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Posts posted by lennymoore24

  1. It still baffles me a bit how we got to this place.  So we are going to essentially get rid of Pagano and I assume Chud will follow,  reportedly Grigson stays, and that somehow makes us better?


    So a big name floated is Sean Payton.  7-9 the last two years with the worst defense in the NFL.  How is that a better setup?  Gase?  I would take Pagano/Chud over Gase.


    It seems to me the correct path is replace Grigson and Manusky.  Let Pagano actually coach the team.  If in a year he can't get it done, then replace him.

  2. I think some of the football knowledge challenged people on here miss the point of how much talent makes on a team.  Bruce Arians is doing a great job with Arizona.  But look at the talent on that team.  Look what Steve Keim has brought in since Arians has been there.  Does the team having a glaring weakness?  Even the free agents they sign do well, unlike Grigson.  We don't know Paganos true coaching level since Pep has been the OC most of the time and Grigson is picking players, and not always that well.

  3. Chuck is like the mother who takes care of all of her kids and raises the kids as a single parent.  Makes mistakes here and there, but overall does a good job and keep things together.  Grigson is the drunk ex who sits back and throw obstacles in the way while covering up his own bum.


    I like Chuck.  If he is fired, I will always wonder how he would have done with Chud as OC the whole time and not being limited by Grigson.  If he had a prime Bill Polian getting talent, imagine what he could do.  I think he will come back to haunt us because he will be a very good coach on another team and probably take Chud with him.

  4. Talk about if Irsay reads this.  Just tweet him. I do.  Not that he listens to me, but if he got enough backlash he might think about it.  Not that I had anything to do with it, but it was funny that I tweeted Pep should be fired and replaced with Chud and two days later that is what happened.  But maybe he got that a lot or it was completely unrelated.  But cracked me up.


  5. If this is all true, knowing there are two sides to every story, then I feel badly for Pagano and Grigson has to go.  Because it shows you how much more remarkable the job Pagano has done and how much it will be impossible to get any other decent coach to work with Grigson.   Is Jon Gruden or Adam Gase going to want to deal with Grigson telling them who is going to play?  


    So it seems we are screwed.  It Grigson stays, that means we get a coach he can basically push around.  If Grigson leaves, why didn't we keep Pagano and get a better GM?


    This is not good.

  6. Curious, in the history of the NFL, when has their ever been a truly great player that became a great coach.  Maybe Dick LeBeau?  Peyton is a great QB but it doesn't mean he can easily relay that same information and strategy to someone else. I have noticed a pattern that most successful coaches played football at some point in their lives.  And people they knew them said they were like a coach on the field and coaching up other players. I have never heard that of Peyton.  He is lasered in on his job, taking all the reps, and what he needs to do.  I don't know that he has the personality to be a GM or OC or coach.  I think he would be better as an administrator.

  7. I always have to wonder.  What I have heard from anyone who has ever worked with him is that Pagano is one of the easiest people to work with and get along with.  So what does that say about Grigson?  And why the heck would any coach want to work with Grigson knowing in a year he could be gone, which means coach would likely be replaced too.


    I think Grigson goes if Pagano does

  8. Stuff gets old.  And without knowing what is going on, I tend to side with Pagano.  If you ask yourself who has done more with the resources they have, I would say it is Pagano.  Grigson can basically do as he wants and he misses more than he hits.  Pagano has to deal with what Grigson gives him and with injuries and they still somehow might end up 8-8.  I think most teams would have tanked the season.   So when I hear Grigson is going to stay because he gets along well Irsay family, that is just stupid.  We are in the winning business, not the feel good business.

  9. I have thought about this much.  Grigson has gotten some good gems like Hilton, Anderson, and Parry. Luck doesn't count because he was going to be drafted.  But overall, I think he has done a poor job.  His free agent signings have mostly missed.  And although I think this years draft is very good, the previous two were bad.


    One thing to consider as well as both Grigson and Pagano were first time in their positions.  I think it would be expected there would be growing pains.  


    Bill Polian is one of the great talent evaluaters in NFL history.  Can't just find his level so easily.

  10. I think a very, very long shot, but an interesting combo would be Jim Harbaugh as coach with say over personnel and Peyton Manning brought in an administrative role similar to Elway in Denver.  Harbaugh is my #1 choice for coach for many reasons. He is a proven winner, he knows Luck, he is in the Colts Ring Of Honor, and he calls a good game.  He is not retreat who flamed out.  He is intense, but so was Lombardi and Shula.   And Peyton is a Colts legend who likely will be great at anything he does because of his commitment and intensity.

  11. I think I can answer this someway.  There is a great deal of people on here that know little to nothing about football.  They will read a post someone else makes and take that as fact.  Almost like dittosheads.  Just try it sometime and you will see.  If one person says Castonzo should be a right tackle, then they all say it.  I cringe when I read someone bring up like Sean Payton and know that will be repeated 20 times.


    I think the bottom line is, they want to complain about something.  These are the same people who wanted Polian, a Hall of Famer, to be chased out of town because they think great GMs just grow on trees.  That is why there are like 5 teams that draft well in the NFL.


    So they hope the Colts get to the playoffs and lose so then they have something to complain about until next season.  

  12. Yeah, I noticed that with AQ as well.  Tough guy.  He does play next to two pretty good guards in Arizona.  Cards are my second favorite team and I watch them each week when Colts aren't playing at same time.  I guess I have to say I am just tired of this setup the Colts have.  I like Pagano, but when they seem to never adjust to game plans and guys like Harrison keep getting put back on the field, something has to change.

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