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Posts posted by lennymoore24

  1. 1. Sign Mack or a second-tier FA C is a must and #1 priority.  Could have enough Guards with the existing roster.

    2. Ballard starts and splits the bulk of the rushing attempts with Bradshaw.

    3. Richardson gets the occasional carry, but primarily provides blocking and is a receiving target out of the backfield.

    4. Richardson gains more carries as Vick or Ahmed get nicked up.



  2. I know in a perfect world, the Colts would like to see Thomas LG Holmes C Thornton RG.  And hope they do well.  And never get hurt.  But that is risking a lot since the last two years have been horrible up front.  All the top rated guards are gone.  It is a bit worrisome.  I would like to see more players signed here for competition that may start or at least be ready to start.


    I'm not one to think they will sign a guy like Mack.  Signing Mack is saying Holmes was a wasted pick, because he will never play.  They must feel he is do something.

  3. A bit off the subject, but don't underestimate the effect not having a good pass rush has on our secondary.  If I had a choice between the two, I would take DaMarcus Ware over Revis.  Why?  Because Mathis and Ware and Werner would put some much heat on the QB it would make it much easier for our guys to cover.  On the flipside, you put Revis back there with our current pass rush, good luck!  He won't look good!

  4. You ditto heads crack me up.  You want Jones, huh?   Does someone tell you all to say that?  You ever consider Jones plays on a pretty good DLine so is likely not as good as he looks (See RJF).  We have Chapman and Hughes.  We don't need him.

  5. :facepalm:

    i dont think i did, i just listened to it again where he says he didnt really punt in college




    go to about 4 minutes in he says it soon


    edit: i think i get it, is "roll out punt" what he did in college? like a rugby punt? is he saying he just did a different style, idk. at first he says "in college i never really punted" and talks about learning how before camp


    He didn't punt like standard NFL punters.  The used a rugby style of punting in college.  So that would have to be projected to the NFL.

  6. If they don't start Holmes now, he is a wasted pick.  Why pick up a veteran that he works under for 2 years?  So then he has one year as a starter before becoming a Free Agent?  I have to believe that Grigson drafted him with the idea he would start in his second year.  He will be stronger and more healthy.

  7. Funny:  People talked about how great Grigson was when he signed Satele.  A short two years later, people are talking about how great Grigson is because he released Satele.


    Weird, I don't remember ANYONE being in favor of Satele being signed in the first place.  He has never been a very good center.  My friend is a Dolphins fan and he said they couldn't wait to get rid of him.

  8. I'm not inclined to rejoice until we know who is starting, and they prove to be an improvement (shouldn't be hard, but I don't like to get ahead of myself).


    I think a wooden indian from a smoke shop would qualify as an upgrade :)

  9. Again, I am amazed at some of the comments.  Coaching staff?  So is Chuck Pagano out there getting beat by every 0, 1, and 2 gap DLineman in the league?  THEY CAN'T BLOCK!!!  McGlynn is a high effort guy who simply lacks the ability to win his battles most of the time.  Satele is not a run blocker.  I don't know where you guys get on the criticism of the coach??  How do we know that it is not Irsays MANDATE to run the ball and stop the run???  After all, before he hired Grigson or Pagano, that was his dream.   So you keep assuming that Hamilton and Pagano just intentionally do things that don't work just to pull a power play.  I have a hard time believing they are that backwards.


    I think the Colts are close, contrary to what some of your think.  Sure, we were not competitive with the Patriots.  I know people will jump on the defense for the collapse at the end, but we were within 8 I believe, had 3 stops of the Patriots, and did NOTHING offensively.  Do you think with Wayne, Allen, and Thomas back that might change?  With a better O-Line and Richardson running well?  I think you have the Colts two more O-lineman, another pass rusher, and a DLineman who can collapse the pocket, we are a real threat to anyone.  I think we showed that against SF, Seattle, and Denver.

  10. Can this guy get a medal? I agree 100%. Especially with the Trent Richardson and Ryan Grigson statements. Since week 1 Richardson came here people expected 3000000000 yards and 500 TD's out of him, yet no one took into account that our interior line cant block whatsoever, and he is 22 or 23 years old, had to learn 2 playbooks in 2 years, and was thrown into the lineup. and to the people who hate Trent and LOVE Donald brown, and say we keep him, you need to watch the past couple years of his career. he cannot pass block to save his life (Miami Dolphins @ Indianapolis Colts week 2 2013. Just an example, watch the last play of the game.) Trent can pass block like a beast, many many many plays this year would not have been successful if it wasn't for Trent Richardson's pass block abilities. every time he was put in, the defense would stack the box and immediately hit him as soon as he took the handoff. Can you really call him a bust after half a year?! NO!!!! Give him an upgraded interior line that can run block, an ENTIRE off-season with the COLTS to LEARN the playbook, training camp, OTA's, minicamp and all that.

    Next year I definitely see him proving EVERYONE wrong and showing why he was 3rd overall. No offense to Donald Brown, but since when has he been the best RB on the colts? since he played well for 7 games this year? I honestly would choose Trent over Donald everyday, any day. Trent is only 22 or 23, has a ton of upside, and has a tremendous skill set. I think judging him the way some *s on this forum and espn did is extremely unfair. Another thing,

    with Grigson, some people on here literally make me shake my head. and reading Brad Wells makes me go insane. Werner was a good pick, he was injured many games, and had to switch from a 4-3 to a 3-4. This draft class was a very "developmental project" draft. If you want to talk about bad draft classes, go look at some of Bill Polian's latest drafts before we fired his salty self. Grigson won GM of the year and it is only his 2nd year on the job. He makes things exciting with trades. Some good, some bad. I don't know how any of you can sit here and trash Coach Pagano. That man is truly an inspiration. Last time I checked, a coach doesn't get fired for making a couple bad calls in the season. I think this organization is in great hands. And for some people saying we should switch back to a 4-3, you guys should really learn Colts football. we ran that scheme for years. Did it work? no. not really. I like the 3-4 and so should you. Another thing with the Trent trade, whether you liked it or not, he's here to stay and he is an Indianapolis colt and we should support him instead of trashing and bashing all the time. and that goes for everything, instead of trashing and bashing, try being positive. it makes things 100x better on here. Go Colts and have a great day.


    Well said!!

  11. Guys,

    This was not about everyone. I am just saying some people come up with the most bizarre theories.  I am a coach and have coached football for 12 years.  I don't pretend I am Bill Walsh, but it is frustrating to see people so obviously miss what they are seeing.  And just repeat what everyone else is seeing.  Castonzo doesn't have right tackle feet, for example.  He is a left tackle.  You HAVE to consider the entire team.  Go back to the 1995 Colts.  We had Marshall Faulk running the ball.  Great RB!!  He got hurt, so Lamont Warren would come in and go for over 100.  If he didn't, well Zack Crockett would come in and rip the Chargers for like 140 yards in the playoffs.  Do you think Warren and Crockett were great RBs?  Even good?   What do you think Richardson and Brown would do behind that offensive line?  You have to consider what they have to work with.   The Colts offensive line does a terrible job of gab control and run blocking.  Way too much penetration.  Any RB would be hard pressed to succeed behind that line.  So you make the point that Donald Brown gained yards behind the line.  Well, for one think, I think Brown has always been a good RB.  Wrong scheme, not that many opportunities, and injuries hurt him.  But they don't run the same plays with Richardson they do with Brown.


    Just do me this one.  When the Colts get a better offensive line this season, please don't start saying Richardson is finally starting to mature.  Sure, he will learn, but most of it is gong to come because HE FINALLY HAS A HOLE TO RUN TO!!

  12. Look at Belichick draft history since Pioli left.  Not so great.  Anyone talk about firing him?  All Pagano has done is coached two back to back playoff teams.  But some people on there would rather he be fired.  Get rid of Grigson and Pagano, they say.

    And it doesn't stop with coaches.  Here's some other brain busters. Donald Brown was a bust.  Richardson should be cut.  Castanzo is a right tackle.  McGlynn should be the starting center because we ran well ONE TIME he was the starter.  We should switch to 4-3.  DHB should be in the secondary.  The list goes on and on.
    1) Running backs don't run well when their line can't block.  Yeah, I know, Donald Brown got yards, but they used him in different sets.  Had he lined up tight like Richardson, he would have been hit in the backfield too. Lets give the guy an occassional hole and then we can pass the verdict.
    2) Not all GMs hit every draft choice.  And are you forgetting the talent Grigson is bringing in from other sources?  Werner actually had as good or better stats then pass rushers drafted higher than him.  Hughes showed some great flashes for a young player.  You can see that quickness.  When Holmes comes on, I would say getting Werner, Thorton, Holmes, and Hughes was a pretty good haul for one draft.  We aren't getting 7 starters every year!!!  If we were, that doesn't say much about our talent.  I love what he has done with Freeman, McNary, and the new guy they just signed from the CFL.  Those guys are like extra draft choices.  Nothing to lose because they aren't signed for huge contracts.
    3)  Andrew Luck threw 9 interceptions the entire regular season.  The receiving core was very young after Wayne went out.  Yet we still got the playoffs.  Give Hamilton and Pagano some credit. You ever consider it might be Irsays MANDATE they play power football?  He doesn't want another Star Wars offense because he can see by the last four teams left in the playoffs, you HAVE to be able to run.
    4) Finally, it helps to have some football knowledge when evaluating players.  Some of you are on here screaming about this player or that player.  It cracks me up when you read somewhere an "expert" like Chappell will say Castanzo should be a right tackle, so then you post that like you know what you are talking about.  He is not a right tackle.  I remember some screaming about Tim Jennings and how bad he sucked. How bad is he now?  Case of he was asked to give a huge cushion. You put him on a team with a good pass rush and he plays tighter, and he is pretty good.  Keep that in mind when you are calling for the head of every player.  Talent is talent.  I would bet the house if you put Richardson behind the 49ers offensive line, he is a 1400 runner.
    So please. Considering assignments and schemes.  And consider if a player has the parts around him he needs. Quit calling for heads to fall!
  13. This is a good argument except for one small problem. Brown gained yards behind that line, Ballard gained yards behind that line and Bradshaw gained yards behind that line. Everybody but Richardson. Richardson wasn't much in Cleveland either. The problem is that Richardson just isn't very good at running the ball. Now receiving out of the backfield, he can do that but there is no way Richardson was ever worth a number one draft pick to either the Browns or the Colts.


    Well, again,  go back to actually watching football can be a very helpful exercise.


    Not all running is created equally.  Brown usually ran in a spread offense where he only has usually the 4 DLineman and 1 lineback to beat the line with his line. Rchardson was running more in a tight formation where one or two tight ends are in close and the box is stacked.  Completely different,


    That's like asking why Reggie Wayne didn't have very many long plays because LaVon Brazill did.  You have to consider the game situation.  You can't compare them directly.

  14. These mental midgets have no idea what they are talking about.


    It is a bit disappointing with what Grigson did in Free Agency. I know he had to spread the wealth around, but why not have signed another top OG instead of Walden?


    I seriously cannot take another year of bad offensive line. I think if we see that again Grigson should be sent packing.  If the OLine is better, it helps Luck, it helps Richardson, it helps control the clock, and it ultimately helps the defense.

  15. Seriously, are  some of you that backwards when it comes to watching NFL football?  Adrian Peterson couldn't get yards behind the Colts line in obvious running situation. Richardson had almost no chance of success.  But that is what I have noticed on this forum.  People talk before they think.  So quick to call people a bust.  Fleener is a bust. Castonzo is  bust.  Donald Brown is a bust.   You never seem to consider the situation the player is in.  For example, Castonzo.   This year Chris Clark, a career backup, had to play because Denver lost their best offensive lineman.  They gave up the fewest sacks in the league.  Is Clark that good?  Or is that Peyton gets the ball away fast?  Do you think that helped Tarik Glenn?


    The Colts telegraph their runs and have horrible blocking between the tackles.  Nobody will succeed in that.  I am going to laugh my butt off if we get better players in the middle, Richardson does well, and you suddenly act like Richardson finally got it.  No, running backs actually needs holes.


    Seriously, learn the basics of football.  Would be a huge help before you say mindless things!

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