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Posts posted by lennymoore24

  1. I predict next year the offensive line will take another step forward in run blocking and Trent will show up at a leaner 216 with a little more burst and he will have a big year.  He has all the tools.  Obviously, he is not used to being hit in the backfield on every play or having a hole for 3 nano seconds.

  2. I said something similar on another topic, but I think we all have to be realistic.  53 active players on a team.  Grigson has replaced like 49 of them since took over.  In three years.  It is hard to get good players bringing in an average of 16 a year.  Sure this team in faulty, but it is just too much to expect so much can be changed over so quickly.  I think it took Manning nine years to win a SB and like 5 to win a playoff game.  We have already done better than that.  I want Super Bowls too.  But we really have to be realistic.  That much change in that short of time cannot yield good or great players across the board.   I think it is good to hope for the best, but realistic about where we are talent wise and what more pieces we need to add.  But Pagano and Grigson shouldn't be fired.

  3. Is this serious???? So we get to the playoffs all three years and we are wasting Luck with Pagano and Grigson?  Were we wasting Peyton Manning when it took us until his 9th year to win a Super Bowl?  And like 6 years to win a Playoff game??  I know this can be frustrating, but Grigson has turned over most of the roster.  It is hard to get good players at every position in 3 years on a 53 man roster if you only keep a handful from the previous regime.

  4. Why? Year 3 of Pagano/ Grigson and still no closer than we were in 2012. The good teams with competent quarterbacks beat us. I hate to break it to you but we won't be facing Brian Hoyer, Charlie Whitehurst, Tom Savage, Chad Henne, Blake Bortles, Ryan Fitzpatrick, or Colt McCoy in the playoffs. The quarterbacks we have faced this year are a total joke. The best quarterbacks we played, we got destroyed.


    I agree with you, but it is not for lack of trying.  Our hybrid 3-4 defense needs two pass rushers.  We had the NFLs pass rush champ from last year, Robert Mathis, and he got hurt. We drafted Bjorn Werner.  It just hasn't worked out this year.  Where would Houston's pass rush be if JJ Watt was out for the year?  I think once we have two good pass rushers, our defense will show what they can do.  Right now, our pass rush is terrible against good QBs which leaves receivers open.

  5. I hope for the best this year.  I actually look forward to Chud being the OC next year and adding more defensive help.  I know the Colts are racking up lots of yards and points, but I think that is more about Luck and the weapons.  I don't think Hamilton is brilliant or anything like that.  Their offense, for all the skill players, can be a bit predictable.  You can see screens would work well with Boom and TRich.  Seems like every play is slow development.   I think varying what we do would make it even more potent.

  6. If this is being accepted as a solid game for him, will the standards cannot get much lower I guess.


    In some ways, yeah, that is true.  But I think also I was pointing out he was running hard.  He was moving the pile.  If he doesn't get the carries, he can't be blamed for that. Not to make excuses for the guy, but I think the injury was bothering him more than was talked about.  I would imagine why the coaching staff gives him break.  He looked quicker earlier in the year.  Also, it does help when someone blocks once in awhile.  Boom was less effective running yesterday so it is not just Richardson.

  7. I doubt we'll see anyone use a 1st rounder on a RB again unless there is an exceptional circumstance. 


    I agree with this.  He hasn't lived up to that billing.  Part of it is on him.  Part is on a horrid offensive line.  I know a lot is said that other players produce.  But good run blocking has a way of making RBs look good.  Remember the 1995 Colts?  They were so good at run blocking that whether you put in Faulk, Warren, Crocket, or whoever, they did well.  Sure, Faulk was a good RB, but they others weren't much.  If Trent Richardson was running behind that line, we would look at him much differently.  I have watched much Coaches Film on NFL.com to see different angles.  Their simply is rarely a hole for our RBs.  Sure, we hit some once in awhile, but mostly the gabs are controlled.  Harrison is a poor run blocker and Thornton often is as well.

  8. I think we gotta quite being so hard on everyone but excusing the QB.  Sure, Wayne had some drops.  But he rarely does that and I am guessing injury or not, it is not going to continue.  Yet Luck, who holds the ball way too long, gave the Browns 14 points yesterday and nobody is screaming for his scalp.

  9. Yeah, glad to see that.  Wow, what a bad game by the Colts.  I am happy they won.  They just looked horrible.  Richardson must have gotten hurt towards end of game.  He played solid in the carries he had.  Shows you how bad Herron is on pass blocking.

  10. So you think once Trent hits his 3rd NFL team he will suddenly know how to find the hole, stop dancing, and actually be able to move his feet faster then my arthritic grandmother ?

    This is his second season in this system and he has not improved. Not even slightly.

    He was a talented young player in college, so far he has shown no potential in the NFL.

    I don't think you should hold onto a player who isn't working out of fear that he may be good for someone else, not enough roster spots for nonsense like that. You find players that work in your system and disregard any who don't.


    What I am suggesting is that Richardsons style is such that he needs more support in run blocking from his offensive line.  Let's be honest, our RBs haven't been tearing up the league. I like what Boom did last week, but that was not against a very good defense.  In our loses, none of our RBs have done anything.   There seems to be this idea that every other RB we have is very good and Richardson is bad.  Actually, none of them have been consistently good.  The jury is out on Boom because he hasn't played enough.  I don't think cutting Richardson fixes the problem.  We still will not be able to run against playoff defenses until we run block better.  If we improve the line, lets see what Richardson can do.  I think cutting him is putting too much of the blame for lack for running on one person when it is it the line, the TE, and the RB that all need to get their job done.

  11. Remember the tale of Jerry Hughes. I remember coming on here and the pounding he took was like what Richardson takes.  A bust, only playing because Polian drafted him, won't admit mistakes, blah...blah...blah. How does he look now?


    Richardson hasn't looked good.  But at the same time, if he was running behind the Patriots OLine against us, he would have had 4 TDs.   I agree he hesitates too much when he should just attack the line of scrimmage. But look at our loses and NONE of our running backs have done anything.  We still need better run blocking.  And Richardson has to be more decisive.  But lets not forget he is a very talented YOUNG player.  Don't want to throw him to the dumpster yet.  I get a feeling he will emerge somewhere else and be quite good.

  12. It looks like the Richardson trade wasn't so good.  But lets be honest.  Richardson was probably the most hyped  RB since Adrian Peterson coming out of college.  I would imagine someone else would have paid a low #1 to get him.  Richardson doesn't explode to the hole and our holes are open for 2 nanoseconds.  So doesn't fit well.

  13. I would honestly stop being a fan of this time for awhile if that happened. It's one thing to serve your time, show remorse, and then come back like Vick did. But from the beginning Rice and his wife didn't seem to care about anything other than Rice being able to play football. They swept it under the rug and expected everyone else too. I can't respect that.


    I don't think he should ever play in the league again because he doesn't really understand the seriousness of the situation.


    Is it that, or was what was going on causing more harm? I was thinking about his now wife.  She gets knocked cold in a video that now everyone has seen over and over on TV and youtube.  Humiliating and painful.  Then her now husband loses his job.  I would see where they might this was a very bit thing for Ray to do, but for the people crying out for her, it wasn't helping the situation.  

  14. Well, the beauty of this whole thing is that he goes to a team that has constant pass rush.  So they have to cover a shorter time and get more shots at interceptions.  So won't be long before people start talking about how we lost out on Burley and Purifoy.  Although I think Josh Gordy could get a few picks with the Seahawks.  Especially if Kraepernick is playing.

  15. Heck, 100% of the NFL backs can run behind our line.

    The trick is to get BEYOND our line.  Doubt even Ray can do that the way they block.

    *sigh*  When will people realize it's not so much the backs as it is the line?

    ...but I understand what you're saying hawkeyes.



    Brilliant post!!!  I 100% agree.  As long as their are no holes, no RB will consistently do well.

  16. And in 2-3 years when the QB's from Denver and NE have retired and they are in salary cap hell and have to dump all the aforementioned guys, the Colts could be sitting just fine in comparsion. You can't load up in the FA market every year and get away scott free.


    There was too many holes to fill in.  If you go back to the 3 SB teams for the Patriots, they did essentially what we did.  Bellcheat found some mid-level free agents that fit his system.  You can go out and sign 3 impact players, but then the rest of your team are scrubs.

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