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Posts posted by lennymoore24

  1. I bought BIll Polian's book this morning and spent all day reading it because I couldn't get enough of it.  I just found it so interesting the way he explains why running a Tampa-2 is cheaper than a 3-4, or how contracts went down with the Bills, the 1998 draft, why Mora was fired, and how things went down with Peyton's injury.   He is always very complimentary of people in the book and doesn't really put anyone down.  Amazing the wealth of football knowledge he has.  He really breaks down things like how to set the draft, what to look for in head coaches, and how to rate players.  I think any football fan and especially Colt fans should read this.  I know it has become popular by some fans to put down Bill Polian since he left, but you can't argue with this results.  I say it is a must read!

  2. Not dissing Pep, but that is exactly why teams back bad HC decisions.  Honestly, how hard is it for Pep to success with the offensive players he has???  How many failed HCs have come from NE?   Or how good is Gase working with Peyton Manning?  I can never understand why guys get promoted who have great talent to work with instead of guys who get much more out of lesser talent. That is what I would be looking for.  I wish Pep well if he does he a HC job and I hope he stays here, but I do think a lot of guys would succeed with the cast we have. If he leaves, I think Chud will take over and do just as well if not better.

  3. Its going to be awfully tough.  Lets be honest, the Colts won easily last night but the Giants helped with that.  If NYs passing attack didn't miss so many passes it could have been much closer.  So to play NE where you know Brady will attack those soft spots over the middle is going to be tough.  I do hope the Colts get back to running more in that game.  

  4. I admit I thought this was going to be a tough game.  The Steelers have a few things I knew were going to hurt us.  In watching all the Colts games this year, I found that teams are most successful when blitzing up the middle.  For whatever reason the Colts don't react to that well.  It could be they have longer routes running and no outlet pass.  So I knew the Steelers would do that. Secondly, they are a very physical team.  They basically manhandled us on both sides of the ball.  And finally, Big Ben gets away from tacklers and makes big plays.  I expected the Colts wouldn't have much of a pass rush because I think that is who we really are.  The last few weeks things have went out way.  The Bengals receivers dropped passes.  Or penalties.  Or maybe it was the guys just more hyped.  But I just felt we really don't have a pass rush.


    I think we will rebound fine and still win the division. However, I think we are going to have a problem with offenses that throw quick, decisive passes with a good QB like the Patriots or Saints if we met in SB.  Or the Packers.  And defensively, I am sure you will see more blitzes up the middle.  

  5. I'm a little surprised at the ease the Steelers move the ball.  I fully expected Big Ben to throw a couple long TDs.  But they are blowing our defensive line backwards and we have zero pass rush.  As I stated last week, I don't think our defense is quite as good as our statistics.

  6. So, Grigson gets credit for bringing in guys that haven't done anything in the NFL yet?  I would say every GM in the league does that on a regular basis.  I mean Harrison and Kerr seem to be good finds and are getting playing time as rookies but to say Grigson is great GM because he brought in a CB that only plays special teams, a TE on the practice squad and a no name safety (literally according to your post) is a bit of a stretch.

    Additionally, while I like some of his draft picks it hard to call them perfect, when 7 of his 17 picks from 2012 and 2013 are are not even on the team and an 8th is a healthy scratch every week.


    Grigson has done well and I'm glad Irsay hired him as the GM but some of the posters on here act like he eats hay and craps gold.


    Interesting.  But I never said Grigson was great.  And on every player, I said from what I have seen, the player potentially could be good.   I would much rather be in that position like the Raiders who don't have that many even potentially good players.


    Remember, everything is speculation on these boards.

  7. I know this subject has been covered.  But I so much appreciate Ryan Grigson and what he has done.  Losing Bill Polian was going to be very, very hard to replace.  More often then not, you strike out.  But you can really tell that Grigson is firmly rooted in scouting college players.  Not just by our draft picks, but college free agents.   


    - Harrison  ©  He certainly possesses all the traits and smarts to be a good NFL center.  I love his run blocking ability, which we have not had in a long time. Saturday, towards the end of his career, was getting pushed back far too much.


    - Zack Kerr (DL) I love this guys motor, size, and speed.  And he looks like his arms are 8 feet long. It is always very hard for rookie DLineman to make an impact.  So for him to be performing at the level of some high draft picks is very promising.


    - Purifoy (CB)  Hasn't had a chance to play much, but he appears to have great potential and size.  I think he will be a good #4 if not more.


    - Swoope (TE) I know this is a reach, but I have a feeling this guy is going to be another very good NFL TE who played basketball.  The reason being is he is so smart, so dedicated, and from all reports, just picks things up so fast.  I think he will actually replace Fleener or Allen as they won't be resigned.


    - Dewey McDonald (S)  Again, hard to project with such limited game experience, but he seems like a guy with great speed, size, and striking ability.



    Ok, then what he has done with the draft.  Not only perfect, but how do Mewhort and Thornton look now?  Key parts of our offense for years to come. 


    And the NFL\CFL free agents he has brought in I think, for the most part, have been very solid.  Sure, guys like LaRon Landry haven't lived up to expectations.  But nobody is perfect.  And coming from a guy who has said he prefers building through the draft, he did a good job of building a team to win right away while he slowly has his young guys take over many of those spots.  


    Finally, the offense and defensive structure. I know much of that has to do with Pagano.  But Grigson hired Pagano and gets all the players for him. How many times have I heard that running the ball and stopping the run is a waste of time and it 20 year old strategy.  Well, how does it look now?  I would argue that use stopping the run so well is a BIG reason why teams are failing so often on 3rd down against us.  It is often 3rd and long.  And our running attack has really opened things up for Luck.


    So I am very, very pleased with what Grigson has done.  I do think you will see guys like Walden being replaced with draft choices.  Nothing against Walden, but I don't think he was brought in to be a long term starter.

  8. Even though the Steelers have played badly this year, I think this will be closer then you might.  Big Ben is a hard guy to take down and can air it out deep.  I expect him to get off some big plays and their defense to play better.  But I think the Colts win by 9.

  9. I am sure most of you have already seen this, but is is very cool that Colts great Peyton Manning is congratulating Andrew Luck, a potentially great Colts QB, on winning the John Unitas award...another great Colts QB.   If we could have gotten Bert Jones in there, it would have been complete :)


  10. I admit, I love the Colts and other Colts fans, but the short, hair trigger reactions are so annoying.  I notice something said Holmes is gone.  Just like Trent Richardson?  Or the coaching staff?  Or Castonzo being moved to right tackle?  How do we actually know all that is going on with Holmes?  Maybe his ankle is still bad so they have no reason to rush him?  He has played badly?  I know he is hurt, but was he bad when he played?  No.   I just think we have to stop acting like we know everything going on with the team when we don't have that information. And why would a 4th round pick who has great potential who wouldn't cost much be gone???  That would be a terrible mistake as far as value and cost.


    I just wish fans take in things as a whole instead of each week wanting someones head or calling someone a bust.

  11. great thread.


    will anyone learn a lesson?


    People on this forum learn a lesson???  hahaha.  Nice thought.  It never ends.  I remember this season after week two saying they hope the Colts lose all the games to get a good draft pick.  Or how about Hamilton must go and running the ball is stupid.  Or stopping the run is 20 years ago defense.  Yet, now that the offensive line is playing better so the offense is more balanced, there are no complains.


    Unfortunately, some lesser educated, hair triggers fans on here will always jump on someone week to week like the sky is falling.  Or promote a player who is a preseason star.   You just have to look at it like a little kid thinking they can fly.

  12. sorry- can't be 53. The Golden Arm was still being beaten up in Louisville then. Didn't sign with Colts till 56.

    I was born in Baltimore in 54. I've got a brick from Memorial Stadium and a John Mickey #88 poster.


    Wow, don't you love it when you proclaim something you have and write the wrong year!! lol  I meant 1963, not 1953.

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