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Posts posted by jskinnz

  1. 10 hours ago, jimmy g said:

    To each his own, but I just can’t relate to your thinking. I’ve been a Colt fan since the mid1950s, thru thick and thin. It’s entertainment. I can’t imagine any other way to be a fan?!?!

    Same. I cannot begin to understand that line of thinking. Every damn game of the 2011 season was appointment viewing - on tv or at the stadium. Same with last year when they were quite literally unwatchable. 

    • Like 2
  2. 5 minutes ago, csmopar said:

    We can tag JT for the next 3 years if we wanted to. We are still in the drivers seat here

    That really makes no sense. No one has been tagged 3 years in a row - it is cost prohibitive. 

    If you do tag someone for that length, why not just offer a long term contract?  Way better cap management that way. 

    At some point he gets a contract or he gets traded - my guess is that happens this football year (March of 2024)

  3. 41 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

    That would be a pretty even trade. They already have Hill so who knows.

    Sorry man but in today’s NFL that is not close to an even trade. 

    They acquired Hill and paid him with Waddle already in the roster.  The fact that they traded and paid a WR with a # 1 already on the roster tells you everything about the way receivers are valued over backs. 

    • Like 1
  4. 3 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

    If I was the GM of the Colts, I still would not trade him unless I get a 1st round pick. That is the only way it would happen under my watch. Taylor when healthy is a top 3 RB in the league. Really only Henry but he is 29, and McCaffery have an argument to being better. Chubb is out for the year and Barkley may miss a month now. McCaffrey isn't even a better runner but his ability to run and catch gives him a nice argument to being the best.

    What if the entire league tells you his value is not worth a # 1 and the differences between he and the Colts are not repairable. Are you still not trading him then?

  5. 5 hours ago, JediXMan said:

    Colts offense and defense looks nothing like some of these AFC teams offenses and defenses. Also there’s only 2 AFC teams that are undefeated after two weeks. Watch the media still rank the Colts 30th this week though lmao


    Also bigger disappointment Chargers or Bengals?

    Who cares how the media ranks them?  I don’t understand why that is important to anyone. It means literally nothing. 

    • Thanks 4
  6. 3 hours ago, GoColts8818 said:

    Has to learn to protect himself.  He does the Colts no good if he can’t finish games.  Two games two games he’s failed to finish due to injury.  That is very bad.  This also isn’t Andrew Luck where the line isn’t protecting him this is 100% on him.  

    I’ll say the Colts would be wise to extend Minshew because I think as long as Richardson is the QB you are going to need a high end back up like Minshew.

    Agree completely - this injury was totally on Richardson. He let up around the 5 and allowed the contact to happen. He took an unnecessary hit that did not need to happen. 

    He has to (and will) learn to protect himself. 

    • Like 6
  7. 13 hours ago, Moosejawcolt said:

    The market has spoken. Now if Ballard were to sign Taylor to a deal, it would go against what the rest of the NFL is doing. I stated that it would be a mistake to give another deal to Tayor, and apparently, the Raiders and Giants agree. If Ballard extends Taylor's contract, I will be so done with him as a GM and this  is from someone who said I would give him a 2nd chance now that he has his qb.

    Genuinely curious - what will “you being done with Ballard as a GM look like if Taylor gets extended?”  Will you not watch games anymore until Ballard is gone?  Will you stop posting here?  What is the tangible impact of a Taylor extension?

    • Like 1
  8. 9 hours ago, BlueShoe said:

    I’d rather have Richardson over Levis. 

    The Colts must have had the same concerns I did, because they had their pick. 

    Richardson was a good choice. 

    That said, we cannot overlook the fact that Steichen is a liar. It’s something we’re going to have to adjust to. We’ve had several years of an honest Ballard. Steichen is not going to be truthful. It’s a trait we should all be concerned about. 

    I know the shots are coming my way for saying this, but if you think about it… It’s deserved. 

    Dear Lord

  9. 46 minutes ago, coltsfeva said:

    The Colts have not had a whole lot of success with ex-Eagles:


    Hank Basket

    Trent Cole


    Agular has a reputation for the dropsies


    PASS (please)


    What does Basket have anything to do with the Colts' supposed interest with Agholor?

  10. On 2/20/2020 at 11:19 AM, Chloe6124 said:

    On the one percent better podcast Steven Holder says he has a source that says keep a eye on Derek Carr to the colts. He says source says they are willing to explore a trade for Carr.  My guess this might only become a option if we aren’t able to get a guy we love in the draft.


    The bolded is simply not accurate.  If this were to happen it would be before the draft.  

  11. 12 hours ago, Imgrandojji said:

    After the Superbowl?  I wouldn't say so.  


    Anyway, the Brady-to-Indy rumors just picked up a lot of heat regardless of what this was or wasn't

    1) it would be 1000% tampering  He wasn’t on the damn plane. 


    2) the Brady to Indy rumors have no more steam today than they did  3 days ago. 

    • Like 2
  12. 7 hours ago, aaron11 said:

    There is room for both him and Mack, not going to comment further on the rest


    OK - leave the character issues out of it.  Ballard won't but let's play pretend again and say that Hunt is a boy scout.


    Do you think the reports of a contract extension for Mack are true?    I would be willing to bet they are true. The Colts are a top tier running team with Mack, Wilkins, Hines and Williams.  All under contract and all relatively cheap.  Ballard has said he "likes them picks."  The question in the thread is would he consider Hunt even if having to give up a pick to get him.  The answer is somewhere between no and hell no.  Why would he pay Mack and also give up resources to get Hunt?


  13. 14 hours ago, aaron11 said:

    she hit him too he had to do something.  it was heat of the moment im not going to black list him over that


    weed is petty AF too, nothing major will come from that

    Maybe I am from a different era than you because I think it’s never ok to hit a woman. 

    But let’s pretend that it’s OK to react as Hunt did with woman in the video. Do we also pretend that his alleged involvement in a note club incident where a man ended up with  broken nose also never happened?  

    Despite video evidence, do we also pretend the traffic stop and weed admission never happened either?  

    Maybe taken individually all these things are minor but collectively don’t they show you who the guy is?  

    Now take the football part of it. It is debatable that he brings that much more to the table than Mack. He is not head and shoulders better than Mack. And Ballard sure as hell is not giving up any capital to bring him on. 

    There is less than a zero % chance Hunt is a Colt. 

  14. 1 hour ago, aaron11 said:

    whats funny is that you are jumping to conclusions too and patting yourself on the back thinking you are being the voice of reason here. 


    maybe he wants to talk to ballard and get a better idea of the teams qb situation and chances of contending in the next few years?


    fyi ballard is still reviewing qbs after the senior bowl, maybe hes waiting on that.  you dont know what hes thinking for sure either, get over your self.  players have retired over this before




    Don't recall patting myself on the back in this thread.  Never once said "I called this before it happened" like you did.


    So you think AC is waiting on Ballard to come back from the Sr. Bowl to tell him, "Hey Anthony, we fell in love with Jordan Love down there and are going to draft him?"  And AC is now pinning his future plans on a rookie QB that may not play at all for at least a year nor is a certainty to drafted by Indy? That is what you think means by future plans?


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