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Posts posted by lennymoore24

  1. Exactly. I think this was a very good draft by the Colts.  I think Good and Robinson will do well.  Dorsett, which Chud calling the plays, will do well.  But Geathers is like Buchanon in AZ.  Half linebacker.


    As said by me and others on here, this kid is blooming into a great, hard hitting safety.

    He took Freeman out of the game and made play after play. Great draft selection Grigs!

    Let's see how Smith develops when he is back in game shape.

    Gotta give props when deserved

  2. I think Holmes is a far better center and a mistake to replace him with Harrison.  Holmes is not as strong, but much smarter and better technique. Harrison is a mauler but has slow feet that I doubt he will ever get better at.  He will always have problems with A gap blitz and quick Dlineman.   I get tired of this back and forth.

  3. I think for both of their sake, they need to co-exist.  Because if a new GM is brought in, they will want their own coach.  If a new coach like Saban is brought in, they will want all the power.  So it is better these guys work together.


    I predict what will happen is the Colts will really surprise in the playoffs.  Pagano will be vindicated because with his guy, Chud, calling the plays, and his O-Line set and things going how he wanted, they will succeed.  I think Pagano will get a new contract but one that gives him more power.

  4. Yeah, just what we need.  A 65 year old failed NFL head coach who might be here a couple of years, will tear the franchise apart, and leave.  No thanks.  If you are going to go after a college go, pry Harbaugh from Michigan.  Younger and proven he can win in NFL.

  5. Pep was terrible. He is a like a brainy guy who comes up with all these schemes that don't work in a game.  Trying to out think everyone. The Cotls have succeeded in spite of him.  Chud is a huge upgrade and I say 90% of the reason why the Colts offense was better.

  6. Ironically happens with the best o line assembled around luck in the 4 years he has been here. 


    Look, the o line is the 12th best in the league and gives him the 4th longest time to throw the ball according to pff. It also says Luck takes the 3rd longest time to get rid of the ball.


    I'm going to make a proclamation right here, right now that throughout Luck's career until he hits his mid 30s, no matter how good the O line is, people are going to say he has a bad o line. That's just the way he plays, and no coaching is going to get rid of the playmaker inside him.


    That's the reality all colts fans will have to come to terms to.


    You are absolutely right.  Just how they usually said Peyton had a good Oline here because he wouldn't get sacked much. But those comments have as much to do with Peyton getting the ball out fast and Luck holding it longer.  If Peyton from 2005 was behind this line, he would never get touched.

  7. If this stuff is all true, it is pretty unfortunate.  They  aren't sure about Pagano's decision making, but raved about Jim Caldwell???  A bit too much knit picking I think.  Pagano is a leader of men.  He gets guys to give everything they have and work together.  With Chud as OC, they can do some really good things.  Grigs has to quit striking out on first round picks and veteran free agents.    If they get rid of Pagano and bring in Gase or someone like that, they are foolish.  Look at other coaches who have been fired.  They lose the locker room.  Not for Pagano.

  8. Don't judge the TEs too much. Remember, Pep Hamilton has been coaching them. Lets see what they do with Chud game planning and tweaking things.  Really hope Chud is back next year and see where they go.  I like Coby.  I think he needs more shots down the seam.

  9. Can't speak for everyone, but I have coached football for a number of years.  Pep's offense was very easy to figure out.  I don't think it has ever been that good. I know people will say Luck threw 40 TDs last year.  But most of what Luck has done has been against bad teams with bad defenses.  Against good teams, Pep's offense is usually bad.


    Pep rarely put his receivers into a position to get seperation.  That is as much scheme as it is players ability.  That is why Pats can bring in about any receiver and scheme them open.  Pep couldn't do that.  And when you get shut out by the worst defense in the league over a half, that is rock bottom.

  10. I think no doubt that Chud was the MVP.  The play calling was like and day. I noticed when Denver was calling the typical A gap blitz, Chud always had someone for Luck to get the ball out to.  With Pep, there was nothing.  Deer in headlights.  Chud's play calling was brilliant.  It was so nice to see SOMEONE OPEN.  Seriously, it drove me crazy that Luck rarely had someone open.  And everyone blamed the receivers.  But i put it on the formations and routes.  Chud ran more crossing, option routes, and stacks to get players open.  Luck looked so much more decisive and knowing where to go with the ball.  I cannot wait to see what he does with two weeks to tweak ore.


    I am once again very optimistic about this team.  Pep was really holding the team back.  We still have some holes, but every team does.  I expect the Colts to be serious contenders for the Super Bowl. We have shown we can play with any team.

  11. I expect a shocking turn around.  Maybe not this coming game, but after that.  I know Luck is throwing the interceptions, but I think Chud will put him in a better situation to succeed.  And that will have a ripple effect on the defense, which plays well when they aren't asked to defend a ball after 3 and outs all the tie or turnovers.  I think the Colts will be a very dangerous team come playoffs.


    I know people are saying the talent isn't there.  The offensive line is weak.  Luck regressed.  I think this will magically disappear with a good gameplan.  Mark my words.  Luck was getting killed because he most often had nowhere to go with the ball and no rhythm in the game plan.

  12. I think after the bye week, the offense will perform much better.  That will have a rippled effect on the whole team, as the defense can hold its down.  Now I think the Colts can surprise.  The talent is there.   A few things to remember.  The Colts have sucked and held their own with two undefeated teams.  Secondly, Chud got a solid season out of Trent Richardson, which is a minor miracle.  So I expect a huge improvement.  My hope has been restored for this season.

  13. I believe we are suddenly going to be much better.  Luck is playing badly and might be hurt, but I think scheming and playcalling was a huge problem for the offense.  Truth is, over the last 2.5 years, the offense has almost always been sluggish unless against a bad team or far behind.


    I think Pagano can be a good HC.  Manusky is hard to judge because offense isn't helping much.  Chud, I think, will make a difference that will have a ripple effect on the whole team and staff.


    Chud got the best year of his career out of Trent Richardsson!  That says a lot!

  14. But do you ever consider that the reason why he doesn't little in the first half and comes on after the Colts are way behind it hat the defense is relaxed more so the receivers are more open?  Carolina backed off on defense and their pass rush got tired.  So he started to look better.  So it is not like Luck is suddenly great.  I think it has as much to do with a defense playing with a lead and giving up plays.


    I think the underlining problem is Pep.  It is not like the Cotls offenses goes up and down the field and Luck throws INTs to kill all the drives. Usually, the offense does nothing and he compounds it with bad decisions.  I don't think Pep is putting him in a good position to succeed.  If Luck ran an offensive like NE, I am sure he would look great.

  15. But do you ever consider that most of what Luck does since he came into the NFL is little in first half, the other team gets way ahead and plays back more, than Luck suddenly finds receivers open.  And his interceptions are so bad because they are just flat out bad decisions.  It doesn't help that Pep can't ever scheme a guy open.  I think Luck is a bit overrated in that because of their division and getting behind, he has really good numbers the last few years.  I think he needs a different coach and philosophy.

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