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Posts posted by lennymoore24

  1. Ok, so I think this will be THE test for Pep.  He has 10 days to prepare for NE.  He knows they likely will take away any deep routes, blitz inside, and basically challenge the Colts to run the ball and throw short.  Basically, have patience.  Last year in the playoffs, Pep played right into their hands.  If if 10 days he can't come up with a better game plan, I really have no hope for the guy.

  2. Yeah, all positives offensively. If Luck can be that efficient but also add the long strikes when it is there, this offense will be good.  The pass defense, unfortunately, it just terrible.  Every quarterback they have played this year has looked like Joe Montana.  No pressure, guys wide open.  And no excuses because their starting secondary played.   It is odd they cannot even pretend to have a pass rush.

  3. The ironic thing is that if the stories are true about Grigson picking the assistance coaches and setting lineups, he is sealing is own fate.  Because, think about it.  No decent coach would come in and take the coaching job under those conditions.  So either a subpar coach comes in, Grigson gives up that power, or Grigson is fired.  The only reasonable conclusion would be Grigson getting fired.

  4. You have to have a backup plan.  So you fire Pagano and promote...Hamilton?   The players play hard for Pagano. That is what you want out of a HC.  If it is true about Grigson picking coaches and lineups as well as failing at bringing in quality olineman, then it is more his fault.


    I like Grigson and Pagano.  However, Grigson either has to let Pagano have control of who starts and his assistants or be replaced.

    Scott Pioli would be a good replacement for Grigson at the end of the year.  He basically got the Chiefs all their good players and was instrumental with the Patriots drafts.  And looked how he helped Atlanta bounce back with rebuilding their lines.

  5. Allen is slowly playing himself out of Indy while Fleener, who is not as good, is at least consistently healthy.


    I disagree. Always hear about Allen and his ability.  But we rarely ever see it.  I think Fleener is the better player.  Allen blocks better.

  6. Jacksonville has a good run stopping defense. I thought the Oline looked better.  However, I thought that had just as much to do with play calling and Hasslebeck getting the ball out faster.  That was key to Peyton. If you go back and look at when he was hear, the reason why he rarely got sacked was he got rid of the ball so fast.  Didn't matter who was blocking, he did it.  Even Tony Ugoh looked competent most of the time with Manning at QB.

  7. Henry Anderson is fantastic.  He brings power, speed, and smarts.  He usually destroys the guy(s) in front of him which isn't always easy for a 3-4 lineman.  I think he is defensive MVP.  He and Parry have been the best thing for this defense.  Hopefully next year lets add a couple of linebackers in their mold.

  8. I think Good will eventually be the starting RT.  Sure, he was playing against backups but the talent is there.  He has quick feet, great size and strength.  He would fire out of his stance and engage and they couldn't get around him.  I hope at some point this season he is RT and Reitz is right guard.  I think that is best lineup with what we have.  I don't know what is wrong with Thornton.  He has all the ability in the world.

  9. Your GM essentially misses 2 out of 3 first round picks.

    Your GM tries to pick your starting lineup

    Your GM allegedly hired you offensive coordinator (Pep)

    Your GM has a terrible record with pro free agents

    Your OC doesn't seem to know how to make an effective game plan.


    But it is all your fault.  And you are likely going to lose you job.


    That has to suck.


    If I were Pagano, I would go down firing.  Fire Pep, put Chud as OC, and roll the dice the way I want it to go.  If I fail, at least I tried.  The way things are going, he is going to get canned and he won't even have caused most of it.

  10. But lets say you want to blame the oline and receivers.  So alter the gameplan.  Have look throw quicker on short slants and dump off to backs to get a rhythm going.  Basically, do what the Patriots would do.  But standing back there, holding the ball too long, trying to get the ball down the field is just bad strategy.


    I blame Pep 100%.  There are no options but long passes.

  11. Sorry,  but Pep has to go.    The sooner the better.


    The offense is a complete disaster.


    Luck looks confused and lacking confidence.     That's on Pep.


    The running game is spotty at best and that's on Pep.


    The passing game is a horrible mess and that's on Pep.    Does he even know it's OK to pass to tight ends and running backs?    Almost everything is to a wide receiver.


    Pep doesn't understand the difference between college football and the NFL.    He's still trying to use things that worked at Stanford and tries to make them work at the Professional level.  


    I rarely want to see 6 or 7 OL.    Not with all our weapons.   I don't want to see David Parry at fullback.    I don't want to see Josh Robinson or the Vega kid in crucial situations --  trying for a 1st down or inside the 10.    That's why we brought in Frank Gore.     I think the Gore fumble was brought on by a poor exchange with Luck that wasn't clean.  I could be wrong,  but that's what I thought I saw.


    I think we give away plays by alerting everyone in the stadium of our intentions by personnel groupings on down and distance.    I sit at home and call out "pass" or "run" depnding on down and distance and where we are on the field.    I'm not wrong that often.    All we're doing is making our job much, much harder than it has to be.


    Honestly,  I hope we all wake up tomorrow to find Pep has been let go and Chudzinski is the new OC.     The sooner this happens,  the better off the Colts will be.




    I 100% agree with you.  Pep Hamilton has weapons all over and can't do anything with it.  Luck is making poor decisions.   If it is true that Pagano didn't hire Hamilton, I think Hamilton needs to go and have Chud run the offense.  At least if Pagano is to be fired, he had his guy in for awhile.  But Hamilton is a disaster.

  12. Lol. The oline isn't all pro but it is serviceable. Grigson has brought in tons of people to fix these issues. The biggest thing is coaching and game planning. A ton of people like to point to the Patriots oline as the standard but they often are starting undrafter players. The biggest difference is their coaching staff and QB mask their deficiencies.

    Imo the defense has almost no blame tonight and the oline has some but not much blame. This game was heavily influenced by the inadequate play of Luck and the horrid horrid calling and coordinating of the offense.


    Completely agree with you.  Blaming the oline has to stop.  Luck holds the ball too long and Pep seems to be clueless on game planning.  Manning didn't get sacked much because he got rid of the ball very quickly.  Luck too often is looking around for someone to throw to.  Is that Luck or Hamilton giving him nobody to throw to?  But can't put that on Oline.  There are many olines in the NFL at the level of ours that don't have the problem we have.

  13. I think it is time to stop blaming the o-line.  Seattle has converted defensive lineman on their line.  Patriots starting two rookies.  The problem is Luck is holding the ball too long and Hamilton has no ability to gameplan.  They do the same thing every week, every play.

  14. Well, not that it has been this bad each week, but I think the Colts have always had a problem scoring in the first half.  Just against good teams, they get hammered right away.  Pep Hamilton is so unimaginative.  Luck never has any options.  I would love to have seen Varga pop out of the backfield and catch a ball.  How is it there is never a short pass to Allen or Fleener?  There is never any variation.

  15. This is not a knee jerk reaction. I am tired of the excuses why the Colts offensive can be so ineffective. We hear about how the line is weak. Seattle has converted D-Lineman on their o-line.  Patriots have two rookies.  Patriots have a scrub RB.  Yet, both Seattle and NE have guys nobody has heard of wide open.  We have Gore, Luck, Moncrief, Hilton, Allen, Moncrief, and Johnson.  But nobody can get open?  To me, that is on Pep Hamilton.  The offense is so predictable.  There is rarely a back to hit out of the backfield.  Brady throws many swing passes to a RB to beat a blitz.  Colts?  Max protect and two receivers go long and none get open.  Where is the imagination??  Darrell Bevell moves Wilson around, gets TEs open with movement, does reverse, gadget, and unbalanced line passes.  Hamilton? Line up and do the same thing over and over.  For two weeks in a row, Luck has been made to look like the lesser of the two QBs on the field.  Against Taylor and Fitzpatrick.  They have NO CHANCE unless they suddenly get a new offensive philosophy.

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