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Posts posted by jskinnz

  1. Well of course this is derived from an absolute void in substantial NFL news, aside from the CBA game.

    A first round draft pick is, more often than not, expected to start. This report may serve to temper such expectations. With good reason, I might add.

    You essentially answered your own question. "I don't know how anyone would know Castonzo not starting to be true" followed by "he has yet to practice with the team".

    LG/RG are, under any circumstances, high end cerebral positions. Combine the very nature of this position with the added complexity of a Manning led offense and a far delayed start to any semblance of synergy or practice, and we have been provided ample reason to put some merit to this report.

    You can spare telling me the expectations of a first round pick. This is something that I am more than accutely aware of. That and the intellectual requirements of o linemen playing with Peyton Manning.

    My point is the article says nothing. Castonzo may not know the lingo now but he will given every opportunity to play. If he picks things up, great. If not, CJ and Diem may be back in the line up. In either case, we have no idea.

  2. Just saw a report on the CBA agreement talks, and they say that both sides agreed quickly on a rookie salary or something like that. Things are moving along quickly. Why are they moving quickly only now... only 120 days later. What do you guys think?

    Not too hard to figure why things are picking up.


    Earlier this summer the possibility of losing money on both sides was not there. In mid to late July that possibility is becoming very real.

  3. I understand it's not a major news source, but I just don't think it's a good idea to be calling out players like that. I don't think it's a good idea to question a player's integrity like that. Football players are freaks of nature. If a regular person can bench press 200 lbs 5 times, they are considered above average for their strength. If a football player can bench 225 for 5 reps, they are considered weak. Football players are all big and strong, there is no need to accuse them of using PEDs. PEDs are used in every sport, but all players are innocent until proven guilty.

    Where is your evidence that Ray Lewis used PEDs? I don't think it's right to accuse players of such things with 0 evidence.

    One more time. It is a fan forum. The accusation means next to nothing.

    Given your screen name and avatar, I think you are probably in denial. Doesn't it seem at least possible that the injuries that he suffered were the result of having an overly muscled body on a frame that did not support it? And what is one really good way to get built like Sanders is? What could it be?

  4. PEDs? Really? Man, I'm going to give you some advice here, never accuse a player of anything like that without evidence. Unsubstantiated claims will only make you look bad. You have 0 evidence that Bob ever used performance enhancing drugs.

    Dear God. What a comical post for a number of reasons. First it is a freaking fan forum and not some major news outlet and there are miles of differences in the standards between the two. Secondly, this really can't be the first time you have heard the insinuation of Sanders using PED's. Lastly, is it really all that hard to believe? The suspicion does not seem too unreasonable.

  5. He didn't need to side with the union. He could have said he's happy with a 5% pay cut etc. The credit crunch has hit hard these last few years, and millions have lost their jobs, not just a few percent off their earnings. But he didn't, and now as the season approaches, he wants to play. A bit late perhaps.

    I don't mind him supporting the lawsuit, but he should stick to his guns. On top of his moan about not working with his Colts physio due to the lockout, he's grinding his gums a bit too much.

    He should stick to putting his head in a helmet or doing commercials.

    I guess I fail to see how Manning, maybe the face of the NFL, is not right where is supposed to be with the rest of his peers in the league. Why would he not side withe union?

    And why isn't what he said about working with the Colts trainers not spot on. I mean the nonsense rules of the lockout, that injured players who needed treatment, could not get it should have been called out by someone. I just don't see the harm in that.

  6. More Manning tripe. It's only time to end the lockout so he can line his greedy pockets. If he wants to play so much, he shouldn't have joined the lawsuit. Not impressed with his off season * chat. Thank goodness he's still a master of his real art.

    Not sure I see how joining the lawsuit impacted anything. Pretty sure the lockout would be exactly where it is with him as a plaintiff or not.

    And how exactly is he greedy? Not sure I see that.

  7. Fair enough Tuba. All you can do is give it a go! And I really hope to witness it in person, as I'm almost certainly flying over for a game this season. I assume I'll be able to get 2 tix at fairly short notice (say a month?). JSkinnz, still willing to show me the ropes before and / or after the game????

    Sure. You got a trip to Indy scheduled?

  8. Don't mean to be downer on this but it is just personally not my cup of tea. As a 10 year season ticket holder and one who frequently travels to road games, I think there would be more luck with something along the lines of the Go Pack Go chant that follows that goofy music they play in Green Bay. Or like in KC when they all yell Chiefs instead of Brave at the end of the national anthem.

  9. By Coltzilla ,


    ++ Josh Wilson – previous contract 4 years, $3.08 million – 2009 cap hit $686k

    ++ Drayton Florence – previous contract 2 years, $6.6 million – 2009 cap hit $2.9 million

    ++ Carlos Rogers – previous contract 1 year, $1.54 million – 2009 cap hit $3.2 million


    Any defense that runs a base Cover-2 scheme requires a strong secondary to succeed. The Indianapolis Colts strategy has always been to over-power opponents with a dynamic passing game, while the defense stifles the opponent’s passing game by refusing to give up big plays.

    When Tony Dungy and Ron Meeks oversaw Indy’s defense the players needed were — in many ways — interchangeable because cover corners were not necessary. A strict zone discipline was instilled and the scheme itself “did the work.” Under defensive coordinator Larry Coyer that is starting to change, and a greater emphasis on man coverage has developed to support a more aggressive defensive style that includes blitz packages.

    With players like Jerraud Powers and Justin Tryon already showing real potential, things could be coming together in Indianapolis. Heading into 2011 there are two primary questions. The first is, should the Colts retain Kelvin Hayden at his $9 million salary cap level? The second is how talented is Indy going to be behind these players?

    With 2010 third round draft pick Kevin Thomas returning from injury, Jacob Lacey still under contract, Cornelius Brown playing a role for the Colts late in 2010, and Chris Rucker joining the team via the sixth round of the 2011 NFL Draft, there will be a healthy competition for the backup spots.

    The issue is that paying Hayden $9 million to play a nickel back role in the defense is too much &

    if Hayden does go, it may be in the team’s best interest to acquire a player more talented who has a smaller price tag.

    Josh Wilson is a 26-year old cornerback with the range, coverage, and ball skills to immediately upgrade the Colts secondary. He excelled in the Ravens aggressive defense, is a solid tackler, and has improved each year in the NFL ..........

    Drayton Florence has proven throughout his career that he is a top 10 cornerback talent and is capable of playing a big role in his defenses The problem is that Florence is now 30 years old and will soon probably start declining performance wise..........

    Carlos Rogers has a nose for the football that makes him a very special coverage cornerback. What frustrates a lot of fans in Washington is that he does not have great hands and will drop “sure interceptions” more than anyone would like. Indianapolis should focus more on how clearly he could upgrade the man-to-man coverage Like Florence, Rogers is starting to get to the age ..........

    My link

    I would be shocked if the Colts added a corner in free agency.

  10. Buy, he definitely will, he has a contract and without him we would need to do some reshuffling which is something the Colts don't want.

    Sell. For reasons I will detail later.

    The fact that Diem has a contract is really kind of meaningless for his roster spot on opening day. In fact, I would argue that the high price of his contract is reason why he could be gone. And if Diem plays like he did last year, I would think the Colts can't wait to do some reshuffling.

    Diem's age + high contract + unsteady play in 2010 + drafting of Castonzo & Ijalana + decent play of Link in the playoff game = Diem getting cut

    This is particularly so if they re-sign CJ.

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