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Posts posted by bababooey

  1. I see your point but I don't think that using a ball that's 2 PSI lower than required would lead to a team winning anywhere from 12 to 14 games in most years. I can't say there's no advantage because the counter to that is, "Then why do it?" But as far as how much it's helped them, we'll never really know. 


    I don't know, you don't know... I'm a Pats fan so I want to believe it's a minimal impact, you're a Colts fan so you want to believe that the entire Patriots dynasty is built on Spygate and flat footballs. The truth is probably where it usually is... right in the middle somewhere. 


    But the real problem is that no matter what happens here, the damage is done. If the league exonerates the Patriots, you and others won't believe in the findings. If they go 19-0 next year, after this most recent "scandal," you'll assume they're cheating still somehow. And I can't say I blame you, because they've brought this on themselves. 



    Maybe you don't see it but maybe now you will see it. The last 5 years the Patriots average 187 plays w a fumble, the best of the NFL in 25 years. They're done. I'm a fan of rules and integrity and I believe the entire Patriots dynasty is built on spying and favorable footballs. If the league exonerates them it will be nonsense bc of how spygate was handled and the damning evidence this time around. I hope they lose every game for the rest of my life. Please dont use quotes around the word scandal. I believe after they are caught they start with a clean slate, so after this season I will believe anything they do is clean until they get caught again, but they do not deserve any benefit of the doubt.

  2. @barthubbuch:


    Analysis shows Patriots' zero home fumbles this year were off-the-charts unlikely. Deflated balls = easier to grip. http://www.sharpfootballanalysis.com/blog/?p=2932 




    "The 2014 Patriots were just the 3rd team in the last 25 years to never have lost a fumble at home!  The biggest difference between the Patriots and the other 2 teams who did it was that New England ran between 150 and 200 MORE plays this year than those teams did in the years they had zero home fumbles, making the Patriots stand alone in this unique statistic.


    I actually went back and researched 5 year periods for the entire NFL over the last 25 years. The Patriots ratio of 187 plays to 1 fumble is the BEST of ANY team in the NFL for ANY 5 year span of time over the last 25 years. Not was it just the best, it wasn’t close:

    1. 2010-2014 Patriots:  187 plays/fumble
    2. 2009-2013 Patriots:  156 plays/fumble
    3. 2006-2010 Colts:  156 plays/fumble
    4. 2005-2009 Colts:  153 plays/fumble
    5. 2007-2011 Patriots:  149 plays/fumble
    6. 2008-2012 Patriots:  148 plays/fumble
    7. 2010-2014 Texans:  140 plays/fumble
    8. 2004-2008 Colts:  139 plays/fumble
    9. 2006-2010 Jets:  135 plays/fumble
    10. 1999-2003 Chiefs:  134 plays/fumble

    There are a few key takeaways.  First and foremost, the 187 plays/fumble dwarfs even the rest of the best seasons the last 25 years.  Second, the Patriots have been at the top of the NFL since 2007."


    This is pretty good stuff, I suggest to read the whole article, as it gets into their performance in bad weather games.


    These past few days have been annoying, frustrating... you name it... as a Pats fan. Making the SB again was supposed to be a shot to solidify legacies and right some wrongs. The worst part is, as I think most of the NFL watching public would agree, the Patriots don't need these small advantages to win. If this all turns out to be something shady then it's just *ic. 



    You are correct when it comes to the game last weekend, but you never know how many times they did it beforehand. Who knows if they did it just a week earlier when the game was closer? It's simply not out of the realm of possibility considering they did it in a game they didn't need to. If that's the case it could have possibly been either be the Colts or the Ravens in the SB.


    The "Patriot Way" is synonymous with cheating outside of New England. This is on top of Spygate. No matter what happens now, all the titles, all the records, all the legacies, are all tarnished, tainted, and asterisk'd in the eyes of anyone that isn't a Patriots fan. That would make me sick as a Patriots fan. I guess growing up means watching your heroes turn human in front of you.

  4.   To take it one step further , I think maybe deflated balls (LOL)... deflated balls... could have been enough to tip the scales in the NE -Balt game. So maybe Baltimore would actually be more entitled than Indy ? Or maybe they should just disband the bunch of cheaters and spread their players out over the remaining 31 teams ?

    They would be entitled to a win over the Pats if they were caught that game, the NFL is thanking GOD that is not the case, as well as the fact our game was a romp.

  5. I don't think there's any chance of us getting awarded one of their picks.


    yeah, that's not gonna happen.


    I'm a big Mike Francesa fan, he's usually very good and thinks that can happen. It is a way to make us whole. It was after all, cheating in a championship game. They are more concerned with finding the truth before dishing out the punishments though. This story isn't going to go away on it's own, if this thing makes it out to Arizona it will BLOW up

  6. I think you have it with..." or the ball boy perhaps messed up his wishes in getting it just at the minimum."   Then Goodall will probably say it was their responsibility to have properly inflated balls and give them a minor slap like losing a 3rd.

    Agreed, look they were caught cheating twice. The evidence on both is pretty damning. You could say Tom Brady is the best QB and BB is the best HC of all time but you would be wasting your breath on educated fans, that's all that matters. Could care less about suspensions or if they win, but I would like a pick of theres to make us whole and then smack them in the mouth on the field next year.

  7. I think he accepts culpability actually ... to what degree is that interesting part.

    He will obviously try to get around it by saying he was either unaware or the ball boy perhaps messed up his wishes in getting it just at the minimum. Either way someone has to go down, it's 11 balls significantly deflated after being found in compliance by the refs.


    Like I just replied to you in the other thread:

    I don't know how they can find him guilty, it all points to him, and you can know in your heart of hearts that Bill knew too, but this is the NFL and they are inconsistent and awful at conducting investigations and dishing out punishments. It could be a "perfect crime" in a sense they can't pin it to Brady doing it but the evidence we already know about is enough to cook him in the minds of the impartial.

  8. 100% on Brady it is IF they are found guilty ...

    Honestly don't know how they can find him guilty, it all points to him, and you can know in your heart of hearts that Bill knew too, but this is the NFL and they are inconsistent and awful at conducting investigations and dishing out punishments. It could be a "perfect crime" in a sense they can't pin it to Brady doing it but the evidence we already know about is enough to cook him in the minds of the impartial.

  9. Don't need proof Belichick knew about it. Pretty sure there was no proof Sean Payton knee about Bountygate. He got a year. That precedent is well established in the NFL.

    Difference is Payton was found lying to the NFL. This will be different because it is a multiple offense but still would apply the "ignorance is not an excuse" unless that person is Goodell in regards to obtaining security footage.

  10. Adam Schefter on SportsCenter: NFL Having a Hard Time Finding Evidence of Tampering.


    Story over.


    Stop complaining about nothing. Your team lost to a far superior team that wasn't doing anything intentional to gain an advantage.



    Relax rook. Someone is taking the fall for this but most likely will be Brady making excuses that the media will somehow buy just like they bought BB this morning thinking that he knew nothing. 1 or 2 balls maybe, but 11 of 12 after being inspected and approved by the refs? Unless the NFL truly likes having their integrity questioned by fans and players and being a laughing stock that fans and players lose trust in.


    ESPN NY reporting impartial staff will handle balls at SB: http://espn.go.com/new-york/nfl/story/_/id/12211433/super-bowl-xlix-game-balls-maintained-impartial-equipment-manager


    Edit: When Schefter says NFL is having a hard time finding evidence of tampering he most certainly means the Patriots tampering claim against Woody Johnson and the Jets for his remarks on Revis.

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