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Posts posted by jskinnz

  1. Ya, its the internet and how about a little common courtesy. That's the problem. People say get thicker skin, how about you be nicer and show some respect. We can disagree, but we can also do it in a respectful manner. Off my soap box.

    Go back and read my post and tell me where I was disrespectful. I did nothing more than disgree with your post. If disagreeing with your thoughts by using logic and facts to support my argument, then I guess I am guilty of not being respectful.

  2. Well i have some sort of clue, because I look at his salary over the past several years. If he has an expensive salary, then I say he'll want an expensive salary, if he had a cheap one, then I'll say he'll want a cheap one. Obviously, it could change, but unless the guy wants to take a huge paycut or ask for more money, it's not bound to change.

    I was also saying that Jamal Williams doesn't fit our system because he's a nose tackle, and we need defensive tackles. A nose tackle = 3-4, and a defensive tackle = 4-3.

    Sure, my reasoning is somewhat faulty, but what I just said here is not to hard to understand, is it?

    My point on salaries is that players nearing the end of their career are faced with 2 options - retire or play at the team mandated salary. In those instances, the team has the leverage. So it really makes no difference what they guy made previously. If he wants to play, it will be at the salary of the team's choosing. In the Colts case, look at the team friendly deal that Harris signed with Indy and Sanders signed with the Bolts.

  3. The only thing that's cheap is the shot you just took at my post. And I don't see it as cheap at all. Who's to say the colts can't do a Manning/Collins rotation the first game and mix it up. Confuse the defense. Other teams have done that in the past. What makes the Colts so damm special that they could do that. The one minded thinking on this forum by some posters is rediculous. Get stuck in the same old routine putting all the weight on Manning. Its irritating that some think that if Mannings not 10000+% ready to go he has to sit out. How many times on other teams has the QB always been completely healthy and played?!

    Switch it up and give the Colts offense a whole new dimension!

    First off, it is the internet. You should probably grow some thicker skin. I did not attack you personally. I just simply just disagreed with the premise and gave support to the argument.

    Secondly, your initial premise was simply to extend his consecutive game streak. Not some throw the defense off base type of scenario. But since you brought that up - there is no scenario in which the Houston defense is not thrilled at the prospect of playing against anyone other than Peyton. And this curveball you think this platoon would throw the defense is shot to heck by the fact that they both have the same skillset - pocket passers who are less than mobile. The teams that use multiple QB's are ones who have QB's with different talent. Such as what the Jets used to do with Smith & Sanchez.

    Lastly, you are looking at the world through Colts-colored glasses if you think a hurt Manning only playing a handful of plays to extend his streak would not create a firestorm of controversary among the media. And I would hazard a guess among the team as well.

  4. They pick the Texans to go 10-6. Not sure what 10 games they picked to win. But Houston has to go play at New Orleans, Baltimore, Tampa Bay and Indy one time. Tough home games against Pittsburgh and Atlanta. I guess if they lose all the game I listed they would go 10-6 if they win the rest. Their schedule is a cake walk.

    Am I missing something? The Colts also have to play at the Saints, at the Ravens, at Tampa as well having home games against the Falcons and Steelers.

  5. Why would we get another DT, or in this case a NT. We don't use NT, we use DTs. There's a difference. We already have Moala, Johnson, Nevis, Harris, Foster, maybe Anderson, and now you want to sign Williams... That's too much, plus he's way too expensive. He'll want 4M per year.

    Dude, even when you argue the correct side of something, your reasoning is faulty.

    Face it, while the Colts' DT's look to be better, it is not as if the position can't be improved. If they thought Williams could help, they would bring him in. A better reason to pass on this guy is that he is ancient and has been hurt over the last few years.

    And please stop talking as if you know how much a player will demand. You have no clue.

  6. Well, folks, i am worried now that our titanium tough Manning will not play against the Texans. Now here is a thought.. for Manning to keep his record going, why can't he suit up, go out for a few run plays, then let Collins take over. I see no reason he cannot do this to keep the record going and if he's not 100%, at least we now have Collins.

    That will positively cheapen his streak if he does it. It will be a move viewed, and deservedly so, as self-serving. It would not benefit the team from many standpoints not the least of which is the game-day roster spot it would require.

    If Manning plays against Houston it will be with the intent of finishing the game. Not some contrived attempt to maintain a personal streak.

  7. Back issue I am not so sure the Colts aren't going to stretch into putting him on IR. You can make a case we don't need him this season and he could very well end up cut if we don't put him on IR but with Wayne, Garcon, and Gonzo all free agents at the end of the year we are probably going to need him next year.

    I have thought of that but aren't there are some ramifications of putting a player on IR who will be healthy in season? Also why would White say he should be returning soon if the IR was a consideration.

  8. These are the kind of comments that are irritating. You and me and anyone outside of the Colts organization have no idea if the Colts contacted him sooner or not. Perhaps they contacted him right before camp but he wanted to wait around to see if anything happened where he could go to a team and start. Now with just a couple of weeks left he decided that call was not going to come so he took the Colts offer.

    Maybe the Colts really wanted to see if Painter could transfer his practice abilities to the field (because in all three years Painter has been excellent in practice... a quick study, makes all the throws, understand his assignments. He's just like the deer hunter who has a grouping the size of a quarter on the range but gets the shakes when he has a deer in his sights, Painter just cannot handle the situation when bodies are flying around him, thus why I have always compared him to Rob Johnson). Now that he has had the opportunity and did not show the improvement or consistency that Caldwell talks about, the Colts went a different route.

    The fact is no one knows how things were handled regarding Kerry, so it's impossible for anyone to say it should have been handled differently.

    I read a good article in the Indy paper over the weekend that discussed how the Colts handled the back QB situation. Chris Polian was quoted essentially saying that there are two options - 1) go with a proven back up. Two problems with that are why would anyone want to come in and sit behind 18 and the cost. They estimated the going rate for someone with experience to be around $2.5 millioon and that was too much to pay a guy to sit. So they go with option # 2, which is young, unproven guy with some potential - someone like Painter. The upside is you may end up hitting a home run with the guy and we have all seen the downside. I think your scenario is exactly where the Colts found themselves with Painter as he looks to be unable to transfer practice to the field.

    The Colts realize this and end up with Collins. Seems a rational process to me.

  9. Phil B Wilson also suggested recently that Blair White should be ready to come off the PUP list this week. White even hinted at being ready to play against the Pack, although that seems ambitious.

    There have been many preseason injuries that were season-ending. The Colts, knock on wood, have been pretty lucky so far.

  10. They are talking with Gary Collins. This brings me tothe subject I an getting hammered on in the forum as I say we do not have a back up and we will pay the price. If we did why are the Colts earching and why do 100% of the sports reporters agree with me? The Colts are stupid to believe they can go in to the PLAYOFFS with the bums they have at QB backup.

    Where have you heard about them talking with Collins? He is a name that I have heard mentioned by media types as a possibility, but nothing confirmed.

  11. Skip straight to 2:13 to see the DRAKE NEVIS sack and one of the only runs DELONE CARTEr got it is a beast mode run He breaks like 3 tackles

    go to the link below and then click the first video on the screen called sounds of the game

    lemme know what you think about his run


    Calm down. Proclaiming anyone a beast in the preseason is just a touch premature, especially when considering the quality of competition that Carter was up against at the time.

  12. More troubling than anything else to me has been our depth (or lack thereof) at safety. We've taken steps to address deficiencies at offensive line and defensive line, we look like we have a nice linebacker corps, and I think we're deep enough at corner. We're set everywhere else (quarterback, receiver, running back, etc.) But we really didn't do anything at safety. Maybe there's no need, since Bullitt started basically all of 2009 and our defense was more than serviceable, on the way to winning the AFC. With him coming back from injury and Bethea on the field, we have two starters, for sure. Would have been nice to add one of the big name guys at strong safety, but we knew that wasn't going to happen.

    Anyways, I was really worried about our depth at safety. Really, we have none. If either Bullitt or Bethea were to go down, even for just a couple of weeks, we'd be where we were last season, starting a scrap heap pickup and significantly reducing the effectiveness of our defense. I'm not as worried today as I was two weeks ago. Wanna know why?

    Joe Lefeged.

    Kid's a player. Seems like he's one of those guys who was right on the draft bubble, and didn't get picked. Good for us, too. We only had five picks in the draft, but I get the feeling he would have been our 7th rounder if we hadn't traded it for Justin Tryon in 2010. Lefeged wound up signing with the Colts as a UDFA, and he comes with a pretty impressive resume. He's fast, he's got good size, he's active around the ball and seems to find his way into every play. He's inexperienced in pass coverage, but he's been just fine in the two preseason games so far. Coming out of Rutgers, he played with some pretty good players who are now contributing in the NFL. Pre-draft scouting reports paint a picture of a kid with talent, instincts, and physical tools, but who needs to refine his skills and play with more discipline.

    At the very least, he'd be a special teams maven, and could even handle returns. At best, he's a fill-in sub who actually has some talent, rather than a scrub who's starting because he's somewhat familiar with our scheme. Not unlike Melvin Bullitt, he could be a good find. But I think he has the tools to be better than Bullitt.

    We still need more depth at safety (who's Bethea's backup?), but knowing we have a talent in the folds is somewhat comforting. I'll be keeping an eye on Lefeged to see what kind of contributions he can make.

    I went to a couple of training camp practices and he was a guy that stood out to me (in a good way). Clearly they think highly of him since he played with the 1's after Bethea tweaked his hammy.

  13. I started too look at the depth chart today and I think it might end up looking like this:

    QB (3): Manning, Painter, third QB (could Orvlosky I would hope we sign a guy like Sorgi but with the questions about ManningI think we keep three)

    RB (3): Addai, Brown, Carter

    WR (6): Wayne, Garcon, Collie, Gonzo, Smith, White

    TE (3): Clark, Tamme, Eldridge

    OT (4): Castonzo, Diem, Ijalana, Link

    OG (4): Reitz, Pollack, McClendon, Devan

    C (2): Saturday, Richard

    DE (5): Freeney, Mathis, Hughes, Chick, Anderson

    DT (6): Johnson, Moala, Nevis, Foster, Mathews, Harris

    LB (6): Sims, Brackett, Conner, Angerer, Wheeler, Glenn

    CB (5): Powers, Lacey, Tryon, Thomas, Rucker

    S (3): Bethea, Bullitt, Lefeged

    K (1): Vinatieri

    P (1): McAfee

    LS (1): Snow

    Returner (0): Lefeged (had him on the roster already at safety)

    By my math that puts us at 53. I am not the best math person in the world so someone might want to double check that. I will also say I am still leaning towards guys who have been here for a while right now. The next two games could very well change my mind on some of the undrafted rookies.

    I think this will be fairly close to accurate. The only areas I would question is the quantity of ofensive & defensive linemen and the lack of safeties and DB's in general. I don't think you have enough LB's & DB's to play special teams. Having the 6th WR means Taj will be covering kicks and punts but there will have to be a linemen on both sides of the ball cut in order to make room for a guy like Moten and/or Afalava.

  14. You can get him arond your 45 man active roster on game day by having a guy dress as your emgerncy QB. He doesn't count against the 45 on game day but he if comes in your first two QBs can not come back into the game.

    They have changed the rule this year. You can dress 46 and your 3rd QB is no longer designated as emergency use only. It should lead to specialty package type of situations if your 3rd QB is a wildcat type of athlete.

  15. I would just love to have him. Unfortunately he has the same worth as Robert Mathis or Antoine Bethea, and I sure aint giving up one of those guys for a backup.

    Before I leap to any conclusions here, please explain this.

  16. I would feel a lot more comfortable with Sorgi than Painter. Maybe this is something that is being thought about by the Colts brass now.

    I would love for us to bring in Clausen for a late round pick, however I think another team is going to have a larger plan for him as being a starting QB. Miami makes a ton of sense for him. If he falls into the backup market then it would be a great idea to groom him behind Peyton.

    Sorgi makes a lot of sense to me. I wonder how bad that shoulder injury while playing in NY really was.

    I think Sorgi is done. He is damaged goods who I have heard will or has retired already.

  17. Okay, we definitely need some veteran help in our QB position. Matt Leinart has never fulfilled his potential, but he definitely has the arm for our pass-happy attack. He worked with a similar offense with the Cardinals. He also has the personal connection with Peyton, having filmed a commercial with him, Eli and Archie. I think that if Leinart came in, he could step in IF needed this season, and then go to school under Peyton and possibly be groomed to be the "heir apparent".

    Now, the only catch is that Leinart is signed to a division rival. They won't give him up for peanuts. But Houston still needs help at DE. Currently with some of our FA pickups, we are actually a bit heavy at that position. I can see us giving up one of our "projects"...Jerry Hughes. He still has a lot of upside in an area Houston needs, and yet I'm not sure if he will ever truly develop his full potential here. So why not trade him now while he still has a lot of "upside" to get someone we could also use...at this point, desperately.


    With all due respect Tuba, this idea has less than zero chance of happening. I think there are glaring red flags on both sides.

    1) Why would Houston want to help the Colts when they are a division rival and play week 1? No from Houston side.

    2) Hughes is not a 3-4 DE. He does not have the size to play that position in that scheme. No from Houston side.

    3) Leinart's arm strength is not what you claim it to be. No from Indy side.

    4) Can we really say with any certainty that Leinart is any better than what the Colts currently have? No from Indy side.

    5) I think it is a major stretch to say that Manning & Leinart have a relationship due to a commercial shoot. How that relates to football is lost on me.

  18. Why isn't there a "Don't worry about it because the FO is far smarter than us and is likely considering all of their best options just in case" option?

    Did you ever notice that the more rational thoughts on this board, like the one you posted here, are generally not responded to? It seems that the ones that generate the most affirmed responses are the posts that are mind-numbingly off base.

  19. I wasn't sure if this should have it's own topic or not so if someone wants to merg this with one of the other Peyton Manning threads go ahead.


    I remember reading something back in the late spring or early summer that doctors had tried all sorts of treatments in hopes to avoid surgery but nothing was helping as they had hoped. I don't think it is Manning being lax in his making the decision (not that is what you were implying).

  20. It's the talking head's jobs to ruffle people's feathers. It seemed to have worked. If we are talking about them, they have done their job.

    Or it could just be that he actually thinks that.

    Isn't whoever he picks in a division, aren't there going to fanbases of 3 teams upset by it?

  21. I would much rather us go after T.O. if Indy does anything offensively. Pryor doesn't match up with the Polians values at all, so this shouldn't happen. Anything would be an upgrade from Painter though...I'm pretty sure Curtis would have a better QB rating if he played blindfolded. The reality is, our needs are still defensive. We have no viable secondary, Bethea is really the only bright spot.

    Wait a minute.

    You want T.O. but then dismiss Pryor because he does not have the values that Polian would prefer? That is the very definition of oxymoron. Which I also think explains why the rest of your post is kind of off target.

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