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Posts posted by jskinnz

  1. 15 hours ago, aaron11 said:

    It's reasonable to think he wants to win and that's a factor in him coming back


    Hell read what he actually said.  

    I did read it. And I find your conclusions to be funny. 

    “See how things play out” can have many interpretations. It could mean “see how I feel” or “see if I have the desire to prepare” or “see if I like their offer” or several other possibilities. 

    And here’s the thing. I would bet a large sum of funds that the AC decision comes before they can do anything in the draft or free agency. Which, if true, means there will be nothing for him to “see how it plays out.”


    And earlier in the thread you pulled a muscle patting yourself on the back for saying Luck could retire early. Well that is not a particularly brilliant or insightful thought. Any one with a pulse could see he was different and had other interests outside the game. Early retirement was always a possibility.  Now if you called him walking away 3 weeks before the season, then your self-congratulatory post would be more meaningful. 

  2. 6 hours ago, aaron11 said:

    neither ballard nor AC has mentioned his health at all, i think they would have if it was about that


    “I just need to think. I need to sit down and think and see how different things play out.”


    if you actually look at what he said its reasonable to come to the conclusion i did, not one word about pain or injuries but he wants to see how things play out





    Dear God...

  3. On 1/23/2020 at 12:01 PM, richard pallo said:

    I  agree on this take.  If he new Luck was returning there is no doubt in my mind that he would also.  No Luck then he has to really think hard about it.  If he new we were going to bring in someone that he might get excited about, like Carr or Bridgewater as examples, then I think he would feel like he has a chance at a SB.  But he has no idea what Ballard has in mind.  There is no need for him to rush to a decision at this time.  A lot could happen on the QB front that could help make up his mind.  Maybe he waits and sees what happens. 

    You know, it is possible, in fact even probable, that Castonzo is making a decision on what he feels is best for him regardless of who the QB is. 

    Does he want to prepare to play in the off season?  Does his body feel right?  Would his body feel ok with another couple years of playing the game?  Does he want to delay getting started with the rest of his life?  Those are the far more likely scenarios he is weighing and none of them involve who the damn QB is. 


  4. 21 hours ago, rockywoj said:

    I was so very high on Jack Conklin and I think it was a big mistake of the Titans not picking up his 5th year option.  

    In the name of improvement, I’d make a big push to sign him on as the new RT, then moving Braden Smith to RG, the position he was originally meant to fill.  Plus, if you sign Conklin long term, you might have your successor to Castonzo. (I am assuming the Colts re-sign Castonzo.)


    The Colts OL would be even STRONGER for next year, in theory. 



    Conklin is 1000% not a potential replacement for Castonzo. In fact I would bet his future is more likely going to be a guard.  

    • Thanks 1
  5. 9 hours ago, Vexed said:

    The receiver pool in this draft is very deep. If the wideout was the last elite player I had rated as such on the board I may pull the trigger but if all things are equal I’m going trenches. That mindset can change from draft to draft but in 2020 IDL isn’t as deep as WR. And I’m not opposed to going OT if he’s borderline elite.

    That is reasonable. 

    I have no insight to their draft board. It very well could be that it turns out to be a repeat of 2019 where they had so many players rated close together that a trade back to get an extra pick made sense to them. 

    But I just believe blanket statements like “stay awAy from position x” in round one are pointless. In this case, WR is a glaring need. Plus who know how they have their board stacked. It may just be an instance where need and BPA lead to the same guy. 

    • Like 1
  6. 8 hours ago, Kangaroo said:

    Thought Aikman's comment that he won 3 SB because of an aggressive run game and strong defence was interesting from the perspective of reaching to get a QB.

    Yes but look at AFC qbs in the Super Bowl since 2003. This coming game will be just the 2nd since then where it is not Brady, manning or Big Ben. Kind of speaks to the value of a franchise qb. Hard to win consistently without one. 

    • Like 2
  7. 18 hours ago, richard pallo said:

    Who knows but Bleacher Report just published an article listing the teams who they think would move up or back in the draft.  They have the Colts as a team that would move up to get a QB if the guy they liked fell out of the top picks.   I'm really starting to think that we could make that move. 

    a very common fandom mistake is predicting anything based upon what you read on bleacher report. 

  8. 6 hours ago, richard pallo said:

    I don't think it would take a boatload of picks to move up to the Chargers at 5.  Probably our 13, 34 and maybe a 6th rounder.  That's the spot I would look at.  We would still have our own 2,3,4, and 5 and I think even a 6 and 7.  We have extra picks this year.  

    You think that would be the compensation to move up to # 5?  

    You can keep the 6th round pick. But then you would have to throw in a 2021 first rounder as well and likely more on top of that. 


    • Thanks 1
  9. 7 hours ago, Chloe6124 said:

    They still scored over thirty points.


    The ravens pretty much cruised all season. Then they sat players the last game so they had three weeks off. They really didn’t have much adversity. That hurt them tonight.

    this line of thinking drives me nuts because it’s unprovable and diminishes what Tenn did. They had a formula, executed it and played well. 

    The Ravens had 5 possessions (2, 4th down stops and 3 turnovers) that either gave Tenn short fields or took points off the board for themselves. Were those missed 4th and shorts due to rust by the Ravens or did the Titans D just make a play?  The first int, was that because of rust or because, as Fouts noted, the TE was hobbled and could not elevate?



  10. 21 hours ago, WoolMagnet said:

    Not just him. His scouts, etc will also be looking for work.

    i would think KC and us would be logical suitors, if only temporarily.

      I also heard it mentioned he could help Ballard evaluate for the draft.  For a fee, of course.


    Well he got fired from KC a couple years ago so it won't be back with them.

  11. 1 hour ago, ColtsSouljah said:

    So, the Saints are wearing a 10 year anniversary patch for tonight's game. They have not worn it any other game this season and will not wear it again after tonight. This strikes me as incredibly petty.

    For comparison, when the Colts had their 10 year Super Bowl anniversary, they did not celebrate it against the Bears (even though they played the Bears at home that year).

    Now, PLEASE, PLEASE, can we not do the "who cares?!" and "If you don't like it, don't lose!" posts. I'm just wondering if you guys think this is as petty as I do.


    Since you said not to, I won't say who cares even though that perfectly sums up what I think about this.  Instead what I will allow is that on my list of things to worry about and fret over, this is 757,002 on the list.


    It is no big deal to me.

    • Like 1
  12. 1 hour ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

    This dog is sick of the REFS jobbing the Colts a lot angry dog GIF, it isn't just this game but against the Chargers and Steelers the REFS screwed us too. Get some glasses if you disagree. I would love to watch a game with you and we can check mark every time we get a bogus call and the other team does. I think you will find why people complain.

    1) never said it should not have been reviewed but that it was a process failure. The result of the play would not have changed anyway


    2) we are in no danger of watching a game together. 

    3) do you count the questionable calls that go Indy’s way?

  13. 18 minutes ago, CR91 said:


    It's no secret the media loves the Texans more. Their the more flashy toy. Ratings are better with Watson at the helm then Brissett

    stop compounding a bad take with more bad takes. 

    even accepting that as true, it does mean the call on the field comes close to being a league or tv directed issue. It was bad execution but nothing more sinister. 

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