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Posts posted by lennymoore24

  1. He did think outside the box when be was an OC so could bring a few wrinkles to the offense.  I also believe Pep will get some interviews next year so could also be the OC in waiting... Just a thought.


    That was my first thought too. Pep will likely get interviews next year considering how Luck is going and with Allen and Wayne back.  So Chud could slide right in without too much changing hopefully.  I like Chud.  I thought it was a terrible move to fire him after one year.  And TRich hardly played for him.

  2. No mystery to why Seattle does well...they have the most talent.  Coaches can either be fortunate or unfortuante.  Carroll failed twice before because he was not in control of his roster.   This time the GM has done a lights out job of getting good talent.  But if the GM was mediocre, nobody would be calling Carroll a good NFL coach right now.

  3. Don't forget the Seahawks also have the luxury of having a lot of young players on their rookie contracts.  So they were able to trade for Harvin and sign free agents.  Next year they have to start paying the piper and their great depth and overall skills will erode.  Just as it does with every team that has talent.   We will have same thing happen when Luck, TY Hilton, Allen, Fleener, and Richardson ( I think he will be good) need new contracts.

  4. I, too, think Luck will have a more successful career as far as winning Super Bowls.  But I don't think it has anything to do with titles or styles.  What we saw tonight with Denver is what always haunted the Colts.  In the big game, they have no running attack, no defense, and couldn't score points.  If Peyton isn't perfect, they lose.  Too imbalanced.  The Luck lead Colts are determined to be more balance.  If Luck has a top 10 defense, that alone will put them over the top.

  5. What I think is so bizarre is how watching the Broncos is like watching the Manning Colts.  Great passing attack all year.   But they get into the big game and they can't score much, they have no reliable running attack, and their defense is no good.  So it all comes down to Peyton being perfect all the time.  And that is just not realistic.   Just odd because when Tebow was there they were a great defense and running attack.  It is like Peyton turns a team into a finesse team that can't consistently run or play defense.

  6. I always forget that some fans on here expect our linemen to never allow any pressure but for us to beat every offensive line.  I see games where Castonzo will give up two pressures or a sack and people will call for his head.  But if Mathis beats Jake Long twice in a game, that is expected.  


    Get real.  Lineman are going to be beat sometimes.  Castonzo is a good left tackle.

  7. I think Kurt Warner proved a point on this argument.  I remember people were saying if he wins the Super Bowl vs the Steelers, he would be a Hall Of Famer. If he loses, he won't be.  So Warner gets them ahead, the defense folds, and they lose.  So because their defense doesn't get the job done, Warner isn't a Hall Of Famer?  Dumb...Dumb...Dumb.   Dan Marino was a great QB.  Jim Kelly was very good.  They never won a Super Bowl.  But Trent Dilfer and Joe Flacco did. Makes no sense.

  8. I don't doubt that Leaf tanked on purpose.  But no way were the Colts considering him.   Manning himself, when drafted, they asked him how long he had known he would be the #1 pick and he said something like "I can keep a secret too".   They all knew for awhile Manning would be the pick.  They wanted to build some excitement for the team.  So Brad Wells and his men can write these blogs to once again make Polian look bad.

  9. Good theory. I think it has more to do with the positions we picked.  2012 we did many skilled position players.  If you look at the non-skilled players we drafted, they did next to nothing.  So you go to 2013 and we get all non-skilled players. Takes them longer to get playing at a level.  No doubt, the 2012 had more talent for us.  So I think it is  just a positional difference.

  10. I am so excited for Peyton.   The Broncos dominated that game and send the evil empire home.   I think the Broncos will beat the Seahawks.  Then Peyton will be first QB to win a Super Bowl with two different teams.  He will probably be called the greatest ever.  And all the crap that is said will be dead.  His legacy will be cemented.


    Then our Colts dominate for the next 10-12 years :)

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