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Posts posted by jskinnz

  1. I think he will get picked up as a broadcaster and will be announcing games this year. Everyone wants to get a preview of what he'll be doing after he retires. Maybe they replace Deion for a year, that would be awesome.

    Seriously doubt that happens. Why would he be commenting on teams and players that he may ultimately have to face again?

  2. "Didn't have the guts?" What, do you think that they were too scared to play?

    "Never get over?" What, did they cheat on you with another team or something?

    I love how people assign a rudimentary human failing to a rational decision so that they can wrap the whole topic up in a simplistic ball of hate.

    Wouldn't it actually make more sense to say how remarkable it is that the FO HAD the guts to make a decision that they knew would engender ridicule, scorn, and hatred - because they thought that that was the best way to win the Super Bowl - the entire point of the exercise. In other words, they were doing their jobs to the best of their abilities, not pandering to people who have more emotion than sense.

    And Peyton's opinion is irrelevant - he is a football player. They have to drag him off the field kicking and screaming when they are up by 30 points with two minutes left. He lives to compete - and I'd expect nothing less - but all successful football players are competitive to the point of self-destruction. This was a decision that needed to be made by someone aware of the larger picture.

    Of course I would have liked to see the team go undefeated, but it wasn't that big a deal. The difference is that for all intents and purposes I feel that they DID go undefeated. In football, you either need to win a game, or you don't. If you don't, then it is impossible to recreate the intensity of a real game, and foolish to waste the effort and risk injury trying. It was NO more important than the pre-season, which is so boring that I barely pay attention. And do you remember the snow in Buffalo? I was just praying that the key players would get off the field in one piece. The only thing that bothers me about that season is Hank Baskett, Dwight Freeney's leg, and the pick six. Change any ONE of those and the Colts would have completed arguably the most impressive season in the history of the sport.

    You are my favorite new poster. This may be the start of a bromance. ;)

    Very well said.

  3. I am scared.

    I saw a journalist on ESPN website, mention that he is worried that Petyon may be showing early signs of Lou Gherig's Disease(ALS). Apparently, the nerve problems in the neck, and now the reports of nerve problems in the back that Payton had back surgery this last weekend for are pretty common early signs of ALS.

    That would suck.

    I always imagined Payton going on to be one of the greatest coaches or something in the history of the NFL after he stops playing on the field, I never imagined the possibility of him being paralyzed.

    I did not see it but if that is true, that is a mind-numbingly reckless claim to make.

  4. I am not calling you names, but anyone who really believes that a coach who goes 3-13 in the NFL will automatically get a pass because of injuries is inexperienced in how the NFL works. That's just a fact.

    More nonsense.

    There are some posters in this board who know what they are talking about and GC8818 is most certainly one of them. He certainly is not an inexperienced fan, which you absolutely called him. What seems obvious to me is how difficult a time you have with people questioning your posts. Every single one seems to get very combative. Maybe it is not the masses...

    To the point, if Manning misses the season and the Colts go 3-13, it will depend upon the make up of that season if Caldwell finds his job in jeopardy. If the team just quit on him, then I think he has some issues. But if they played hard every game and were competitive, but just got outmanned in the end, then I think he would be safe.

  5. Caldwell will be expected to do the same.

    Had Belichick went 3-13 the year he lost Brady then he would have taken some serious heat.

    Nonsense. A coach with 3 SB wins does not begin to take heat after a 3-13 season after their star QB goes down in week # 1. I am sure he had built up some credit with the fans and owner.

  6. I predict that Collins will start against Houston.

    I predict that Painter will start against Houston.

    I predict that Manning will start against Houston.

    Since I'm usually right with my predictions I am confident I will be able to proclaim my brilliance on Monday.

    I think just to cover all your bases you should also predict Garrard will start against Houston now that the Jags have cut him.

  7. Ok, I don't know, but I was still right about Hamlin getting cut...

    I don't like SEC lineman becuase they tend to make a lot of busts on the O-line. The only good O-line Tennessee ever produced was Chad Clifton, that's it in it's history.

    Oh dear God. You act as though predicting Mike Hamlin getting cut was a prognostication that only football savants could have seen coming. His own freaking mother did not think he stood a chance at making the roster.

    Scott Wells, the Green Bay center is from Tennessee is a UT alum. Herrera, is one of the Vikes starting guards now. That is only the current NFL players. I am sure there are many more from UT as well that played in the past.

  8. here are some of my recent predictions, like I said Gilreath would go on the PS, if Taj is not allowed, and Gilreath is on the PS. I said Hamlin would be cut if WHite is activated, and once White was activated Hamlin was cut, so just understand that most of the things I say are correct, but some of the weird things overshadow the correct thing I've said.

    There you go again.

    There is no correlation between Hamlin getting cut and White being activated. None. Zero. Squadoosh. If anything, Glireath was cut because of it. Not some run of the mill DB who had no chance to begin with.

    And allow me to go back to one of your original posts - your reasoning for thinking McClendon gets cut is due to not liking UT linemen. What is not to like about linemen coming from an SEC school?

  9. I have had some stupid things here, but generally I have been correct. I didn't know about James Williams, but what difference does he make, I predicted he'd be on the PS, but you guys told me he doesn't play for us. EF and TH I don't know about. That's all you seem to come up with... the roster prediction, which does not show someones knowledge, it's just predicting something. Don't judge me off that, if you go back and see the things I've said, you'll see they're right.

    If I had to go back and crunch a top ten list out of all the crazy/wrong things you have said, it might take days as there is more than ample evidence to create such a list.

  10. As some of you may know, I don't like Jacques McClendon. Everybody on the old forum, and this forum thought he would be the next starter, and a good one at that. I seemed like a fish out of water when I said that he had no future with the Colts and was not going to play this year. Now, he's gone and I just wanted to see what the Jacques McClendon fans think now? BTW, McClendon's stats with the Colts are: 0 pancakes, 0 plays played, 0 anything.

    Dear God. You have literally thrown a thousand things against the wall and you found one that stuck and you start a thread complementing yourself one it? There is a blind squirrel and an acorn saying that comes to mind right now. Would you even things up and start a thread where you trash yourself for making a ridiculous claim that did come true. Let me help you - it can be one of your first roster predictions in which you had 3 guys making the roster who were not even in the Colts camp. That one deserves some self-ridicule.

    What's more, I bet if went back and looked over your roster predictions, there will be many with McClendon making the team.

  11. Out for the season? From what I've heard, Peyton will miss 3 games MAX. I have heard nothing about him missing the entire season. Currently, his status for Sunday is doubtful. That means he isn't likely to play, but there is a small chance he can. If he was going to miss the entire season, his status would probably be out rather than doubtful

    Who was the source on your 3 game MAX prediction? Anyone credible?

  12. Wade has already made a difference....nowhere to go but up from 30th. lol

    I guess the same could be said about KFC and the Colts offense....less time then Wade had with Texans D. And are you saying that the Colts personnel are that much better then KFCs previous personnel? I dont see it. The Colts personnel were good because of PM.

    I would hazard a guess that Collins has never had a TE like Clark or a WR as good as Wayne.

    I would also suggest that there are several other factors involved in why Collins' teams faired poorly against Phillips. Were Collins' teams good enough definsively? But both those points are secondary.

    My ultimate point is that these are different circumstances for both teams and that 0-8 record means nothing going into this game. If the Texans win it will be due to them playing better on Sunday and have nothing to do to Collins' lack of previous success against Phillips' D.

  13. The problem I see with KFC regarding game one........he's 0-8 against Wade Phillips D.

    Look, winning on Sunday will be a huge challenge for Indy and I sincerely doubt they will be able to pull off a win.

    But that stat seems meaningless to me. He has not faced Phillips with the Colts personnel and scheme. And while I am sure Phillips will ulitmately make a difference in Houston, this is their first game with a brand new scheme and without all the reps they missed out on on mini-camps and OTA's.

  14. It was a very stupid pick, we should have picked Saffold. Let's look at the bright side, he provides good depth and has the potential to take over RM job in the future.

    There you go again with a mindless thought followed up by the very rationale that they picked him in the first place. So which is it - a stupid pick or one in which he has the potential to take over for Mathis, which doesn't by definition mean it was not a stupid pick?

    While Saffold has been and may well end up the better player, saying it was a stupid pick now is very clearly made with the benefit of hindsight. Do you think Bill's crystal ball was broke on draft day?

  15. I am done with Brown. Really. I watched his last season and I watched his this and to quote Shania Twain "that don't impress me much". I liked what Span showed much better.

    Please tell me you are chick. The thought of a guy on a football message board quoting Shania Twain lyrics is sort of unsettling ;)

  16. Here's my brief prediction, detailed one to come soon:

    QB: Manning, Collins, Painter (3)

    RB: Addai, Brown, Carter, James (4)

    WR: Wayne, Garcon, Collie, Gonzo, Gilreath, White (5, 6 in Week 6)

    TE: Clark, Tamme, Eldridge (3)

    T: Castonzo, Link, Ijalana, Toudouze (4)

    G: Pollak, Reitz, Devan, Diem, McClendon (5)

    C: Saturday (1)

    DE: Freeney, Mathis, Hughes, Anderson (4)

    DT: Harris, Moala, Nevis, Johnson, Gill (5)

    LB: Brackett, Angerer, Sims, Conner, Wheeler, Moten (6)

    CB: Powers, Lacey, Thomas, Tryon, Johnson (5)

    S: Bethea, Bullit, Caldwell, Lefeged, Hamlin (5)

    ST: Snow, Vinatieri, McAfee (3)

    PS: Chick, Smith, Evans and 4 other guys (7)

    The Colts will probalby get rid of Hamlin when White comes back.

    Why do you try to out think the room? In the Hamlin thread you admit not ever hearing of the guy and now you got him on your opening day roster? Was he that impressive last night?

    And Hamlin and White will not be tied together in roster moves. If White stays on the PUP and comes off it in 6 weeks, it will likely be at the expense of another receiver.

  17. 1. Wayne

    2. Garcon

    3. Collie

    4. Brooks

    5. Smith

    6. Gilreath

    Goodbye Gonzo!

    Brooks was the flavor of the week after the Pack game and for the life of me, I couldn't figure out why. He caught a TD pass - so what? Bandon James caught 3 last year in the final preseason game and that guy could not play. After last night's game it seems obvious that Brooks will not factor into the final 53. There are lots of questions between Gonzo, Collie, Smith and Gilreath but with any of those questions, Chris Brooks is not the answer.

  18. QB: Manning, Painter, Collins (3)

    RB: Addai, Carter, James, Evans (4)(I am picking with my heart here, I fully expect Brown to make it over Evans or James)

    WR: Wayne, Garcon, Collie, Gonzo, Gilreath, Smith (6) (White stays on the PUP and either moves to IR or comes back and when someone goes to IR or we cut someone for him)

    TE: Clark, Eldridge, Tamme (3)

    OL: Castonzo, Reitz, Saturday, Diem, Link, Ijalana, McClendon, Pollack, DeVan (9)

    DE: Freeney, Mathis, Hughes, Anderson, Chick (5)

    DT: Moala, Johnson, Nevis, Harris, Foster, Matthews (6)

    LB: Angerer, Brackett, Conner, Sims, Wheeler (5)

    CB: Powers, Lacey, Tryon, Thomas, Rucker (5)

    S: Bethea, Bullitt, Lefegod, Caldwell (4)

    LS: Snow (1)

    K: Vinatieri (1)

    P: McAfee (1)

    I think you are pretty well spot on here.

    Observations from the game tonight as it relates to the roster:

    * Not sure what to make of Painter not playing and Orlovsky playing well. Still I think you are right and Painter makes it

    * I think Brown got cut tonight. Could be totally wrong about that and if I am, I think it means James got cut because...

    * Evans played his way onto the team

    * Agree that both Brayton and Anderson don't make it

    * Chick is iffy and 5 LB's seem a risk but Chick can play speacial teams so that helps there

  19. This being my last post for today,I hate to use it here. But O-well.

    I've had A torn hammy.....and I know I couldnt run jog or for that matter walk.

    That tells me it's not near as bad as some are making it out to be. I wont even go into how long it took for me to heal up since I didnt have a team of Docs and trainers working it full time.

    If he's able to run,it's not that bad. The prob I had is you cant push off or acccelerat hard,cutting wasnt an issue any more then acceleration. They both hurt.

    1) The Texans are just as likely throwing out a red herring right now as anything else.

    2) Even if he is running now, it is surely not a game speed and does not mean that he will be able to do it effectively a week from Sunday.

    I don't put any stock into anything that I hear about him until the injury reports come out next week.

  20. He is currently playing for the Jets but might not make the team.

    At one time he was a great corner/safety for us. He showed up every day to play until the injuries piled up on him too much.

    I believe that we hurt his career by playing him at safety, but he has found a home in a few different places over the years and stayed working in the NFL. He would be really cheap to bring in and he has played in our system before.

    He could be a lifesaver if one of our starting corners go down this year and he would likely be an upgrade to Lacey anyway.

    Just food for thoughts...

    I imagine there will be pick ups after the cuts are made but I doubt Strickland is one of those additions.

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