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Posts posted by jskinnz

  1. 1 hour ago, Imgrandojji said:

    Yeah well, a good center us the keystone of the OL.  I'd rather have a top flight center than a top flight QB, but I think i'm I'm in the minority there.

    In the entire world you are the only one with this comically bad thought. 


    • Thanks 1
  2. 39 minutes ago, Dr. T said:

    We will be playing in Pittsburgh and there is always home cookin' in those games. Just look at that Miami successful fourth down that got reversed. What a bunch of hooey.


    Your last line just perfectly described your post.

    • Thanks 1
  3. 34 minutes ago, Imgrandojji said:

    I don't know.  I don't know what he thinks it would take to put this team over the top.


    We have the cap space, and the very high salary would reduce the talent cost.  Using cap space in this way to cut down other costs is a form of efficiency other GMs exploit to better their football teams.


    I'm not saying definitely gonna happen, but it's hard to argue he wouldn't make us better, and we have every resource we need to make the move.  It all comes down to what Ballard and Irsay think.


    He could have had Bell for just the salary and elected not to pursue him in free agency.  For a trade I say this with 100% certainty - Bell will not be on the Colts.  


    And I think the argument that Bell makes the Colts appreciably better is not a fact.  

    • Like 1
  4. 21 minutes ago, Imgrandojji said:

    I'd love it.  Nothing against Mack, but Bell takes that running game up a whole nother order of magnitude. 


    The only question is how much life Bell has left in his body as he is getting older as RBs go and has a lot of mileage on him.  Still probably worth the risk if the price is fair.


    You'd love it.  Fine and fair as you are not alone.


    But really, what are the odds that Ballard would pay the salary and draft capital it would take to get him?


    • Thanks 1
  5. 42 minutes ago, John Waylon said:

    There will be plenty who dismiss this as “we have a trade for him lined up!”


    Sure. If we have one lined up already why are we waiting to make it? Why not put him out there in a situation where he could increase his value?


    Yeah yeah, I hear you. “So he doesn’t get hurt!” And I still call nonsense. Wilson has very little value as is. He’s a guy who couldn’t even stay in the good graces of a poor coaching staff, and has seemingly fallen out of favor with this one as well. The best thing they could have done yesterday was play him and hope he had a good game to maybe squeeze a little more value out of him. 


    If there is a trade in the works, the absolute last thing they would do is play him.  

  6. 46 minutes ago, BProland85 said:

    What happened with our OL and WRs today? It seemed like Brissett was holding the ball due to WRs not getting open. As for the OL, they seemed to struggle blocking today in both the run and pass game. Hope we get this addressed ASAP. 


    Offense definitely had me worried today. 


    Here is what had me worried at the end of the game.


    Nothing.  A big fat nothing.  The tick goes into the W column and nothing else matters.  

    • Like 5
  7. 33 minutes ago, richard pallo said:

    Our WR receivers do not get open.  TY is the only good WR until Funchess returns and that's three games from now.  And who knows how long it will take for him to become a factor.  Here's hoping Ballard pulls a Bellicheck and makes a move or two. 


    I give you props for your consistency and persistence however futile it may be.

    • Like 1
  8. 1 hour ago, Chucklez said:

    Not an excuse for the game he had today...

    Besides, I’m not saying cut him or bench him entirely... I just don’t see the hype and I’d rather see Wilson start over him, at least until he gets some more experience under his belt.

    I would not get too used to the idea of Wilson starting. He was a healthy scratch on a day that Desir was out. 

    • Like 1
  9. 13 minutes ago, Four2itus said:

    It is possible that Jacoby Brissett is a better leader in the locker room than either Manning or Luck. However, exalting one great Colt by diminishing another serves only those who wish to see negatives. 


    Manning, Andrew, and Jacoby...all three....have brought something great to this franchise. I am excited to see what else Jacoby brings in the future. 


    So absolutely well said.

    • Like 2
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  10. 11 minutes ago, TimetobringDfence! said:

    Im aware we have his rights if he were to come back. I just have this horrible feeling it could happen lol. Luck taking over New England and leading them to another decade of greatness. 

    don’t you have a life to live instead of worrying about fantasy nonsense?

    • Like 1
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  11. 40 minutes ago, Chloe6124 said:

    It depends on who the player is. What is their importance to the team ect. With the depth of this team at certain positions it does allow him though to let guys get as healthy as possible. My beef with some of these comments is the way they come across  is to sit them no matter what. There were people saying to sit Leonard even though he was cleared from concussion protocol. If your best players can go they need to so you have the best chance to win. There are only 16 games. Every game should be treated like a playoff game.


    Somehow you've argued both sides of an issue yet again.  I think that is how you get your post count up so high.  It's like you are both Skip and Shannon.

    • Like 1
  12. 5 minutes ago, Smonroe said:

    Not to get way off topic, but that is an archaic rule that has to change.  In this era of player safety, it makes no sense to have guys sit out if they’re healthy.  While an injured guy potentially has to stay in the game.

    I expect that to be changed in the next CBA.  The owners won’t object since they pay the guys anyway.  The players shouldn’t object either.  Really dumb rule, left over from the “everyone has one backup” days.  

    I am not sure I agree. I go back to the Pats game last year. Colts could only dress 44 “healthy” guys and Pats were fully healthy. It is a huge advantage to NE if they have 9 extra bodies. Seems a way to at least try to level the field. 

    • Like 2
  13. 11 hours ago, Chloe6124 said:


    If I did I was clearly joking. It’s football players play with injuries. Once the season starts your hardly ever going to be without some knicks and bruises. I think guys that were injured did sit out that game. I bet I said it as more of a joke so no one else got hurt since everyone thought we were never going to win that game.

    yeah, your reputation on here is clearly that of a jokester. 

    I recall you saying specifically that Mahomes should have been held out of the Denver game. Was that a joke too?

  14. 3 hours ago, Coffeedrinker said:

    No.  The article you linked was just someone agreeing with another article that listed a trade scenario for each that the writer thought made sense.


    There is nothing in either article that indicates this is anything more than something someone thought would be a good trade and someone else agreed.


    The fact that you needed to explain that...

    • Like 1
  15. 2 hours ago, zibby43 said:

    Man I wish the Colts taught a different technique when defending passes.


    A lot of teams are switching to shooting the hands directly into the WR's hands, rather than swiping at the ball (which often results in a miss, like this, even when the CB is in great position, like Ya-Sin). 


    So many great position coaches on the team, strange the Colts are behind the times in this respect.


    From the position he's in compared to where Stills is, what else is Ya Sin supposed to do on this play?

  16. 8 hours ago, Rackeen305 said:

    You said a whole lot of nothing. Obviously I knew that Farley was brought in before being cut. So what was your point? You just disagreed with my opinion. Np but you haven't made any relavent contribution to the post. "Sweet baby jesus" why though? 

    help me understand your friendly fire comment with regards to Farley and Hooker and somehow that relating to farley not being resigned. 

  17. 8 minutes ago, EastStreet said:


    I am overall critical of players voting for all 5 spots. Like I said before, I think it should either be coach elected, or 50/50 split. Simply my opinion, but a C pinned on a guy that is not "proven", or someone that is vulnerable to be displaced by a rook (or other), is a recipe for trouble. 


    Sorry, just pretty much disagree completely on everything.


    In no way should the coaches or front office dictate who should be captains.  THAT is a recipe for trouble.  A good coach and front office guy would want this to be the case.


    Geathers has proven himself over and over again.  Read the stories on what he went through to be able to play last year.  That is a guy worthy of following and being a captain.  I don't think that changes the least little bit if he is replaced by Willis.  

  18. 4 minutes ago, EastStreet said:

    I think it's too early to crown Willis. Love what he's doing, but it's early. Let's not forget KC's O was crippled, and our DBs were basically going up against 2nd string WRs and a hobbled QB.


    I'm not a huge fan of Geathers anyway, but he is a great team guy. I actually questioned him getting a "C" on his jersey, and got crucified by the "Ballard/Reich know best" crew. Now folks are calling for him to be benched, and perhaps not be on the 2020 roster.... Funny how tides shift quickly with the knee jerks.

    Geathers being elected a captain (by his tram mates, not Ballard / Reich) and whether Willis is ready to take his spot are two separate conversations. Both can be true. 


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