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Posts posted by lennymoore24

  1. Harsh criticism for people who like Barwin.  Here is what I know about Barwin.  He is a good hybrid 3-4 linebacker.  He is not a 4-3 defensive end.  He also is a high energy, workout warrior guy.  I think if he could be gotten on the cheap, he would be a good pickup.  We will draft a few pass rushers too but we need some veterans like Simon or Connor to help set the tone.  


    And yes, I do watch a LOT of football and coach football.  Actually, defense.  Barwin has played out of position in Philly.  Much like Dwight Freeney trying to play linebacker in a 3-4.


  2. I am happy with the way things are going so far.  Interesting, in my posts over the last few days I had said that the Colts should trade Dwayne Allen for a pick or a pass rusher and they should sign John Simon.  So that has happened.  I had also mentioned them signing Connor Barwin so lets see if that happens too!

  3. Always happy to see Bert Jones in the collection as well.  As Terrell Davis showed by getting into HOF, you can be great for a short amount of time and still be considered great.  What Bert Jones did, specifically in 1976, was amazing.  What a great QB.

  4. Obviously, I am no expert, but just by draft history, I don''t see what is so good about what Ballard has been involved with on the Chiefs drafts.  They are mediocre in my opinion. Eric Fischer?  It reminds me of when Grigson came in, I couldn't figure out where the Eagles had done such a great job of drafting.  Will we be duped by Andy Reid making a GM look good again?  And many of the Chief players came under Scott Pioli.

  5. I've said on some other posts that I think Irsay pretty much has to keep Pagano at this point.  Just consider what would happen with Luck out up to six months and the Colts get a new head coach, new offensive system.  How will Luck participate? He would come in to training camp being the first time he ever works with it other than mentally.   So I think he is doing what he has to.  And I guess in another vein, Chud and the offense were not the problem.  As someone pointed out, in games where the Colts held the other team under 20 points, the Luck is 24-0.  They can score points.  They can't stop the other team.


    I am really hoping we can either bring in one of the Seattle guys or Wolf.   No disrespect to Raye, but he was part of what has been drafted for five years.  We need a fresh set of eyes.  The other advantage is if we bring in one of those guys, we get their scouting reports plus all of ours too.  So would really help with this draft.

  6. Sports is an interesting world.  I work at designing software for NFL stadiums.  I worked with a guy who gave it everything he had to be a great programmer.  Worked 7 days a week.  But in the end, he simply didn't have the talent to do it at a high enough level.  You all might know someone like that.  So we had to let him go.  But I think what is different about sports is that we have to bash the person, celebrate, and forget that these actions affect him, his wife, and his kids.  I am not a Ryan Grigson fan as a GM.  I thought he should go two years ago.  But I personally find now joy is thrashing a guy who, by all accounts, gave everything he had.  I am just saying think about this in your own life or experiences.

  7. Let's not forget that Ryan Grigson is a human being.  He is a good father of six kids.  He is a family man.  Nobody I have heard has ever said Ryan Grigson did give 100% effort to make the team a great team.  I don't think anyone can say he didn't work hard enough.  He searched everywhere to make the Colts a better team.  Sometimes in life, even when you give it your all, you come up short.  I appreciate the work Ryan did with the Colts.  I wish him and his family well.  I hope this is a learning experience for Ryan and he has success in the future.  Before we all thrash Ryan, try to think if you have ever worked hard at something and come up short.  I think sometimes in sports we forget that these men and women have their faults and feelings just like everyone else.  So thank you Ryan!

  8. I do think that puts a final nail in Pagano being replaced.  Under the same offense was retained with Chud staying on, it would be near impossible for Luck to pick up a new offense when he won't be available to OTAs or mini camps and will come in around July.  So they basically HAVE to keep the Chud offense.

  9. I do think Grigs and Pagano have to go.  If I had to pick one to go, it would be Grigs.  The thing to remember with Pagano is that by firing him, you are likely losing all the assistant coaches.   I think we do have some capable assistant coaches.


    Something I thought of that is a longshot but maybe Jim would do this for change sake.  If he can't get anyone this year, he might fire Pagano, promote Chud, and see how that works for a year in order to say he did something to help the team win if he can't get a star coach.

  10. I have always found it odd how head coach candidates are evaluated compared to players.  When a player is scouted, very little is thought of as the overall talent of the team around them.  It is all about their individual skills and how they project to the NFL.  But with a coach, it seems the hottest candidates are always coordinators of a top ranked unit.  For example, two names that come up wth year are Kyle Shanahan and Josh McDaniels.  Atlanta has been an offensive force this year.  But then you look at the talent they have.  Two very good running backs, three pretty good receivers, and an excellent QB.  McDaniels has Tom Brady and an offense that Belichick developed.  So I thought whoever is in NE as OC, they will be successful.  I know a big part is the interview, how organized they are, and their plans. I am actually a coach myself at a lower level of football.  But I think that is one reason so many coaches fail. Remember when GB had a great offensive season and Scott Philbin was a hot commody?  The list is endless of coordinators who didn't pan out for one reason or another.

    I think they should develop a way at projecting coaches by grading the talent they have to work wtih.  For example, what is amazing about Belichick (as much as I hate the Pats), is he can take castaways from other teams and have them doing well within his system.  So the coaches that intrigue me more are coaches who get the most out of the talent they have.  For example, Chris Peterson from Washington and formerly of Boise State does a great job with limited talented.  So does Iowa's Kirk Ferenz.  

    I think the second part of the evaluation is to remember that being a coordinator and being a head coach are completely different.  For example, Kyle Shanahan might call a great game, but if he were head coach he would become more of a project manager and his coordinators would likely call the games.  Of course, he might want to call offense himself.  But a great head coach doesn't always mean a great coordinator and vice versa.

    So I am always wary of guys like Kyle Shanahan.  Is he simply the new version of Scott Philbin?  If he didn't have all the talent they have, would they be where they are?  I would say Pagano has to be judged that way too.  I doubt Buddy Ryan, at his peak, could do anything with the defensive talent we have right now.

    So just from my experience when evaluating a coach, I usually go:

    1) What talent did he have to work with
    2) How did he do in years where his talent wasn't better than opponents?
    3) If he was a previous head coach, how have his teams performed more recently with less talent?
    4) If a Super Bowl winning coach, how long ago was that and with what talent?

    So back to Pagano.  I think the problem with the evaluation of Pagano is that he took over a very talented Raven defense and held it down pretty well.  He didn't do a lot with little.  He had very little coordinator experience.  I think much of his evaluation is how players related to him and statistically how the Ravens did on defense.  But I think that is the wrong way to evaluate him.  The amount of talent should have been weighted.

  11. I think Mike Shanahan would be a terrible choice.  I think too many of you are stuck on Shanahan for winning back to back Super Bowls.  But what has he done since then?  He had the most talented teams.  And then  in Washington, it made our soap opera look like nothing.  To me, Shanahan is like hiring Jeff Fisher by the Rams.  Well though of coach but as a whole hadn't accomplished anything in a long time.  I think that is a terrible move.  I would be more interested in his son as a HC.  Also, Kyle can't move laterally if his contract is still in place with Falcons, so I don't see him being an OC.

  12. Oh the "great" Mike Shanahan.  So he had a great offensive line, Terrell Davis, and a fading John Elway and won two Super Bowls very early.  Then he....well, didn't accomplish much of anything.  I would put him in the Brian Bellick group.  No thanks!

  13. I think this Grigson talk is just *ic.  So Jim Irsay is willing to fire Bill Polian, a HOFer.  But he will let Peyton and Gruden walk because he is married to Grigson?  Come on, let real.  You can't have Peyton on the team, tell him to build the team, but insist on Grigson being there too.  What the heck would Peyton do with Grigson around?


    This stuff is 99% nonsense.

  14. I think Wells, as always, if full of it.  It doesn't make any sense. So are we to think of Peyton was onboard, that Gruden would be happy not having control over the roster?  But if Peyton isn't, then he demands full control over his roster?  And those kind of things are known up front when you first talk to Gruden.  Both Manning and Gruden would likely want that.  So it makes no sense that when one event happens, the other happens.


    Brad Wells has always tried to act more important and informed than he really is. I would put what he says in there with what National Enquirer reports.

  15. Really, if you think about it, we are doing the same thing with coaching.  Take for example Chuck Pagano.  He was a long time defense back/linebacker coach. I think he did 1-2 years as defensive coordinator.  So projecting him to a head coach is very different.  A head coach is more like a project manager.  Often times the coordinators are calling the game.  I think that is why so many coaches miss.  Someone like Norv Turner is a good offensive coordinator, but not a very good head coach.  Same with Wade Phillips.  Its a different role.  Now, I recognize it is still in the same realm of coaching.  Projecting Peyton to a GM is a whole different ball game.  But I think he has the core ability to succeed if he has guidance.  I think he would need a guy like Polian as an advisor for at least a year.

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