could have, it would mean all his balls would have dipped 1 pound below the minimum. Yet, they were all in compliance.

  4. Don't understand the concept of tongue-in-cheek huh? See my other comments from yesterday. There is no ducking, dodging, diving, or deflecting from me. Regardless of the advantage it did or did not provide, and regardless of the fact that the Colts didn't even show up last weekend (ask Dwayne Allen), if they're guilty, they should be punished. 


    Either way that was a completely unnecessary personal shot. So thanks for that. 


    You're very concerned about "class" in sports... but you probably don't care much about Irsay's track record, or that Marvin Harrison probably had something to do with someone getting murdered. But whatever. We're evil, got it. Embrace the hate. 

    The same Marvin Harrison your coach tried tripping up on the sideline the last time we faced them in the playoffs in 04, you know, during a game?

  5. The fact that this thread is still debating as to how the balls could be deflated is ridiculous. Go back to Monday before Chris Mortenson dropped the bomb that 11 of the 12 were deflated after the fact both teams' balls were approved by the refs. Intent has already been established, only issue is who/how and suitable punishment.


    Again naysayers, I implore you to listen to this http://newyork.cbslocal.com/2015/01/21/mike-francesa-on-deflate-gate-this-is-a-nightmare-for-the-nfl/

  6. Don't forget the "trick" formations against Baltimore.

    I would imagine the competition committee will take that up as well, in regard to allowing the defense sufficient time to substitute.

    You would think the coach would call the NFL to confirm it's ok, even if that doesn't happen you at least warn the refs beforehand so they aren't intimidated and having to rack their mind for the rule and just letting the game play out to the Ravens dismay. Smart tactic by BB because it worked so well. Too bad we weren't paying attention to it on the Solder TD.

  7. Yea, they even had to eat his suspension foe the first 4 to 6 games.. every single team has some players that are guilty of something (2 Colts players are facing some very serious allegations right now), but this double standard is what's obvious.. the Seahawks took all their suspensions and moved on, you didn't have mass hysteria leading the way saying that they had a competitive advantage (which they did) and that any of their wins were tainted.

    You have people doing the opposite, saying they SYMPATHIZE with them lol.. the Pats are the villain, I get it.. it comes with success and it doesn't help that we have a HC that doesn't come across as very likeable with the media, but thems the breaks

    Josh McNary's serious allegations is off the field and was dealt with promptly as he was moved to the commissioner's exempt list. Not sure who the second player is that you are referring to.

  8. Thats nothing but your own speculation, based on nothing but a general disdain for the Patriots which also makes it very bias

    Harbaugh already publicly stated that there were no issues with the balls in the game against the Pats.. and again, playing the unfair advantage angle is so incredibly off the rails when 2 very popular shows that test the physics to support or debunk theories that people have both proved that there couldn't be any advantage between a 11 psi and 12.5 psi football other than a physcological advantage

    Why don't you quote the rest of my response so it doesn't appear to be out of context. Like I said. They COULD have cheated considering it was a one score game, also considering they did a week later in a game they didn't need to. My point was that you can't say they didn't deserve to go to the SB. They couldn't beat the pats but they beat the Ravens at home earlier in the year and upsets have happened before in the NFL...

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