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Posts posted by jskinnz

  1. lol, you remember two plays.opinions can't be debated,so i am of the opinion that time of possession is everything and that relates to defense. and when manning is on the sideline for 40 mins a game that is not good, homer or not.goodtime for a timeout.

    Really - opinions can't be debated? Isn't that what a message board is for? And shouldn't those opinions that can be easily refuted with facts be debated? Like your 40 minutes per game that Manning is on the sideline - really? You think that is the number?

  2. I understand it's the "Polian way," but you have to admit it's kind of depressing to watch other teams making major moves while the Colts are not.

    I really don't have to admit that at all. I am not depressed. The Colts have a plan for how they think the team should be constructed and it has worked pretty well so far.

    What major moves would you have liked to see the Colts make?

  3. Williams is a sure upgrade over Brown. All I'm saying is for vet min you cant go wrong. If he works out you can save a lot of cap room by cutting the RB's that we have now.

    One more time - they will not invest anymore resources at the RB position unless there is an injury. Not a chance.

  4. bayone..this guy is just a hater..i agree completely! idk what people want from our line (5 anthony munoz would b nice but it aint happenin)..that would b the most ideal o-line..yeah mayb having 2 rookie linemen isnt "ideal" but they are as good as rookies can be coming into the league and getting drafted w the #22nd overall pick (and dont say "well we dont know yet", u gotta have some sort of idea if you have studied these 2)..now instead we have diem @ RT and i hope he can regain some of his old form but i got a feeling that when its all said and done its gonna be a mess..i like what we have as far as depth tho and knowing how the colts can move guys around i think we may just b ok..i may b optimistic here but im still more worried about the Dline than the Oline

    the only 2 tackles i would say we go for would b gaither first..harris second

    I am only a hater of mindless, irrational nonsense.

    As far as Castonzo and Ijalana goes, they really don't have a clue yet if those guys can play. When San Diego drafted Leaf # 2 in the draft, do you think they thought he could play. Do you think that the Jets thought Gholston could play when they drafted him 6th overall? The league is filled with guys who projected well but turned out to be busts. Not saying that will be the case with either Colts pick but absolutely think that saying the ideal line will have both those guys when they had not even practiced once is just a touch premature.

  5. If he was cheap I'd like Cadillac Williams, he was once pro-bowl quality before the injuries and would add some power to the RB position. I couldn't see paying him more than vet min tho.

    Pat Williams would be nice. Some nice WR out there but we don't need them.

    They re-signed Addai, took a bruising back in the draft, and have a # 1 pick as well in Brown. They will not put anymore resources into the RB's unless someone gets hurt.

  6. for the life of me i can't understand the reason the colts are doing nothing

    for this defense.they are getting worse if anything. we are going to continue

    to get the ball run down our throats and never get a stop when it matters,the

    fans know it people around the league know it so how can the quote unquote best

    gm in the game not see it!!!! we are wasting mannings career. this team will continue

    to get 1 or 2 possessions a quarter and play from behind. wake up polian, being built

    to play 18 weeks is great. but now we are the thrid best in our division, o well no fear

    our special teams will carry us. good luck offense.

    Hey, now here is a fresh topic.

  7. That's a great idea. Let's go waste 7M bucks on Osi. Then we can add him to our collection of defensive ends. We have the pass rusher, the under-achiever, the leaper, the busts, and now we can add Osi.

    You chastising someone else for their off the wall idea is absolutely comical.

  8. The premise may be off But CJ was a valuable & interchangeable cog, Peyton in willing to sign for less noted it was to sign addai, CJ , other colts and other FA agents, I wonder how he feels

    I see I already said that, SORRY , I am upset at this loss

    CJ had a higher value of himself than the Colts did. Even if Manning took less to keep him around, his asking price still needed to be reasonable - in other words, on the Colts' terms. It clearly was not and he did well for himself in Minny. I say good for him.

  9. Bayone this is not directed at you but what a load of manure that article is.

    The entire premise is ridiculously flawed. A "line of Castonzo, McClendon, Saturday, Ijalana, & CJ looked promising." What?!?! Two rookies who may be able to play, a 2nd year guy who only lined up as a tight end last year, an aging Saturday and CJ who would have switched positions. While I suppose it was possible that particular line up would have been the one the Colts go with, I think saying that it looked promising before any of them had even practiced together one freaking time is just a touch premature.

  10. I think he's under the impression that CJ was going to move to guard with Castonzo moving to LT.

    It's not likely that Castonzo will start right now anyway, especially with his asking for more guaranteed money right now. A short camp makes it even more unlikely.

    The question becomes "Who will start at LT if not Castonzo?". My money is on Linkenbach, with Toudouze being a possible longshot.

    I agree that was his impression but that was message board stuff. I had not heard anyone with credibility suggest that was the case.

  11. I normally side with you, but with all due respect, you have no more basis for this than someone suggesting he will get paid big. Not huge, but big.

    I normally side with you as well so no harm in disagreeing.

    But tell me the big contracts that have been given to clearly declining offensive linemen who are on the plus side of 30. It does not happen - that is my basis. I would guess his best chance to land somewhere now is to a team that has injuries in camp an that will still be a short deal with limited coin and limited team exposure.

  12. Light will get a big contract somewhere. There will be some unwitting GM somewhere who'll be enamored with the big name and overpay him.

    The big contracts are gone. The only ones left are minimal years for limited $$ that can bterminted without too much pain to the team. And they are most certainly gone for 10 year veteran offensive linemen.

  13. We just got Castonzo, and Ijalana, what makes you think we'll get Matt Light. He doesn't like the Colts, plus he's very expensive and I think Castonzo will do just fine, and will end up better than Light.

    Several interesting tidbits here.

    While I agree that Light will not be a Colt, the lockout and missed time for Castonzo and Ijalana means that a veteran LT is not such an unreasonable idea. But how do you know that he doesn't like the Colts and is expensive? Where did you hear of his Colts hatred? I guarantee you that if the Colts offered the right contract, he would be here in no time flat. On the expensive comment, he is an old, declining player who will most certainly not ask for the moon because if he does, no team will pay him anymore. Guys like that are at the stage of their careers in which they play on the team's terms - not the other way around.

  14. Things are different. This offseason has seen Sanders and Hart cut....both stayed longer than they should have taking up roster spots and cash (Sanders) because of bad team decision making in what had become the norm. Diem was given a choice - reduce salary/get cut...this while he was still able to contribute. In Diem's case, this is a break from Colt M.O. which has been - earn your way on as a starter, prove yourself, then get a hefty contract which the team will honor and expects you to play out as long as you can contribute. But the team is clearly seeing value for what it is these days. The team was still willing to have him back but at a reasonable cost in order to make it work. That's a lot better than destroying ourselves as has been the norm in the recent past. Even as far as Manning is concerned, Irsay said 25M is not doable. All of this is significant evolution.

    In years past I recall the Corey Simon low return on monster FA contract mess which is well documented & there was no alternative but to let the character go. Then there was Marvin Harrison...who was a shadow of himself after being injured, and that situation (combined with gun mess in Philly) is well documented.

    What other big money guys who have failed to earn their way as Colts & have had their contract agreements shortened are you talking about?

    The Colts have made mistakes not resigning players like Jake Scott, Marshall Faulk, and take your pick at LB, but their contract agreements weren't shortened.

    Unless Kelvin Hayden plays lights-out I expect he'll be the next one getting the talk. His guarantee/bonus situation make it impossible to give an ultimatum in 2011...but if he doens't live up to the elite pay he's set to make in 2012 and 2013 I believe he'll be looking at a Diem situation. Again, that's a welcome break from Colt norm.

    edit to add: I remember Steve Emtman from years back, as well. This is my Colts all-time woulda/coulda guy. Injuries from the getgo but phenomenal potential never realized. I can't remember exactly....but I think he played one out of first three season with the team and was then asked to take a reduction or get cut. That makes 3 big ones I can recall right off the top of my head over the years & then all the goings on in 2011 by comparison. Again, with Diem the difference is he's still able to play and doesn't have the injury/non-contribution factors like Sanders, Hart, Harrison, Simon and Emtman.

    First off using Hart as evidence to support your argument tells me that your point is not that strong. He is a league minimum type of guy and those guys get cut all the time.

    How different is Harrison v. Diem? Injury or not the point is they no longer merited the salaries they were making and were cut as a result.

    Lilja was cut 2 years into a big contract. And if you are going back to Emtman, then let me throw in Dilger and Stokely who also had years remaining on their contract. As well as Ugoh. This is just off the top.

    This is not only the standard Colts M.O it is pretty much what the league does as well. The Colts have never been afraid to cut a under-performing player regardless of salary considerations. I just don't see how the Diem situation is a departure from the past.

  15. i know ive said it b4 on here but zbikowski is a RFA

    i say we offer him what the ravens cant and steal him..i would even say he could start 4 us!!!

    he could be a game changer in the future!!!

    Game changer? Get real.

  16. Although the Colts resigned Melvin Bullitt I think we should go after another veteran safety like Gerald Sensabaugh. Bullitt is good but if he struggles again with his shoulder we still have no quality depth. I like this Sensabaugh guy and he had a decent season in a weak Cowboys team. 71 Tackles, 5 Interceptions, 2 Sacks, 10 Pass Deflections looks really nice and he is still available. What do you think?

    The Colts got out of the safety business as soon as they signed Bullitt. And Sensabaugh can't play. He is a coverage liability. And this would be his 3rd team. Tells me he ain't all that. He is a guy you look at if you have injuries in the season but no sense in going to camp with him.

  17. I've thought for years that he is wildly overrated and is coasting on his reputation.

    I am very happy with the Colts finally working on the line with the draft but overall this off season has been horrible.

    If I were Manning I would sign the franchise tender and then next year I would move to a team with a defense because Polian has this team in decline.

    Ruksak said it well. I am going to try a different tack. That is 100% pure bovine excrement.

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