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Posts posted by lennymoore24

  1. The issue is Pep's play calling and strategy.  Everything outside the hashes, no drop offs and few screens.  Long developing, no one can get open easily, never changes no matter what the defense is.


    I think one reason Luck is playing poorly is that everyone is playing Luck the same way the Patriots played the Colts in the playoffs. Press man with A gap blitz.  Colts seem to have no answer for that because they won't throw the ball short.  If you do that to Pats, Brady immediately hits a RB on a dropoff or a WR on a quick crossing pattern.

  2. I agree with you that the situations are similar. And I think it would be smart to give Chud a shot at OC and get rid of Pep.  I don't think there is much to lose.  People have talked about the second half the of the Saints game as being good, but lets remember that was essentially two broken plays by Saints for long TD passes. Other than that, the Colts offensive again did almost nothing.  The pattern is pretty clear.


    What I am not sure about is if Pagano can fire Pep.  Maybe thats Grigsons call.  I guess one of them better do something because they will clean house at end of year.

  3. I think it is fair to say that Luck has always had some bad tendencies since Day 1.  He throws the ball high too often which leads to interceptions.   He holds the ball way too long.  And he locks on a receiver too quickly. I have went back and looked at games where Fleener will be wide open in the flat but Luck will force the ball down the field to Hilton.  I think he too often either isn't reading the coverage or predetermins the throw before the play no matter how it plays out.


    I do think a real OC could be a big help. If he were running the Patriots offense, he would look fantastic because it is low risk, high reward.  Pep tries to be too cute and confuses his own players.

  4. Except Solder is out for the season.  Cannon is hurt.  And they have two rookies at Center and Guard.  And they go up and down the field.


    They have LT Nate Solder 1st R draft pick.

    They have RT Sebastian Vollmer 2nd R draft pick.


    And they have a boat load of 3's 4's and 5' in the interior that all perform at a very high level.    And they're very well coached.


    They get a lot of bang for their buck.

  5. Throw out the two long TD passes to Hilton where the DB fell down and offensively we did NOTHING1  I know the loss is being blamed on the turnovers.  But it is not like we were going up and down the field besides that.  Had Luck not thrown the first pick, it likely would have been a punt anyways.


    What did they say, like in 36 games we have scored ONCE on the opening drive.  ONCE!!  That is pathetic.

  6. Completely agree


    What? lol who do they have. Their receivers aren't close to ours and while they have a TE like no other our TE Corp as a whole is very talented. Our d line is probably more talented or close to the same. Their LB are better but our defensive backfield is better. The difference is coaching.

  7. We have a LOT less talent on the OL than the Patriots do.


    The Patriots have a LOT more talent everywhere than the Colts do.


    It's not even close.


    Really?  So Patriots 3rd LT is better than Castanzo?  The rookies they have are better the Mewhart?  I disagree with you 100%.   The Colts offense is so predictable.  Run press man, blitz an inside linebacker and the Colts are usually toast.  Because you know they will rarely screen.  You underestimate the value of a QB who gets the ball out fast.  If Brady held the ball as long as Luck does, he would get killed.   You remember when Peyton was here, we would line up Tony Ugoh at left tackle and Peyton will still rarely get sacked.    Luck holds the ball too long and Pep calls a terrible game.  When Hasselback played, he would rately get touched with the same line.

  8. Something has to be done with this team. And I think it starts with Pep Hamilton.  I am tired of the excusing being the talent level or offensive line.  I think in order to judge the Colts talent, you have to compare to other teams.  Ok, so offensive line.  We don't have any less talent on our oLine than the Patriots do.  Patriots are a bunch of free agents and mid level draft picks.  Don't see them having a hard time moving the ball.  Ok, so skill positions.  Overall, I don't think the Patriots have better overall talent at receivers and tight ends than we do.  But the Patriots have no problem finding guys wide open;   Frank Gore, I believe, is a better RB than what the Patriots have.     Yet, the Patriots run when they need to.    Is there anyone that doubts that if the Colt offense was run by Belichick with the 2 second drop, cross routes, picks, and drump offs out of the backfield that they Colts would be successful??  And I know Andrew Luck isn't Tom Brady right now.  But most NFL Qbs can hit wide open receivers on short routes.


    This is not a talent issue.  I think it is all about Pep Hamilton and Manusky just not being top coaches..   If you look around the NFL, few teams have a good oline.  They usually a couple offensive weapons.


    I think if Pagano has any say, Hamilton should be replaced tomorrow tih Chud.  Otherwise, Pagano is doomed.


  9. Well, I think to emulate the Pats:


    1) Concentrate more on lines then skill positions.

    2) Big, athletic linebackers who can stop run, pass, and rush passer.

    3) Get role players cheap who can do one thing very well and they will use them exactly in that rule.

    4) Have the ability to change gameplan by game, half, or even quarter.  They can be a passing team or a runnig team.

    5) Don't make mistakes.


    They have arguably the greatest coach in NFL history.  He so outcoaches and outthinks everyone else, it isn't close.  That is a HUGE help.


    I like coaches we have had.  But I wouldn't say Tony Dungy or Chuck Pagano are great coaches that can take mediocre players and have them play above their level.  That is what is missing with the Colts.  Peyton never had that kind of coach.  So I think if Chuck does get let go, Irsay has to look at someone like Harbaugh as possibly a very good to great coach.  He has won everywhere he has ever been.  Not sure that the lower level will beat the Pats.

  10. Ok, let me ask you all a question.   If this was Peyton Manning in his 4 year with this same line, same receivers, and Frank Gore running Tom Moores offenise, do you think that would score one in the second half?


    For me, I am tried of blaming the oline.  The talent is there.  Coaching/execution is missing.   Pats don't have an overly talented defense this year and Colts went right back to that same predictable offense.

  11. Well, either Pep Hamilton is clueless or Andrew Luck is.  Not sure why they play 30 minutes one way, then come out in the second half and go back to the same old predictable 7 second plays.  And don't telll me it is all about the Patriots covering them.  Pep Hamilton can't figure out how to get one guy open, yet the Patriots can get castoffs from other teams all the time.  No excuse for that much talent to not do more.


    And I love Luck but he has a terrible habit of throwing high.  He has since he was a rookie.

  12. I maybe crazy, but not sure talent wise why the Patriots are supposed to destroy the Colts.  The Patriots are not as talented as they were last year.  The Colts are more talented than they were last year.  Matchup wish, our DLine should do good against their Oline.  They have Gronk and Edelman but not much else other than Lewis out of backfiend.  And defensively, they have a suspect run defense and their secondary isn't great.  I know they have destroyed teams this year and they might destroy the Colts again.  But I think if so that has more to do with coaching.  I don't think they have more talent.  I think the Colts play a gameplan like they did against Houston and Mathis plays more snaps, I really think we can win.  We need more quick throwing and Gore running.  And no turnovers!

  13. I honestly think the Colts can win this game.  And it is not because I am a lifelong Colts fan.   I just think the Patriots have lost talent and we have gained talent since playing last year.  I think it really comes down to game playing and execution.  If the Colts use the offense the last two week of spreading the ball and taking what the defensive gives them, they will do fine.  The long shots will come.  And don't be afraid to run.  The Patriots basically dare the Colts to run and even when the Colts are getting good gains, they give it up too easily. On defense,  I would rush Cole and Mathis on ends and have Moore come up the middle.  The key to beating Brady, like most QBs, is don't give him his usual 10 seconds to throw the ball.   The Patriots are playing great but they don't great talent across the board.   It is all about the Colts playing smart.  They have the horses.  Just need to use them right.  My biggest concern is lack of pass rush lets Brady shred them.

  14. Parry is very good.  As I said after the draft, I thought this draft class would be good across the board.  I think every player has a chance to be good.  Anderson is the best 3/5 technique I have seen the Colts have in a long, long time.

  15. I think Reitz is a viable right tackle.  He hasn't played football that long so he doesn't have much wear on his tires.  Very athletic and smart.  Also, I think Good would be the next RT if Reitz gets bumped.  Good is...good.

  16. Well, I  know people don't like to look at it like that, but I think Luck is partially to blame. Go back to that long throw he made to TY two weeks ago.  Great play by TY on a 50/50 ball.  But if you watch the play, Andre Johnson is uncovered in the right flat about 10 yards down the field.  In looking at Lucks play this year using  the coaches film, sometimes it seems like he predetermines who he is throwing to before the play starts, even if that is not the guy open. I know the will be consider blasemy, but you have to wonder.  We all ripped Bruce Arians for getting Luck killed with long passes.  So they bring in Pep in the hopes of more checkdowns, slants, and screens.  But yet, we see long passes.  If this Pep or is that Luck wanting to play gunslinger?  Its a fair question.

  17. I think most of us get that, but our season could easily already be over. I'm just thankful to have something to watch for the next 3 months.

    And I am happy with the win too and the chance to make the playoffs.   I just really want to see something change.  Because if you look at the last three seasons, take away a very bad division, and this team has basically worked with smoke and mirrors.  

  18. But are we in this to have a good record or be a super bowl winning team?   I am happy with the win.  But in someways I think the victories cover weak teams has covered the deficiences in other areas of the team.  We are life and death with teams that get destroyed by other teams.  We have made every QB this year look All Pro.   And there never seems to be a defensive adjustment.


    • You sure didn't wait long to start did you?



    Oh sorry, i was waiting for your direction as to when it was appropriate to point out that Peps offense looks good against mediocre teams but it means nothing unless he schemes better against a better defense.  Is it okay now boss?

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