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Posts posted by lennymoore24

  1. I have been a Colts fan since I was 5 years old. Through the high and low. I will say the two years Brissett has been at QB, it was the two hardest seasons I have watched as a Colts fan.  And I have seen Pagel, Erickson, Trudeau, Chandler, Justin, and others at QB.  Brissett is painful because he holds onto the ball too long, won't throw unless a guy is wide open, and they hardly score.  He will have two hears to show he can't get it done. If they give him another year, I promise right now it will be another painful year.


  2. I am surprised at the lack of football knowledge exhibited by some people on here.  How long will you make excuses for Brissett?  I said before the season, and check my posts, that Brissett is a mediocre QB at best who will never get better.  Why do I say this?  First of all, I am coming from a coaching perspective as I have coached for over 15 years.   Brissett only has success when a strong running game sets up play action and wide open receivers.  When a receiver is challenged, Brissett almost always avoids throwing the ball.  He locks onto his first read and if that player isn't open, he looks to check down.  He holds the ball far too long.  He is very inaccurate on plays where accuracy is most apparent.  Remember, even 3rd string QBs in the NFL can usually hit wide open receivers.  He seems like a really good person and people like him.  But to give him another year as starting QB, I would expect pretty much the same thing next year.  And that is just another year of wasted talent around him.  Now, the problem is, I don't know if there is a better option coming out of college considering where we draft.  And there are no free agents worth signing.  I would actually rather have a combination of Nick Foles as a bridge QB with a developmental QB then another year of Brissett.

  3. I would take Foles over Brissett any day of the week.  I have been a Nick Foles fan. I knew when he went to Jags it wasn't a good match.  I think he would be a perfect QB to bring in as well as drafting a guy to develop.  Let Brissett go somewhere else.  Go back and watch Nick Foles in the Super Bowl win over the Pats.  He is throwing dimes all day long.

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  4. We do have injuries, but I think you are passing the buck.  I have seen Luck and Manning with incredibly injured teams do well.  Remember when Blair White was catching passing from Manning?  Or Boom Herron as the starting RB?  I have said this in other places, but Brissett was QB 2017 and now in 2019.  Luck was in 2018.  Mostly same skill players.  Luck threw 39 TDs.  Brissett can't complete a pass past 10 yards.  Keep making excuses but the problem is Brissett.

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  5. 3 minutes ago, #12. said:


    QB purgatory, and like I said in the previous post, if you make the playoffs, they probably keep rolling Brissett out there year after year.

    I agree with you.  That is why if the Colts win, I am happy. If they lose, I don't get that upset, because I know if they sneak into playoffs and get crushed, it is another year of Brissett and I can't take that.


  6. As a lifelong Colts fan, it is painful to watch the Colts on offense when Brissett is the QB.  I remember after the 2017 season, I thought that was the most frustrating season of watching the Colts in my life.  They simply could never move the ball.  Well, pretty much the same thing this year.  The only time Brissett looks good is when the running attack is dominant and he gets wide open receivers off play action fakes.  I have said all season he is not very good.  I was hammered on it, but I think it is showing what he is.  My hope is that Luck comes back next year.  If not, I hope we can draft a QB and pickup like Nick Foles as a stop gap starter. I can't go another year with Brissett at QB.  It like watching a 1928 offense.

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  7. I don't think we are that far off.  If Luck were playing this year, team would be at least 9-2 IMHO and none of this talk would be going on.  The offense not being able to move the ball also affects the defense and special teams.   Sure, we need another #2 receiver and more pass rush.  But remember that every team has holes.  Look at what the Patriots are doing using Lawrence Guy and John Simon, two ex-Colts.  Look at KCs defense.  I think the bottom line is our QB is backup material who is a conservative game manager.  Until we change that, it will be hard to compete for titles. I am still hoping Luck comes back.  Or that we can draft someone with a bigger upside.

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  8. 2017 - Colts can't push the ball downfield with Brissett at QB.

    2018 - Luck back and throws 39 TDs

    2019 - Colts can't push the ball downfield with Brissett at QB.


    Evidence seems clear to me.  You can blame the receivers, playcalling,and/or line.  But the fact is Luck could get it done with only one legitimate WR.  Brissett simply isn't a good NFL QB.  He is a placeholder.

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  9. It's insulting to Alex Smith to compare Jacoby Brissett to him.  Alex Smith is very decisive with that ball.  Jacoby holds the ball until someone is wide open....3 yards down the field.


    I have been on here saying this all year.  You are fooling yourself if you think Jacoby will ever be more than a mediocre QB.  He is too cautious and holds onto the ball too long.  We saw that in 2017 and we see it this year.  Colts do well when they can run all day.  But if they need to win by passing, forget it.  It Ballard applies the same criteria to QB he does for rest of team, he needs to upgrade the position.  

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  10. I thought the last series was terrible.  Leave Mack in the game so that you have a threat of run or pass.  Mack is good on screens.  Why have Hoyer throw two fade routes into the end zone with double coverage?  Bad play calling.  I will say that if Luck were playing, we wouldn't have this conversation.  Reichs playcalling last year was great.  I think Brissett and Hoyer really limit what can be done.


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  11. Brissett doesn't exactly press the field either.  He will look long then immediately dump the ball off.  Most of his TDs are from short throws.  Until the Colts get a QB who can challenge the secondary, they will never be better than mediocre.

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  12. Honestly, not sure why this surprised anyone.  Whether Brissett or Hoyer, the Colts never push the ball down the field.  So more and more teams  are crowding the line of scrimmage to take away the run and short passes.  Take away TY and it makes it even worse.  I think had Brissett played the Colts would have likely won, but they will never be anything with these two QBs.  We can keep pretending Brissett is a franchise QB all we want, but he holds the ball too long, too cautious, and never stretches the defense.

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  13. Just get CBS All Access for $5.99 a month. Then get the Chrome Extension Manual Geolocation.  Put your location on your computer in any area of USA and go to CBS All Access website. You will get the local AFC game in that area. I watch most Colts games like that. I am on West Coast.  NFL Ticket is too expensive.

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  14. As I have said, Brissett won't make a lot of mistakes but he also won't make very many big plays.  He will look to check down and has a limited upside.  That is what he will always be.  Great win tonight but I think for the Colts to win the Super Bowl, they either need a super team or a better QB.

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  15. I think we watch the Colts with blinders on.  The offense has no explosion because that is not the player Brissett is.  Brissett is a dink and dunk, low risk QB.  Sure there were drops today.  The defense was horrible.  Brissett has inflated stats.  He didn't play well.  There is really chunk plays.  I am telling you right now, by the end of the year many of you will be calling for a new QB or hoping Luck comes back.  Brissett is David Garrard.  Look up his one good season.

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  16. Brissett is what he has always been and always will be.  Doesn't make many mistakes, but doesn't make very many big plays.  Dink and dunk.  Will do well if he has a great all around team around him, but I wouldn't count on him winning many games if it is on his shoulders.  I don't think the Colts can ever win a title with him at QB.  We can keep drinking the Kool-Aid about great he is because that is wishful thinking, but he is pretty limited in upside.

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  17. I think we have seen enough of Brissett to know who he is as a QB.  He holds the ball too long, checks down, and just doesn't put up many points.    It is just who he is.  Guys like Luck or even Kelly are a bit more gunslingers.  So I think our outlook with Brissett is very limited.  I think we can get to the playoffs but I don't see us ever winning the AFC title or Super Bowl with him.

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  18. 20 hours ago, Stephen said:

    So you'd bench a guy that completed  77 percent of his passes and executed the game plan the way the coach wanted. Brissett  can put up big numbers if the right plays are called Even Lamar Jackson who alot of people  said can't  throw put up big numbers. Got to take the deep shots.


    You may be completely right.  I was more saying we all have our own opinions.  It's not factual.   In my opinion, I don't think Brissett will ever be a QB that puts up big numbers consistently and the Colts can win a Super Bowl with.  He reminds me of David Garrard the year he had his best season with Jacksonville.  Very efficient but not good enough to win the big playoff games.  I hope I am wrong.  But we have seen Brissett start 16 games now and he has never lit it up.  But I appreciate we all have different opinions.  I would like to see Kelly play some this year to see if his ceiling is higher.

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  19. I'm sure I'll get bashed for this, but what I see from Brissett is the same thing I saw in 2017.  He doesn't turn over the ball much, but he also doesn't make very many big plays.  He is probably a 20 TD 9 INT guy for the season.  The problem I see is no way we are getting to Super Bowl much less winning with him at QB.   I hope at some point Kelly gets a shot to see what he can do because he has a higher ceiling (and bottom).  Ultimately, I am one who believes Luck will be back next year.  But if Jacoby is our guy for the next few years, I would expect a couple playoff appearances and early exits.  He is just way too cautious.

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