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Posts posted by jskinnz

  1. I doubt moore will make the roster he's practically one dimensional he's not a very good RB and i doubt he will be much of a factor in the KR which leaves me to believe Evans could get this spot if he keeps performing well, i think there is a good chance of either addai or brown getting hurt though i would hate to see brown go down.

    It is unknown at this point how each team will value a KR. If Gilreath does well at it, my guess is that it will be him and don't keep a 4th RB on the 53 roster.

    Evans to me is unlikely because he is a duplication. They already have someone to be that bruising type back in Carter. My feeling is they take a chance on getting Evans on the PS.

  2. I would hope so, jskinnz. I just find it ironic that the player, who seems to take an extra step to prevent injury, is off the field more than he's on it. It's like Bob on offense.....

    I would think that speaks to Gonzo more than anything the strength and conditioning coaches are or are not doing.

    Plus it could just very well be that they are being cautious with him given that it is only the preseason.

  3. Since the Colts have a stable of running backs that appear capable of being productive in the NFL, who do you think will make the team after the preseason comes to an end? Aside from Addai, Brown and Carter, who are locks to make the team, I feel there is one more spot open. James showed good signs of being a strong goaline presence last season, while Evans, Spann and Moore are unproven talent with strong upside. Evans and Spann looked fairly impressive in limited action during the first preseason game and I hate the thought of losing either of them. However, with limited spots on the roster and ASSUMING Indy decides to keep four RBs on the roster, I have to believe the opening day roster will be Addai, Brown, Carter and Spann, only because Carter is able to become that goaline presence that James was and I feel Spann has a decent future in the league.

    Any thoughts you guys?

    First let me say that I appreciate the thread because it actually takes reality into account with the roster limitations being considered.

    Addai, Brown, Carter are locks like you said.

    The 4th is interesting this year, if they keep a 4th. I think Spann chances were as a returner and that was a failed experiment last week. Evans looked good but the competition he was against at the time was less than stellar, plus they have a drafted back that is slated to be the short yardage guy. I think if you are interested in Evans you can stow him away on the PS.

    Moore is the odds on favorite to me. I have heard good things from Caldwell regarding his speed plus he won the KR job last year. If he returns well tonight, he could be your guy. But the whole need for a kick returner may be mitigated by the new rules.

    I think the player to watch the rest of the preseason is Gilreath. If he does well as a punt returner, he will be more valuable and the roster spot will go to a 6th WR instead of a 4th RB.

  4. So I take it Gonzo has done away with the hyperbaric (sp?) chamber? As a previous poster stated, when do we start the question the strength & conditioning coaches?

    That post makes me crazy. The comments below are directly from a post I said yesterday in another thread and is worth repeating here.

    The Colts essentially are a multi-million dollar corporation whose very success is directly tied to the health of its players. You don't think they turn over every stone possible in an effort to get their guys on the field? This includes the latest in health, nutrition, excercise, etc. You name it, I would bet they have looked at it. This is a team that I have personally witnessed practice how they stand for the National Anthem. So it unfathomable to me that Gonzo's and others injuries are due a lack of proper work by the strength and conditioning coaches.

  5. My link

    Adam Schein puts his mind at work and came up the conclusion that the Colts wont make the playoffs. I do not think he has been paying attention to the colts offseason moves because he claims that the colts have holes in the tackle, linebacker, and defensive backfield positions. Oh yeah, the colts will also have the worst defense in the afc south.

    Look I think the Colts will be a contender again, but he is not wrong in his belief that the Colts have questions. Manning's health is one. We don't know for sure about him. There are questions about the o'line. Costanzo may be the answer but can anyone really say that with any certainty? And the Colts practiced with a line earlier this week that only had one player (Saturday) who was in the same position as he played last year. Certainly continuity will take time to develop even if ultimately the line is improved. And with the defensive backs, this board has talked ad nauseum with the quality of the corners behind Powers. Again more questions than anwers right now.

    Regarding the Colts offseason moves. On paper the addition of Sims, Anderson, Brayton & Harris look good as they are low risk / high reward. But I would guess that not everyone will make the roster. Those additions have their own question marks.

    Laslty, the players that give the Colts their identity are getting older. Eventually they will lose effectivenss.

    The point is a prediction of 8-8 is not unreasonable and the author is not a tool for making such a prognostication. I personally don't think it will happen but I can see where someone would question the Colts continuing their playoff streak.

  6. How is he being a Chicken Little? He is describing exactly what happened to us last year so it is not like this would be unprecedented. Those who don't learn from their mistakes are doomed to repeat them.

    Dear God, look at all the scenarios in his post. That is a staggering amount of things to have happen. On top of that, we know nothing about the severity of the injuries. Forecasting doom and gloom without knowing all the facts, expecting the worse - is that not the very definition of a Chicken Litte?

  7. I've got this sick feeling in my gut that other teams are gonna have WR injuries soon, sign TO, Moss, and Housh, and then Gonzalez, Collie, and White will all get put on season-ending IR, and we won't be able to sign anybody worth a crap, and we'll be doomed to a painful season of watching the Colts offense not be able to move the ball at all. Wayne and Clark will get double-teamed regularly... ...really hope this doesn't happen...

    Hey Chicken Little, better not look up.

  8. ok i agree,i wasnt ever stating that i was "factually right" i was simply stating a suggestion,it may have been a dumb one out of fury of seeing players go down all the time,i admit everyone who disagreed brought up a very good point and proved my suggestion wrong but going so far to post some silly picture and judge me for one wrong

    suggestion is childish....

    Childish is your reaction to all of this.

    And, it was not me who posted the bitter beer face guy. The harshest thing I said was calling your thought on this to be nonsense. Is nonsense that offensive to you?

  9. i agree injuries do happen,its football,its physical i understand,dude dont get all of yalls pantys in a wad calm down ok its not the coaches fault,jesus christ i thought this was a forum to just express thoughts and idea's

    but still we are the one who always have the most injuries on the field when it comes game time, its a fact dude...regardless of other teams....all of our guys are not some joe shmoe's who sat on the couch all summer....

    heck maybe we are just very very very unlucky.....does that comment make yall happier or feel better?

    More nonsense.

    Isn't what we are doing exactly what you are complaining about? You posted something that I, and many others, disagreed with and the dialog started.

  10. I understand your point about the SB, but we must remember that the colts were backup on their own 1 yard line, with only 11 yards of field behind them . . . if you try a pass play in that situation, a fumble snap, a hold in the endzone or a sack could result in a safety, with the hold being a safety regardless. . . the problem with "trying" to win is two fold, the safety which gives points plus the ball back to the saints near midfieldish after the punt, and if you try 3 pass plays which fail you stop the clock and again give the ball back to Saints near the middle of the field with a full minute plus and all three TOs, colts got the ball aroud the two minute mark . . .

    in the other games you had better field position which was helpful in a few ways: first, gave you some breathing room to operate and no risk of a safety; second, the more room opened up your entire playbook; and third, if you did go three and out you kick the ball to the opponent 20-30 yards farher down field making any potential score by the opponent before half that much more difficult then if you punted from the back of your own endzone . . .

    surely in looking back at it, it looks like you should of gone for it, but there where too many risk, sometimes discretion is the better part of valor . . . afterall the saints did score 3 points and perhaps maybe 7 if they had more time saved from your incomplete passes . . .

    furthermore you were trailing in the jets game and had to get back in it, but you were in a tight SB leading the saints and don't want to let them get 7 points before halftime . . .

    if you want to see the flipside of the argument and your "play to win" and see how it can go bad, just look at last years divisional game between the jets/pats late in the first half, with about a minute to go trailing 7-3 in a tight game, we were ready to punt from about our 40 yard line, if we punt, no real way the jets will score, so just punt and go into halftime down 7-3 and we'll get the ball back at the start of the 2nd half and we can score then . . . but no Chung calls for a fake punt, we don't convert the jets get the ball around our 40 with a minute to go, so plenty of time to score, basically 10 yards from FG range, so they get a scoring opportunity when they never really would of had one but for our "trying to win" the game attitude . . . well boop and moments later they score and are now UP 14-3 going into halftime . . . gee great theory there boys with the "gotta win attitude", sure we might of converted, but with a minute to go on or own 40 what would we have gotten a FG attempt at best?, so it was no likely that we could score if we converted, but the cost of not converting changed the jets field position from their own end to FG range . . . so its a cost benefit analysis and some prefer to punt in the jets/pats game and some prefer to run the clock out in the NO/indy game . . . and remember what are your chances of scoring backed on your 1 yard line with under 2 mins?

    everything has two sides, i personnally agree with what the colts did and would of like for us to have punted . . . i for one have no problem swallowing my pride if it means a higher percentage [imo] of points going up on my side and less on their side . . . in both case the actions of the punt and 3 run plays reducing the likelihood of points going up on their side in exchnage of giving back a very low percentage of chance to get point on our side . . .

    Very well said.

    I kind of look at things the way Caldwell may have been thinking at the time. They just stone the Saints at the goal line. They have a TD lead and they get the ball to start the 2nd half. Get a 1st down and get to halftime and get your offense, who the Saints up until that time had yet to stop, and really put some pressure on them. That is pretty sound football thinking.

    Now we know that the 3rd & 1 failed. And the on-side kick went to NOLA. It is a 20/20 situation that causes us Indy fans to be anti-Caldwell from this game - well this didn't work so you should have done the other thing. But in my mind, he really did nothing wrong. There is absolute logic to his thinking.

  11. ed briggs just because you put a picture of yourself up doesnt mean that you are a cooler fan grow up dude ....this forum wasnt made to see who is a better fan than the other,ok so i might not be right in this case i can admit when im wrong about something but i just dont understand why it is the colts who fall to injury the worst year after year.....

    so please explain to me what we do differently than other teams......and if we have all these "million" of dollars devoted to keeping our guys healthy then where is the results????????

    and why was thirteen starters injured at one point of the season last year????

    Because they ask extreme things of their bodies. They are huge men running into each other. Injuries happen.

    Have you looked at the injury list of other teams. Until you do and maintain that this is only a Colts issue, then you are living in the dark. There were something like 10 blown out achilles tendons around the league in the first week of camp this year. There have season ending injuries to many players already. Knock on wood - that has not happened here.

    The other thing it is very possible that the team is just being cautious with these guys. Maybe their injuries keep them out of training camp practices but would not be serious enough if this were the regular season.

  12. it seems like the colts strength and conditioning coaches are not doing that good of job stretching them out and makin sure they are good and warmed up.......

    Nonsense. The Colts essentially are a multi-million dollar corporation whose very success is directly tied to the health of its players. You don't think they turn over every stone possible in an effort to get their guys on the field. This includes the latest in health, nutrition, excercise, etc. You name it, I would bet they have looked at it. This is a team that I have personally witnessed that practices how they stand for the National Anthem. So it unfathomable to me that this is a lack of proper work by the strength and conditioning coaches.

  13. I didn't like the general conservatism in the Super Bowl, but the decision to run it there was defensible. We were on the 1 yard line, not the 20. A blown assignment results in a safety there (even a hold in the end zone is a safety, which we saw in the previous Super Bowl), plus they get the ball back with over a minute left and all three of their timeouts. Not to mention the fact that we gained 9 yards on the first two runs, and got their first two timeouts, then got stuffed on 3rd and 1. Had we converted the 3rd and 1, the playcalling may have changed there, because now they have fewer timeouts, and you're not running plays out of your own end zone.

    Against the Jets, we got the ball at the 20 with more than two minutes left, and still had a timeout. Against the Ravens, we got the ball at the 36 with two timeouts left. Not comparable with starting at your own 1 yard line.

    Absolutely correct. The overriding factor was field position. The failure to get the 1st down was player execution and not a terrible coaching decision.

  14. Hes a class act and we should have never gotten rid of this guy. Great running back. Big mistake by the Colts.

    Qualifying this as a big mistake by the Colts is comical.

    And actually, don't you mean big mistake by the entire league? They all had a chance at him and passed. Maybe all these NFL personnel guys know something you don't.

    He seemed to be a good guy and hard worker and all but his talent is a dime a dozen. Couple that with an inability to stay healthy, and it can't be a surprise that he was cut and not picked up by anyone.

  15. I like this move. In the last 2 years I have noticed less of Dwight Freeney on first down (because of lack of gap integrity aka always going after the qb) I like the sound of Tyler Brayton on first down and as a DE in running situation. Chris Polian has impressed me, its not always about the big signings, sometimes its the little signings that can improve a team tremendously :coltslogo:

    You are right. The Colts have played both Freeney and Mathis less and less on early run downs. But I think has infinitely more to do with the team wanting them fresh on key pass rush downs than a perceived lack of gap integrity.

  16. We now have three (3) defensive end/defensive tackle tweeners on our roster with Tyler Brayton, Jamaal Anderson and Eric Foster..........with Anderson and Brayton pretty stout against the run as defensive ends. Wonder if Chris Polian is listening to Larry Coyer and bringing in guys that can fit into his scheme a bit better? This signing certainly shakes up the depth chart a bit I would think?

    Freeney, Mathis, Anderson, Brayton, Hughes

    Johnson, Nevis, Harris, Foster, Mathews, Moala

    Thats 11 players for a position that the Colts typically carry only 10? Does someone go or do they sacrifice a roster spot elsewhere to accomodate?


    I have a different take. I would be surprised if all the D linemen they brought in make the team. I think Brayton was a signing due to Hughes' slow growth and Anderson's injury.

  17. He's a specialist in the nickel package - I think it would be a good fit.

    What does a specialist in the nickel package mean?

    It sounds like a guy not good enough to crack the starting line up in what was a pretty weak secondary last year.

  18. Our backup QB gets to play most the second to last, and the last game. I'm just saying I would feel much safer with McElroy than Painter and/or Orlovsky. Painter has never had a good game, and Orlovsky went 0-8 as a starter, which shows me he can't win. Instead of guaranteeing a lost in Week 17, and maybe in Week 16, I would like to see the Colts compete. Point is, I don't want to have an unreliable backup, and I would like to know that our backup is a safe secure Qb.

    This is what I mean when you go off on tangents that make no sense.

    1) You want McElroy for those meaningless games in week 16 & 17?

    2) Orlovsky was 0 for whatever as a starter so that guarantees week 17 in Indy would be a loss?

    3) Do you think the Colts prefer an unreliable back up over a reliable one

  19. I do know what I'm talking about. McElroy is a great backup with a tone of potential. He is better than Painter, and Orlovsky, not to mention that he's cheaper than both of those guys, b/c of the rookie contract. All we had to give up was that 6th round pick which went to Rucker, who will have only 2 snaps and not make a difference on our team. Do some research before writing what you said.

    Andy Andy Andy

    Where to begin?

    You have proven, repeatedly to have some of the more off the wall thoughts on the Colts and the league. Saying that you know what you are talking about is debatable at best. Take this post about McElroy for instance. McElroy is, by any definition, not yet a great back up. There is simply no way to make that statement based on the evidence of one preseason game, especially one in which his performance was uneven at best.

    And your determination that Rucker will only have 2 snaps and not help the team is based on what exactly? There is sentiment that he was an early round talent that fell only due to off the field issues. That is the perfect desription of a low-risk, high reward draft pick. And certainly one that has the potential to be far more valuable than McElroy ever would have.

    And lastly, you telling someone else to do research before you post is kind of funny. This is coming from a guy whose depth chart included players not currently on the Colts roster. Not only that some of your players are not just free agents, but some were on other teams rosters.

  20. You're missing my point. Many of his greatest failures have been against the 3-4. Peyton has chewed up and spit out all manner of defense at one point or another. But the 3-4 schemes have presented him with his most flawed performances ever. To his credit, he always figures them out to some extent.

    I may be wrong, if I am please holler at me for it, but wasn't SD running a 3-4 against Manning during that 6 INT belly-flop several years ago? We all know about the 05 AFCCG against Pitt. Lebeau had him scrambling in panic to figure out his blitz schemes.

    Please note I'm not championing the 3-4 as a magic bullet against Manning. I'm only stating that this has been the most consistent scheme in unraveling Manning's game.

    He has had good and bad games against all manner of defenses. The 3-4 thing is a myth. I understand that you are saying that Houston has the personnel to be successful but that is up for debate. They are making an entirely new schematic switch and that can't happen without some bumps in the road.

  21. Been watching him every play, same thing. He's speed rushing the QB on every down from the outside, standing up. It seems to be creating much liability concerning the run defense. I haven't seen them drop him back into coverage, not once. He isn't stunting, he's just an outside rusher and looks terribly uncomfortable. The Jets are actually targeting him.

    Your thoughts?

    My thoughts? A couple of things.

    1) Do you think they are going to open the play book and show everything they plan on doing with him in the preseason? Why put that on tape for others to see?

    2) It is the first preseason game after an unprecedented offseason. There is bound to be rust and/or unfamiliarity due to the schematic change.

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