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Posts posted by bababooey

  1. Well you can bet your bottom that everything will be in order next week, and if they win the Superbowl you can't say the win itself wasn't legit.

    Yes you can. You easily can. If they win then they beat the seahawks fair and square but the path to get there is riddled with cheating. You realize how lucky you are that your New England Patriots got caught in the Colts game when they didn't need to instead of against the Ravens game when they did?

  2. And can you stop with the whole 'your Messiahs'...'your Idols'....'your Heros' thing? We aren't 12 years old. This is football, and when you say things like that it becomes increasingly clear that you're just here to troll. 

    Sorry, your franchise's and one of the NFL's best quarterback and head coaches were caught cheating twice. Everything they have ever done on a football field is not legitimate.

  3. I was just giving perspective on the reason for the sour grapes remark and why Brady would say it.


    In terms of the Colts, Matt Hasselbeck was on the radio today as he is from Boston, my husband went to school with him at Xaverian high school and he said that all of the players want this story to go away because they got embarrassed on the field and don't blame the ball air as a reason. My main point is that your team seem ill prepared to go out and compete and I think having your GM focused on ball inflation can contribute to a less than 100 percent effort. It was not a shot just an observation and I am not hiding from what my team is being accused of. Not at all. Very sad week for all of us Pats fans. I hope for a resolution soon but does not seem like it is coming ...

    guys her husband went to high school with hasselback, that's legit we can stop now since the colts don't want us to talk about it anymore.


    our team was not ill prepared, our team was 2-14 three years ago, we were simply ill equipped. we will be fine in the future. your team cheated now when it didn't need to. Grigson calling the NFL about the ball is a 10 minute conversation, he is not running drills at practice, that's what pagano, pep, and manusky are for.


    The NFL probably had this wrapped up in 10 minutes but are stonewalling it until after the Superbowl and are PRAYING the seahawks win. They already have a PR nightmare on it's hands as it is because your team cheated and forced them into a difficult spot where they can't just pull star players from the game for cheating. You can bet your butt the NFL will wait until after the Superbowl and are also pulling for Seattle to win more than they've ever pulled for any team to win a Superbowl ever because of the Patriot's cheating.

  4. And there it is again. This is all you have offered to this debate all week. "Your team cheats...you fans suck...I hate your team...you fans suck...your team is scum...you fans suck." Just save yourself some time and copy and paste it every 4 minutes and that would be the equivalent to your presence on this board this week. All you're trying to do is elicit a negative response from us...and I don't know if you know this, but that is the definition of trolling. It does't matter if this is a Colts board, trolling is trolling, and when your sole purpose by posting is to get negative responses...well, there you go.


    It's always so very telling when someone says 'why are you even here'....because the only time it ever comes up is when they have nothing else to offer a conversation. Its like you're holding your hands over your ears saying 'But! But! But!....YOU CHEATED!" That's all you got.

    I contribute fine to everything related to Colts football, I just don't take kindly to proven cheaters or their clueless fans becoming astrophysicists this week and not just looking at the facts. twice. proven. cheaters. your messiah's are frauds

  5. Look, my response was to bababooey, who for whatever reason, has been at the forefront of this anti-Patriot revolution that's been going on all week. Badmouth the team all you want...but he's been disrespectful to us as fans, he's been tripping over himself just throwing out the buzzwords over and over while not contributing anything of substance to any conversation...so you know what? I'm going to call him out on the hypocrisy he's showed about trying to claim its all about the integrity of the game. I'm sorry but those who are the loudest get the most attention...and hes certainly been the loudest this week and I've been reading what he says and it just hasnt been consistent.

    why are you even here? if you want to be in a * with all the other clueless pats fan just click underneath any boston globe or espn boston article on facebook. you know im right.  your team cheated and got caught twice. your team and fans are arrogant, the culture is anything to get an edge. its a cheating culture. this is bigger than the footballs, it's the issue of the culture of cheating at an organization that has been looked at as the gold standard of the league and they continue to break the rules.

  6. Throw in the backlash the NFL has endured for recent quick decisions, and yeah, this won't be a quick resolution.

    That's the choice, make a decision now to clean up your image but "deflate" the superbowl game and be at risk that a non-thorough investigation was made, or wait til after the superbowl for the best profits and ratings but then ruin your integrity.


    Wait....what is so hilarious about this?


    You literally admitted to this same thing in the other thread....




    Because it was the second offense in a championship game...not week 17 Tampa. To think it would be a nonstory for other teams would be correct, but it's not. It's the cheaters again and they deserve to be shamed like they have been.

  8. law firms and forensic scientists and investigatory firms dont need to be brought in to handle this, the NFL has the people. typical nonsense to create layer upon layer of garbage to try to cover up the facts and delay the process so the NFL can get through next week. unbelievable

  9. Yeah the whole process is asinine. Another black eye for the league IMO. How can you let the teams have the balls for 2 hours and before and NOT recheck them? Of course the NFL can't find any evidence because it was probably done right after the inspection. Also, I don't think the refs check every ball for psi either. Just one ball. So the Pats could have submitted one at proper weight and the other 11 were under. This is another royal mess for the league in a year of royal messes.

    To bold one: The league shouldn't have to worry about teams violating the rules. It's another black eye for your team. It's a fair process, they inspect, you get them back and can start throwing around and warming up but your team took it too far and tampered with the air in it.


    To bold two: Well folks....momma's wrong again....There is absolutely NO reason in the universe to test ONE ball. Do you realize how insane that sounds? They were already tipped off as it is! You are correct when it is a royal mess for the league but it was brought on yet again by your team. The league is having a nightmare because of your team. You put them in this position and if Goodell were to do the right thing he would act before the Superbowl but we know the Patriots are going to get off and then it will make the NFL look bad for not protecting the integrity of the game and sending the wrong message that cheaters can prosper in it. This was brought on by YOUR TEAM.

  10. If Brady submitted under inflated balls then he is just as guilty as if he let the air out of them IMO. I am just saying I find that more plausible given they were all almost the same under weight if the report is true vs some ball kid in the pouring rain sticking a needle in all of them to get them exactly 2 psi under without a soul seeing him.

    The patriots submitted perfect balls. Then someone let the air out of them. Obviously not Brady himself, he's not that stupid. A rogue ball boy would not think to do this alone and face the consequences if he and his team is caught or if it in fact hindered his team because Brady wasn't used to the ball. Something happened, we don't know what, but it is obvious the order came from the untouchables in your mind. You keep pissing on our legs and telling us it's raining and I suggest you stop.

  11. There are reports now that the Pats were playing with Colts balls in the first half ...


    Best to wait for the investigation with all the conflicting reports on every detail.

    Does not matter one bit if they had a play or a drive with the Colts balls. The patriot balls they submitted were tampered with. Keep making excuses please I need more laughter today. I feel sorry for you.

  12. I don't know. A few of your players seem disgusted by it and are distancing themselves and even Pagano said he was not aware of any deflated balls.


    You have to be able to prove the deflation though. I highly doubt some ball boy was on the sideline deflating 12 balls in the first half. I think they were submitted that way and the refs either missed it or let them go.

    Back to this again. The refs did their due diligence and checked both balls. Both sets were fine. By halftime the Patriot balls were deflated and the Colts were not. By the end of the game the Patriot balls were back to pregame specs and the Colts remained the same yet again. There goes your crackpot theory of weather or refs messing up.

  13. I do have a fever today :( .


    What are your thoughts on the investigation at this point? I think something breaks either today or this weekend. No way Roger goes into media week with this. Have to think Carroll wants this over to as his team is getting shafted big time.

    You think Carroll honestly thinks his team is getting shafted because the focus is on your team and their new cheating scandal? Get real

  14. From the reports out there, this was something the Colts were planning since the game in Nov. And I have no issue with the Colts blowing the whistle but as I said to you, this is the title game. Your first one since what 2009? And first one with Luck and Pagano. I would want my team ready to go and not thinking about air pressure that is almost impossible to prove as we are learning. Wouldn't your rather have your team focused and win than being concerned about ball pressure? If I was a fan of the team, I would be.

    I see what you're doing here, and yea I don't really like it. Your condescending attitude "your first one since what? 2009?" trying to rub it in our faces that you've been in every one since 2011. Coupled with the fact that you somehow think that front office dealing with the ball issue affected the preparation of the team. Your arrogance amazes me. Somehow, to you, the Colts team was more focused on proving the Patriots as cheaters rather than trying to get to the biggest game of their careers.


    My god, it amazes me how arrogant your fan base is. I truly do feel sorry for you. You had a great run, 15 years of it, now in the public opinion of everyone (not just Colts fans) outside of New England you are the butt of a joke. Everybody from Joe Shmoe to Super Bowl winners and Hall of Famers are disgusted at your team and fanbase's arrogance.


    Do you really think the end of the BB/Brady era will never come? We were 2-14 three years ago, we are on the doorstep of a Superbowl. You can keep throwing cheat shots on the colts forum all you want, but your team and your fanbase will get theirs soon enough. While you and other Patriot fans like you raise your kids to accept cheating as you have shown in the mega thread and will cling on to the "legend" of BB and Brady while everyone else in America knows that they are two people with questionable ethics and have been caught violating the integrity of the game twice.


    This whole "us vs. them" mentality works out great for you guys, but is not unwarranted, it's almost tragic. I truly do feel sorry for you. Your idols looked you straight in the eye yesterday and lied to you and your loved ones. I would be CRUSHED, I wouldn't even know how to explain it to my children if I had any. The greatests in the game being implicated in two cheating scandals. They are no different than Lance Armstrong, Alex Rodriguez, or Manny Ramirez. I'm just so thankful I'm not one of you.

  15. To be honest we are not sure the leaks have all the facts correct as the NFL has not confirmed the facts in the leaks nor have laid their facts on the table.  No the weather on the night in question can not effect the footballs by 2 PSI, but perhaps 0.5 PSI.  If the pats balls are at 12.6 PSI and the Colts footballs are 13.2 PSI, then after coming in the cold, and not allowed to return to room temp, the balls will be 12.1 and 12.7 respectfully and thus the colts balls will be in spec both times but the pats would not.   So if the 2.0 PSI report it off, then it is perfectly feasible that the colts balls could be in spec both at room temp and at game temp but pats would be in spec at start of game but not in game.  


    We just need to see what the NFL says when it displays the facts.

    Ok now Patriot fans have conceded on the weather theory and have moved on to "Chris Mortenson's report may not be right" theory

  16. Listening to Bob Ryan of the Boston Globe on SC this morning is actually hilarious. "If this was ANY other team no one would care! It would be the backpage of Tuesday's news and a slap on the wrist! I think this will fire them up even more I feel bad for the Seahawks!" the hypocrisy and deflection's are actually getting really annoying.

  17. Even with your edits, the story remains unchanged. Actually, it applies even more: Say the cop had a speed gun and knew exactly how fast you were going, so he gave you a ticket the first time. You have a ticket on the record and you were hit financially as well. Then you get pulled over a few weeks later for something so small and insignificant like neglecting to use a turn signal, but because its the same cop and he recognizes you, he gives you another ticket. If it was anyone else they would have gotten a warning and that would be the end of it...but because it was 'you', it became a bigger deal than it should have.


    It wont change anyone's perception of you as a driver, and thats expected...but for the offense ITSELF, it truly wasn't worth all the hoopla and fallout that came from it.

    Correct, if this was Tampa, or Tennessee, this would not be an issue. It is a big issue because it happened in a championship game followed by an off week and it is by the team that got caught cheating once before.

  18. You need to stop with this attitude and the not so hidden shots at us as fans....we are no different than any other fans and we have nothing to do with this situation...we have just decided not to lose are freaking minds over something that hasn't even been answered for us yet. You are the one acting irrationally at this point...pulling the whole 'guilty until proven innocent'...we are waiting to see what comes of this before we get all crazy.

    Your fan base is arrogant and blind to facts just like your team is arrogant and proven cheaters. They are guilty until proven innocent in the nation's eyes because they are habitual cheaters!

  19. And that's a fair point, if that's the analogy you want to compare it to. But here's another way to think about it:


    Say you were speeding and you got pulled over, the cop asks you how fast you were going and you lied and told him you were going 5 MPH less than you actually were. He may have an idea that you were going a bit faster, but he let's you off with a warning. 


    A few weeks over you get pulled over again, but this time it's only because you failed to use your turn signal. The cop recognizes you from last time, so he elects to give you a ticket this time. Sure...we all know you should use your blinkers but come one, its not really that big a deal. But he gave you a ticket just because you were a 'repeat offender' of the rules of the road. 


    You take the punishment and go, everyone in the world knows that failing to use your turn signals is like the smallest thing in the world, but you have a ticket on your record and some people would look at you as a reckless driver. 

    Except last time the NFL knows exactly what the Patriots did vs. your assumption they didn't, similar to guessing speed for a speeding ticket. In the Pats situation, the cops knew they were going 90 in a 45, and yes the balls are like the blinker, a smaller offense done in a championship game. This isn't a witch hunt. The Patriots cheated before and got caught red handed, and were cheated again on something else, albeit not as bad as the first. That's called multiple offenses and should warrant stricter punishment.

  20. Say you take a 100 question test and you cheat off of the guy sitting beside you on 5 questions. You got 80 of the 95 you didn't cheat on correct, and you got all 5 of the ones you did cheat on correct. You stayed up all night and studied, and you never missed a class all semester. You ended up with an 85 out of 100 and got a B. While you did put in time and effort 5 of the points you got were not earned. So you got a B either way, but those five additional points added just enough to your GPA to give you an A for the semester. On paper you are an "A" student, however in reality you are a "B" student. Cheating is cheating and it sullies the entire semester.

    You need to remember you are speaking to a New England Patriots fan here. They don't think the way normal people do. They would think as long as they would have passed anyway with the 80 then getting an 85 was ok. Fortunately this is how it works at prestigious universities but not for classless NFL teams.

  21. I just thought it gave a pretty objective view on the whole thing and pretty much sums up how we as Patriots fans are now forced to deal with the whole thing. WE are not the enemy here...hate our team all you want and in most cases it's well deserved...we are well aware of our place in history and what scandals like this do to the overall perception of our team...but we are just fans, no more, no less.

    but your fans are using every excuse in the book to stand up for them. colts fans are not complaining about the game since it was a blowout but pats fans sure are trying to come up with every excuse under the sun to defend their team after your messiahs looked in the camera and lied to all of you

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