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Everything posted by husker61

  1. so this means I’m not really a colts fan according to nfl fan.
  2. I will ask again. What throws did he look questionable on?
  3. I have said this before, I will say it again. I didn’t like Richardson before the draft and would have traded down and seen if a qb fell to draft. Passing and reading defenses are much more important than a running qb, that’s why I wouldn’t have drafted him. In a small nfl sample size, levis is much more of the type of qb that I think will be successful. I hope Richardson turns out to be the best qb in the nfl, but I haven’t seen those qualities yet.
  4. Both equal and probably longer than you have been alive. so I guess anyone that doesn’t like every colt player, coach, or gm isn’t really a colts fan. That would probably make every person here not a colts fan first.
  5. he did, and he made some throws that a lot of veteran qb’s couldn’t make as he was being hit. He made one throw sidearm to just avoid watt’s hand. He had two plays to throw a touchdown in the last 20 seconds. You have to take a chance with Pitt knowing he has to throw into the end zone from 25 yards away, he did and threw an int. We absolutely saw the game differently. what throws was he questionable on? I didn’t see any.
  6. Just watched the 2nd half of the tenn game. After watching the first half yesterday a said I would absolutely trade Richardson for Levi’s, now I would trade Richardson and a first round pick for him! And I am pretty sure tenn wouldn’t make that trade. He made some incredible throws under heavy pressure. He impressed the heck out of me!! Richardson is a risk, could be good or could be a bust, I just have doubts he will ever be that polished passer. I hope I am wrong!
  7. not always, some do some don’t. If everyone got better, coaching would be easy.
  8. People put too much into stats and pff! If a lb leads the team in tackles, but 90% are 5-10 yards down field, that’s not a good lb.
  9. Too many people here are using pff grades too much. I don’t think Leonard has made an impact play all year. Most starting lb’s have made a couple this year. Making a lot more of them than the average lb is what made him the player he was, he just isn’t that player now.
  10. Many here say the colts gm hasn’t gotten a rush de in the draft as a big deal. They are probably as hard to get as a top qb. Look how many teams have missed on those picks in the first round. No pick is a guaranteed top player and some positions are a much greater risk than others. All gm’s have hits and misses, the ones that get lucky and get those few hall of fame players are said to be top gm’s when it could be just luck. How many gm’s have built multiple teams into winners? It’s a VERY short list! and the colts fans were spoiled to have one of them! And people here still complained about him.
  11. Bases on a very small sample size, would you trade Richardson for levis straight up right now? Nether is a proven nfl qb, but I would do that trade.
  12. and you are gushing over Richardson, who hasn’t really done anything as a colt for one game.
  13. If a colts qb had a first game like that, all you would be reading here would be he could be the next luck or manning.
  14. that doesn’t make any sense! It’s like saying a qb had a mah day aside from the 4 interceptions he threw. Rd passes and interceptions are the biggest part of how a qb does!
  15. most here are in love with Richardson, I don’t think it’s because of his passing and reading defenses abilities. I don’t think he would have been a first round pick on those attributes.
  16. that’s assuming a lot! You don’t know he would have picked the same running rout. Running plays are designed to go a set way, but it’s all on the rb to pick where he thinks the hole is or will be. Some are great at it, some aren’t. That’s the difference between top and average backs.
  17. I guess levis should be added to this thread title. against popular opinion here, maybe passing not running is more important to a nfl qb!
  18. I guess all the stadiums have bad turf. Players are just getting to big, strong, and fast! Not much you can do about that.
  19. potential, he hasn’t shown top qb form yet.
  20. I haven’t been on the get a wr bandwagon like a lot here. The ones the colts have are fine and would be a lot better with a better qb. I wouldn’t use any top picks on offense, the top 4 rounds at least should be defense. Pass rusher, lb, and a big dt would be my priorities. Secondary should be ok when healthy. I’m probably in the minority here about not being sold on the colts lb’s for a long time.
  21. I have been saying this for years about colts lb’s that this board have said we’re so good and the colts have given big contracts too. My opinion was not very popular here at the time!! They make a lot of tackles, but they are 4+ yards down field. That’s not a top linebacker!
  22. this is the problem, not the qb or offense.
  23. People are complaining about the qb play, but you can’t expect a starting, let alone a back up qb, to score 30+ points a game to get wins. The defense has been awful! There have been injuries/suspension, but all teams have them. Playing zone on short yardage is too easy to find a quick open spot. Having week cb and not giving help or blitzing to make the qb uneasy are coaching issues. I would like to see more screen passes to our best weapons!
  24. People are complaining about the qb play, but you can’t expect a starting, let alone a back up qb, to score 30+ points a game to get wins. The defense has been awful! There have been injuries/suspension, but all teams have them. Playing zone on short yardage is too easy to find a quick open spot. Having week cb and not giving help or blitzing to make the qb uneasy are coaching issues.
  25. im one of the few people here that has thought from the start of the season he is doing a adequate job. He makes mistakes, all qb’s do. The last game, a top defensive player made several great plays. That’s not on him, that’s what top players do. I wasn’t expecting the colts to play this well. Being in the playoff race is making this a enjoyable season and gm is a big reason why.
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