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Posts posted by lennymoore24

  1. Frankly..There is WAY too many complaining that the o-line and d-line are 'horrible'.


    If you think so..you DID NOT watch the game.


    The o-line did fine.  They allowed 1 sack, and 5-6 pressures on Luck the entire game. 

    Plus the running game was BETTER than the Bills.

    Against one of the best front 7's in the NFL..I think this is amazing.

    The problem was not how good/bad it was..the problem was we ran it so little. That is coaching.


    The D-line -and Vonte- Was THE bright spot of the D.  They got penetration early and often.  Anderson and Langford had multiple tackles behind the line and created QB pressure.  Parry held hid spot..hardly moving the entire game, except when he was penetrating the line also.  

    The ILB's were BY FAR the worst stain on the field. Bad positioning,..over playing runs..and if they did get in position,..they wiffed tackles.


    Grigson/Pagano deserve credit for how much improvement they brought to the trenches..not spit-sayings.


     On that note however,...Hamilton needs to redirect his game plans. If the run is working..stay with it.


    And Grigson/Pagano also need to continue with their trend of replacing LB's who are not performing with new young faces if they do indeed perform better in the near future.


    Excellent post!  I completely agree.  My disappoint is with the coaching strategy.  For some reason, offensively, Pep wasn't throwing more screens, swing passes, or quick hitters to the TE.  It was Luck dropping back and trying to force balls to the outside.  Defensively, Manusky kept blitzing even though Taylor would just check the ball short.  That is my biggest complaint about the Colts is the strategy for the games.  I would bet anything that when the Patriots play the Bills, Brady will be hitting swing passes to some unknown RBs who are wide open.  It is frustrating.  But I really liked what D-Line was doing.  The inside linebackers are just terrible against the run.  Two often they were out of position or just got blown away.  I hope Moore plays more to see what he can do.

  2. I think it is more to  do with coaching.  The lack of game planning is terrible.  Just watch when the Patriots play the Bills.  Brady will hit some wide open guys who were out of football last year.  He will have 5 seconds to throw on every play.  Swing passes out of backfield, screens.   The Luck Colts reminds me of the Manning Colts in that we run t he same offense regardless of what the defense does.  Not like Belichick changing strategy by the quarter.

  3. I predict our defense will have a few growing pains but will be better than last year.  Anderson and Parry are better at shredding blocks and getting into the backfield.  Mathis is back and should do well.  Moore is very explosive.  I think we will run more 1-gap defense and cause more problems rather then waiting and reacting. I like it!  After all, we already knew what we had before.  Can't get much worse.

  4. I do hope Carter makes it through waivers.  He is a little rough, but that kind of talent gets noticed.


    I don't really understand the 5 RB thing.  I know Boom got dinged and Robinson is coming off concussion.  But even 3 RBs for a game should be enough.  I would personally take the other RBs over Ballard because I don't trust his health.  I think Robinson and Varga have more upside at this point.

  5. I agree he's out of here. It doesn't look like he's trying out there. If he stays it's only bc he's a former 1st. I was a supporter of Werner until this preseason.

    I think Good goes to the PS too. He's not ready for Sunday ball.

    That leaves 2 open spots maybe an extra DB Brown? 6 WR. Bray for KR or we grab a vet OT. Cam gets the nod at OLB. I wouldn't be surprised to see a new face.

    Other than that i think Supe nailed it Honestly Wener probably stays but I don't think he's earned it and we could use Cam until Mathis is back.


    I think Good has shown too much ability. I think if he goes to PS he will be signed by another team.  He jumps out of his stance and stonewalls the defender. He has work to do on running but I think he is the future RT with Mewhort going back to guard.

  6. Every year I am surprised someone is cut I thought would make the team.  So curious if you all want to make a prediction?


    My predicted cut is Jon Harrison.  The reason being is he is too limited in his flexibility.  He doesn't have the feet to play guard effectively.  And why have two pure centers?  I think Harrison gets cut and Arkin makes the team because he can do more.



  7. I think if Varga doesn't make the team, he is going to be good for someone else.  My guess is the Patriots.  With the injuries last night, I would think he has to make it.   I predict Gore, Robinson, Varga, and Herron.  Tipton is terrible.

  8. I had always backed Werner before believing he would be a better edge setter then rush LB.  But what really surprised me in the game last night is how TEs who I have never heard of would stonewall him.  It seems his ENTIRE game is he is good at coming off the snap.  But he has no moves, little power, and if he doesn't get around the blocker with his first step, he does nothing.  And it is like he never improves.   Adongo seems to have about as many moves, but at least he will move the blocker backwards.  With the way Werner gets stonewalled, you would think Anthony Munez was blocking him.  I don't think he will get cut because all our other LBs are rush LBs.  But he is pretty bad right now.   He seems like a good guy and I hope a miracle happens, but I just don't see it.

  9. I think the bottom line is you have a bunch of fans who have no football knowledge, who read blogs and comments and formulate an opinion from what they read, and then start rebroadcasting it in their own voice.  Perfect example is two years ago some clown said Castonzo should be a right tackle.  So the fan dittoheads picked that up and started repeating it.  It would be nice if everyone would just watch the games, break down the plays, and form opinions from that, but instead we get to hear the wrong opinions all the time.


    So, I guess we picked up Pagano is on a short leash, he doesn't get along with Grigson, if he doesn't produce a Super Bowl he is gone?  What else do the experts think?

  10. Josh Robinson is going to be our Alfred Morris. Out of nowhere.   I see his vision, cutback, and he always goes forward and makes yards.  I predict this draft will go down as a very, very good draft.  I think every player will do well that was drafted.

  11. He is still raw, but i really like good at RT. He has great strength and agility.  i hope he can develop fast enough to make Mewhort able to go back to Guard. They must like him as well because he played must of the two games.

  12. IMHO, the list and idea of retired numbers is a bit much.  For example, Jeff Saturday was a very good center for us.  But Ray Donaldson was very good as well.  James was a good RB back for us.  Tom Matte was too.  Now I know people will point out there numbers don't compare.  But that is because a different era.  John Unitas's numbers don't compare to Peyton Manning, but doesn't mean he wasn't great.  Guys like Lenny Lyles get forgotten as a very good DB.  For pass rushers, Fred Cook was the most dominant in a small window but sacks weren't counted then. 


    And I image 10 years from now, we will have Colts that will be up numbers that beat even guys like Reggie.


    I think it is better now to just add someone to a Ring Of Honor.

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