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HungarianColtsFan last won the day on March 27 2018

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  1. Any idea how to get rid of a fox? I guess I have to purchase a pooch. 'Killer' would be the right name.

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    2. MAC


      Purchase a pooch? A Fox can kill a small dog, and I'm not sure that I'd want a dog that was big enough and aggressive enough to do the job also sleeping in my bedroom.

      I'd vote for trapping and relocating it if you are worried about it getting local pets and wildlife, and just watch it in admiration otherwise.

    3. HungarianColtsFan


      On first place I'll fix the fence. He's get used to leftover pet food that's why he is intruding, easy grub, no hunting. Anyway a fox may catch cats.

      MAC there are some compact-sized dog-breeds those were 'developed' for hunting fox. Anyway I don't want to harm it just scare away. I must check if relocating available.

    4. MAC


      Once I was sitting at work and I saw a cat sprinting across the yard with a fox in hot pursuit. Broad daylight too - the craziest thing. The cat went safely up a tree. I trapped him the following day and adopted him. Watson was his name - black and white tuxedo.

      I understand what you are saying - I never let my cats outside. There are woods across the street and I have heard fox cries at night. I've never seen one here but it isn't safe.

      And yes - DUH - there a...

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