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Posts posted by jskinnz

  1. 1 hour ago, coltsva said:

    I can answer this one:


    Yes, I have season tickets.


    Last week's tickets didn't sell (listed at half price), so I donated them 2 days prior to game day.

    Today's tickets sold for around $40 each (face value approx $70). I was pleasantly surprised.


    If they eliminate pre season games, or still play them but not make season ticket holders buy pre season game tickets, I am 99.99% sure my price for 8 regular season home games would increase to cover that lost revenue.


    If Luck doesn't play vs Chargers, the coaches, players, (and I) believe 100% that they are going to go into LA and win the game. (yes, I realize the forfeit question was meant to show the absurdity of the "give up/negative" attitude some fans have)



    I have season tickets too and went last week but skipping tonight.


    I think we are on the same page. I believe they have already started progressive ticket pricing. I am simply saying that I view my cost for 8 regular season games to be $2500. Which is what I will pay regardless the number of preseason games. 

    • Like 1
  2. On 8/23/2019 at 9:52 AM, Old Colt said:

    Totally agree, but preseason is turning into a try out period and not a preseason for the regulars to prepare for season.  NFL is going to have to address and likely limit the preseason games, have more joint practices and stop sticking it to the season ticket holders for these glorified open practices.  


    Unfortunately, week 1, doesn't matter who is out there, if not Luck, then we start 0 -- 1 regardless.  :Cry:


    So question - do you have season tickets?  


    An observation - I don't know why people get so worked up over the cost of preseason games.  If I pay $2500 for two season tickets including 2 preseason games, what do you think my total cost will be if they cut back to 2 preseason games and leave the regular season at 16?  The correct answer is still $2500 (unless there is a price increase)


    Last, do you think the Colts will just forfeit the game in LA if they know Luck will be out?  

    • Like 1
  3. 26 minutes ago, Lucky Colts Fan said:


    Maybe he is considering seeing what Kelly can do with the 1s?  :dunno:


    I seriously doubt he would put Luck out there against that Bears starting defense.


    The Bears are not playing their 1's this week.

    • Thanks 1
  4. 11 minutes ago, richard pallo said:

    Great news!  He should be our No.2 next year and the best way to guarantee it is to keep him on the active roster when he is eligible.  As I said in another post starting caliber NFL QB's are hard to find and we have three.  I would hate to see him signed off the practice squad.  He would be no 53 and would be inactive every week.  We only dress 46 or 47 so guaranteeing he remains a Colt by putting him there makes a lot of sense to me. 


    Kelly has been impressive in preseason but to the bolded - I think I'd pump the breaks on that assertion.

    • Like 1
  5. 12 hours ago, Myles said:

    Seems we are nitpicking the definition of a word a bit.   I agree that this wasn't really a "rumor", but it doesn't bother me much that the word was used.   I say we let it drop and just talk of the hypothetical move of Zeke coming to the Colts.  Assuming Luck will be healthy, the offense would be unstoppable.   Hilton, Zeke, Funchess, Ebron, Doyle, Campbell and others along with that O-line.   Wow!


    As long as we are talking hypotheticals, can you imagine this Colts offense if they got Johnny U out of retirement (and the coffin)? They’d be unstoppable. 


    The chances of of my dream and this Zeke rumor coming true are basically the same. 

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  6. 2 minutes ago, Chloe6124 said:

    Yeah but it would not make sense to cut Rogers for another PR. Rogers was asked to do to much last year. If we go back after we hit Inman he settled into his role. He wasn’t a WR2 like we needed him to be. Being the number five and the PR is a perfect spot for him.


    Rogers was asked to do too much?  Says who?

  7. 30 minutes ago, CR91 said:


    I saw the quote. I also read Campbell might be limited to start which could mean he can PR as well. I just dont see the point in keeping rogers just because he can return punts


    If you think Rogers is being kept just because he returns punts then you are not paying attention. 

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  8. 5 minutes ago, CanuckColt said:

    Brissett is incompetent as a starting QB.

    If he has to play very many games the Ls will pile up.

    Let's get real...nobody wants him...they all have better options for backup QBs.



    Repeating the same nonsense over and over does not change the fact that it is still nonsense. 

    • Thanks 1
  9. 10 minutes ago, Four2itus said:

    If Brissett is never traded, which is what is going to happen, I wonder what the total number of posts and hours dedicated to this subject will have occurred since he was signed by the Colts? 


    It would take a series of super computers to calculate the number. 

  10. 13 minutes ago, cjrichard said:

    I dont understand the play calls on defense when the Browns where in the redzone. Why were we playing cover 2 zone?  Made it soooo easy to dump passes underneath and get huge chuncks of yards. Imo not great situational play calling




    Is this really an honest question?

  11. 2 hours ago, Jdubu said:

    We may not totally know what we have in Kelly but rest assured, I can say that the team does. If Kelly can hold up to the adversity of the mental aspect to his game, he has the talents to be every bit as good as JB has been thought to be. 

    This comp pick isn’t going to be what we hoped for. I don’t see a team coming in and offering him a 5 yr deal worth 120 million and the keys to the team. He hasn’t shown that elite skill set altogether yet. I think he is just going to be someone’s decent back up for their team, wherever that ends up being. 


    I once thought we were going to be in line for a max 3rd round comp by holding him, now if we got a 4, I’d be surprised really. If someone gets absolutely desperate and offers a 2, I’m jumping all over it. 

    Kelly has shown he has stayed out of trouble so far, has shown he can still play QB and he has tape from Denver days that provides proof he has talent, his issues were maturation. I’d be fine with Kelly as our back up at this stage given we are offered a 2nd round pick for JB unless it was from the Pats, that would require their 1st rd pick and to be able to kick BB in the jewels lol. 


    I think this noise about trading Brissett is just that - noise. He will be the backup qb this season unless Luck gets hurt. 


    I really don't know how much obvious that can be. 

    • Like 1
  12. 1 hour ago, ColtStrong2013 said:


    What does his feelings toward Indianapolis have to do with him getting signed off the practice squad to an active roster?...

    Chad Kelly was a backup quarterback on an active roster until he got into trouble... After his performance in this preseason, I'd say his desire throughout the league is a lot higher than you are giving credit for. This league has some really really poor qb's throughout. Kelly is an upgrade for many rosters as a backup. And JB is an upgrade for some starting qb's. It's THAT bad throughout the league. 


    My understanding is that a tram could pay a PS player they like more than just the PS standard rate, essentially making it a decision the player can make to accept a signing by another team an option rather than a requirement. That is too many words. Essentially it is player option to sign elsewhere. I could be wrong on that as well but if not wrong, like I said, it adds more nuance. 


    I also think that the league is more measured than a teams message board - shocking I know. I think the league sees a guy that got in trouble repeatedly in college and followed up with more nonsense in the league ain’t all that keen to invest in him. Especially when his tape, while good so far, is against less than ideal competition. 

  13. 57 minutes ago, ColtStrong2013 said:


    Great plan until Kelly is signed off the PS quickly because he's better than a great deal of backup qbs in this league...


    Then we are back to square one with no plan in place for a backup we are comfortable with. 


    Understand but think it is more nuanced than that. 


    1) Kelly feeling a debt to Indy because of what they did for him


    2) How large is the desire around the league for Chad Kelly?  Bet it is not as high as some would think. 



  14. 3 minutes ago, BlueStallion said:

    Half a dozen things need to develop in combination before Ballard would receive a legit trade offer on JB, much less seriously consider such an offer:


    1.  JB continues to improve his level of QB play in the final two preseason games.

    2.  Luck sits out the first two or three regular season games to continue healing

    3.  JB plays at a high level in those games and consistently displays starting-QB talent.

    4.  Luck gets fully healthy and resumes his elite level of play.

    5.  Kelly returns from suspension and proves himself in practices against the starting D.

    6.  A playoff caliber team loses their starting QB for the season, and their backups suck.


    JB is worth more to the Colts than a mid-to-late round pick.  A 2nd rounder?  Maybe.


    This is the series of events required  but I see one hole. 


    I don’t believe the want to trade Brissett because of the value he presents Indy should Luck get hurt again which seems at least possible. 


    The plan seems clear to me.  Brissett is here this year. Kelly is the practice squad QB and then gets a real chance to be the back up next year. And they collect a comp pick for Brissett. 


    • Like 2
  15. 52 minutes ago, ColtStrong2013 said:

    IF Luck proves to be healthy, would Ballard be interested in this to keep Kelly on as QB2? He is out the first 4 games with suspension. It gives other teams 4 weeks to realize their qb situation is a nightmare and start panicking. If Brissett can perform with the first team for a quarter or two on Saturday against the Bears, his stock goes way up, IMO. He played like he should yesterday, specifically on the TD drive. His value is climbing... 



  16. 14 minutes ago, HectorRoberts said:

    I think our biggest hole is Nose tackle. We don’t really have a giant corn fed son of a gun like woods to fill that run stopping gap role.


    Maybe you’ll notice that appears to be a conscious decision by management. 


    The biggest of the colts tackles this year made an effort to lose significant weight. 


    Think the team team views their DTs differently. 

    • Like 1
  17. 57 minutes ago, threeflight said:

    The entire thing never made any sense to me.


    You go from one of the worst OLs to one of the best....and you fire the guy?  Over a disagreement with a backup?


    I don't get it.

    I love Mudd, but he is way past his prime.  IMO, and I said this back when it happened, this could be a giant mistake.


    You seem a fun dude...


    Can it possibly be that you don't have near the info you think you do on why they fired the o'line coach?

    • Like 2
  18. 11 minutes ago, Chloe6124 said:

    It’s probably my over reaction but every year there is a team you think is going to be great and they go backwards. I think it’s possible it’s the colts this year.


    Amazing to make such a determination 1) so early in the preseason and 2) without having seen this with your own eyes. 

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