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Posts posted by lennymoore24

  1. I remember them vividly.   The 1992 had talent in spurts. Defensive line, linebackers, offensive line.  George didn't help things, but the problem was they were built to run but had nothing for a RB.  Anthony Johnson was versatile but not really a starting caliber RB.  WRs were mostly misfits from other teams.  Kerry Cash at TE  had a lot of athleticism but never produced.   I think what you see two years later, with more talent, is they played how they should have been playing all along.  Run the ball.   1992 team wasn't that good.  Drove me crazy.

  2. I cannot agree with this. I believe Jeff Herrod is the best linebacker to ever put on a Colts uniform. I understand this will not be a popular opinion, especially with Baltimore Colts fans. Herrod did not play in an era when the Colts were in contention (except for 95) and it is the only reason he is not a household NFL name. Unfortunately for Herrod, he did not play in an era where players on losing teams were noticed. Back then only punters, kickers, and return men made the Pro Bowl from losing teams.


    I only saw the highlights of Mike Curtis, and that seems to be remembered the most. I watched Jeff Herrod live, and he was the real deal. Herrod was as close to perfect as a MLB can be.


    For those who never had the opportunity to see Herrod play, do some research on him. You will not be disappointing. 


    Good opinion!  Jeff Herrod was a very good linebacker and the heart and soul of that Colts defense.  I picked Curtis because he was fast (he played fullback out of college as well), mean, and a leader.  He was one of the top middle linebackers in the game.  But I don't think someone can go wrong with Herrod either.  Great player.

  3. Please guys and gals.  Can't we all just get along?  Can our Baltimore fans embrace the Indy Colts?  Can our Indy fans embrace the Baltimore Colts?  They are all the Colts.  Just like the Chicago/St Louis/Arizona Cardinals.  The Cleveland/LA St Louis Rams.  The Brooklyn/LA Dodgers.  We seem to be the only franchise that gets * about what group.  Bert Jones was a great QB.  Bert Jones was like what Andrew Luck is today.  Had he not gotten hurt, he would have been an alltime great.  Learn about him.  Embrace him!

  4. First off awsome post. I agree with some on Mathis>Freeney. Freeney was a freak getting to the QB, but so is Mathis. Plus Mathis is relentless chasing people down even during plays away from him, that would be my tie breaker! No way I could put Vanderjagt over Vinateiri though, especially if we are picking players that played elsewhere too. How about Raul Allegre or Dean Biacuccia (spelling?)! On another note, I hate it as a Colts fan that in many eyes the Colts were born in "1984". Its such an injustice to former players before that. They wore the horseshoe with the same passion as now but get no credit, kind of like lost souls.Yeah they have Baltimore, but that's now Ravens country so are left behind there also. The Steelers, Cowboys and Packers fans all get to have their full menu of years/teams, while Colts fans only scratch the surface. Thanks again for the post and making it a "complete Colts" list!    


    I completely agree with you.  To me, Colts are Colts.  They started in the early 50s.  I make really no difference between Indy and Baltimore.  Love them both.

    I think we most be the only fans who do that.  Do you think the St Louis Rams disown the great heritage of the Cleveland/LA Rams?  Bob Waterfield, Norm Van Brocklin?   Why do Indy fans disown Baltimore heritage?   Keep in mind, guys, that one day could happen to you.  What if the Colts moved to LA someday.  Do we disown the Indy times and then only the LA Colts matter?  Colts is Colts in my book.  They didn't start in 1984 or 1998.

  5. Sorry, I was born in 1992 and was only old enough to remember the beginning of Peyton's career. Not much we can do about that... So in my eyes, it's:

    Qb: Peyton Manning- the goat. Nuff said.

    Rb: Edgerrin James

    Wr1: Reggie Wayne- in my personal opinion has surpassed Marv as the best colts receiver. It's not a popular one, but oh well.

    Wr2: Marvin Harrison

    Te: Dallas Clark- was one of the best in the nfl for some time.

    Lt: Tarik Glenn

    C: Jeff Saturday

    ( can't think of any more Deserving OL off the top of my head)

    De: Robert Mathis- the sack fumble master

    De: Dwight Freeney

    Dt: honestly can't think of any deserving players... Colts interior dline was always a problem

    Lb: Cato June

    Lb: Jerrell freeman

    Lb: Gary Brackett

    Cb: Vontae Davis- the best colts corner I can ever remember

    Fs: Antoine Bethea

    Ss: Bob Sanders

    K: Adam vinatieri

    P: pat mcafee ( honorable mention: hunter the punter)

    I know it's incomplete and I have to learn a lot about the pre-Peyton era, but like I said I'm only 21 and was only able to understand/ follow football during Peyton's career. I am however aware of Johnny U, Raymond Berry, John Mackey, etc... But the Peyton era is all I've known. 50 years from now, hopefully I'll be telling my grand kids about the Peyton and Luck era like you old timers talk about the Johnny U era! haha


    I don't know if you can say older timer talk. John U played long before I could have watched him.  I am only 26.  But I became a fan of the Colts and did everything I could to read about all of them and watch every game and highlight I could get.   So I don't know that it is an age thing.  But your list is certainly good.  A book about Johnny U is what got me to like the Colts when I was 5.

  6. Bethea not even close nor is Siragusa. Volk and Liscome are just two that were way better.


    I don't disagree with your points.   I picked Siragusa because he played longer at a higher level, I felt.  Volk was very good as well.  I felt Bethea might have been better overall.  But hey, the fact you know Limpscomb and Volk is good enough to me!

  7. Dude, this is amazing. Another accurate lover of the Colts through the years. And pretty amazing that I agree with all your offense except for very minor changes:

    I would put Lenny Moore in for Ameche or Edge at RB (Lenny wasn't a FB, and I didn't see Ameche play); if have to keep a true FB, it would be Ameche

    I would move Parker to G so I could put George Kunz in at Tackle.

    There never has been a better O lineman in the NFL than Parker-way ahead of his time with quickness as well as strength--maybe some as good but none better.

    So true about Bob Vogel being underrated; look back at '60s games and see how much time they had to throw



    I would put Art Donovan in for Billy Ray Smith at DT, and Stan White in for Bickett at OLB

    Good pick with Bobby Boyd--another underrated CB that deserves HOF attention-a shutdown corner before the term was used--HOF Don Maynard had 0 catches vs. Boyd in SB III--that's 0 catches for a fast HOF WR in the biggest game of his team's career because Bobby Boyd was covering him.(and held Paul Warfield to 2 catches for 30 yds in the NFL C'ship game the same year) Maynard and Warfield would be All-Pros in any era. And that was Bobby Boyd's last year of playing--not his prime!

    Tough choice between RIck Volk, Bob Sanders or Antoine Bethea at S, but I would go with your pick of Jerry Logan at the other safety spot for sure.

    I'd go with Weeb Ewbank as Coach--with 2 Championships, but Shula was awesome with the Colts as well.


    Great job LennyMoore24


    Interesting you said George Kunz.  The Colts robbed the Falcons by getting him. What a great tackle!  I was really thinking of him.   Can't argue with your adjustments.  Even with Shula Ewbank.  I know Ewbank won two titles.  I though the Colts teams of the 60s were better but played against better teams.  And can't argue with Lenny Moore!

  8. I actually hate receivers having numbers in the teens. I understand why it was done.  Receivers and TEs only had from 80-89.  I think if they were going to open up numbers, I would have preferred the 40s.  Don't see them used as much.   Be like Paul Warfield and wear 42.  But again, I see the logic.  We have 1-19 for QB and kickers.  That is a lot of number for potentially 5 guys on a roster.

  9. Why does it always turn into an Indy/Baltimore thing in here?  And if you who comment are really Colts fans, you should be fan regardless of where they play.  Let me ask you guys this.  Lets pretend that the Colts moved to LA like next year.  LA Colts.  Would you still follow them?  Would you say that Peyton Manning never played in LA so he shouldn't count as one of the best Colts players?  Or what if the LA fans said the Indy fans were a bunch of crybabies for losing their team?


    Look, I don't live in Indy or Baltimore. I am a Colts fan since Bert Jones.  I don't care where they move, I will always be a Colts fan.  I have no idea why some of you act like the Colts came to be the day Manning was drafted.  Or put down older Baltimore fans.  Give the Baltimore fans credit.  Some live in Baltimore and remain Colts fans.  That is a true fan.


    You have to feel for the Baltimore residents.  It is not their fault their government screwed up things with Robert Irsay.  And from what I have read, I don't think he had much choice but move.  The Baltimore residents didn't ask for that.  I am sure they would have loved to keep the Colts.  I don't know why there has to be this hate and bickering in here.  We are all COLTS fans.  The means from John Unitas to Andrew Luck.  Embrace all of it.  It is their history.  Can't pretend it didn't happen.

  10. There is no "new QB" type in the NFL.  They were saying that about Bobby Douglas for the Bears in the early 70s.  Or Randall Cunningham.  Kaepernick and Wilson happened to be drafted by the two teams with arguably the best talent in the NFL.  Put them on the Bucs and Browns and are we talking about this now?  Luck, on the other hand,  would do well on any team he played on.


    I think QBs need to hold themselves to a certain level.

  11. So I would love to see what you guys and gals would put down for the all time Colts team.  And I mean Colts, no matter what city they called home.  here is mine:


    QB: John Unitas - Doesn't have Peytons records, but probably did more for his team and titles given the time he played in.  Toughest position to pick on this team

    RB: Edgerran James -  Hard to argue with the yards he put up.

    FB: Alan Ameche - Didn't play that long in the NFL but what a fullback

    WR: Raymond Berry - Made himself a great receive despite physical limitations

    WR: Marvin Harrison - Probably the greatest Colt receiver of all time

    TE: John Mackey - What a freight train coming at you with speed!

    T: Bob Vogel - Great offensive tackle.  Doesn't get the respect.

    T: Jim Parker - As dominant as a tackle as you will see

    G: Chris Hinton - He could play tackle or guard, so I'll start him at guard


    C: Ray Donaldson - Considered one of the best centers in the NFL for a long time.  Very strong and quick footed


    DE: Dwight Freeney - Relentless on every play

    DE: Gino Marchetti - Considered by many the best DE of his era.  Deacons Jones looked up to him

    DT: Tony Siragusa - You simply couldn't move the man.  Great run stuffer.

    DT: BillY Ray Smith - Very good lineman who could play end or tackle

    LB: Ted Hendricks - Didn't play too long with Baltimore but was very good his entire career.

    MLB: Mike Curtis - Easy pick.  Very, very good MLB.

    LB:  Duane Bickett - Forgetton Colt who could play run and rush the QB very well.

    CB: Ray Buchanon - Size, speed, and playmaking ability

    CB: Bobby Boyd - Long time Colts standout

    S: Antoine Bethea - Sanders was flashier, but Bethea was better for a longer time.

    S: Jerry Logan - 10 year starter who stood out

    P: Rohn Stark - One of the NFLs best during his career.  Great athlete

    K: Mike Vanderjagt - Gets flack but one of the best kickers in NFL history.

    KR - Joe Washington - Could do it all.

    Coach: Don Shula - Never lead Colts to a title but had them good every year.

  12. Some of you guys kill me.   So because Holmes didn't play much last year he is trash and this is all just lip service huh?  So Grigson and Pagano are going to put their jobs on the line, since a mandate is to protect Luck, just so they can not lose face on a wasted draft pick?  You ever consider what they see in practice and in the film room impresses them but his ankle wasn't ready.  I considered him the Josh Chapman of last year. I know, he wasn't hurt as bad as Josh.  But he was hurt.  It was basically a red shirt year for him.   


    If the coach and GM think he is ready, then I have to believe he is ready and that is why another center wasn't brought in other then Costa, who is a good backup.

  13. WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY too premature  to put Luck in that Top 5 list.  Are we forgetting his interception rant in the playoffs?  He lower completion percentage?I love the guy and I think he will at some time be considered the best QB in the NFL.  I just don't see that happen for 2-3 more years.

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