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Posts posted by jskinnz

  1. Excuse me... have u ever played football. I mean on a varsity team. All of those emotions are a huge part of football period. You need to have those emotions on your side in a fight. Football can not always be won by just being better then the other team. Sometimes when things just arent going your way, just having those football emotions and willing yourself to a victory is good enough. There is reason the league looks at the Colts as a "soft" team. And what u just said is why. Yes you need to have emotions. And it cant always just come from your QB or your assistant coaches. The head coach is the one that should be bringing those emotions. Yes, Dungy didnt show much emotion. But, if nothing else, when dungy was upset at a call or a player his face showed it. He looked like he was going to puke he was so mad sometimes. You dont have to yell to show emotions. Caldwell looks like he really doesnt care what happens half the time. Why should he. He was given this great team. Dungy built this great team. There was times when even Dundgy was questioned if he was a good coach. That said caldwell needs to start showing he appreciates the position he has. He needs to show some passion for this team. Period.

    That is 100% nonsense.

    My favorite line is about Caldwell showing that he appreciates the position that he has by showing emotion on the field. Really, you think he doesn't appreciate the fact that he has one of 32 jobs like his in the freaking world because he doesn't scream like a * at his players or the refs? That is a categorically uninformed, ridiculous statement.

  2. yes it is you can only be on PUP before the start of camp. Which is why White is there. Frankly I have thought all along we are going to keep Gonzo' since it's the last year of his deal and if he struggles this year we'll just let him leave with his deal being up. I think we are stashing White on PUP so we can bring him back after six weeks if we need him and if not just stash him on IR so we have him for next year since Wayne, Gonzo, and Garcon's deals are all up at years end.

    I had read something from Phil B saying that White expected to be off PUP last week. Since that has not happened yet, my guess is you are exactly right. Keep him on PUP and gauge WR injuries / productivity in 6 weeks and see what they can do with him then.

  3. Actually I do know it to be true.

    There have been plenty of other comments from both Sorgi, Painter, coaches, other QB's players from other positions, such as last year when White/Tammee had to replace Collie/Clark of Manning working overtime in trying to help get the younger guys up to speed, so it has nothing to do with an assumption or fitting my point of view.

    Show me where he said that he works with Painter more than Caldwell, which was what you indicated.

  4. Peyton isn't Brett Favre ignoring Aaron Rodgers.

    Manning has tutored Sorgi, Painter and now Kerry Collins and every other quarterback that has been on the roster. I would say Manning has worked with Painter more than Caldwell has. With that said, you can only do so much.

    That entire premise is based on assumptions that you cannot possibly know to be true. If just fits your argument so run with it.

  5. Yeah true, it is all fanboy stuff with no merit. Probably just thought, it might be nice for the Colts to have a big, strong, physical receiver like we see the Colts get schooled by all the time, lol. Nah but in all honesty a Colston, Johnson, Moss, Marshall type receiver WOULD be good for the Colts Mr. Skinzz. None the less this guy is not any of them, but still he's big, physical and has potential.

    Edit PS: you could also say there is no merit in NOT getting or acquiring somehow a big, strong, physical, blocking, receiver who can catch the ball when remotely thrown in his vicinity.

    I have never heard the Colts say we need to get a big receiver. I have never heard Manning pine for a WR bigger than what he has thrown to. I have never seen the Colts draft a WR of size. That is what I mean by fanboy stuff withour merit. It is a message board sentiment and not based on anything from those that matter.

    They clearly value speed, quickness, a burst, the ability to separate as traits for their WR's. If that comes in a larger receiver then great, but most times those players are the size of Wayne, Collie, Harrison, etc. And last I checked, the Colts really have had no issues throwing the ball around the field.

  6. Now Caldwell gets all the kudos for Manning's brilliance. It's normally Polian. Whilst I fully respect Coffee / JSkinnz / Chad etc., this is all smoke and mirrors. We ALL know a reputible coach would take the Colts further. Hiding behind Manning's right arm to excuse Caldwell's record is a load of baloney. ANd I know you know it, but you are just not admitting it, because you think being loyal to the management is the right thing to do. It's not. It's foolish.

    With all due respect - please don't lump me in with your generalizations. In fact we all don't know what a "reputable" coach would do with this team. Saying that you do know is complete foolishness. That is almost as foolish as your contention that resting players in 2009 helped lose the Super Bowl, completely discounting the fact that they won 2 freaking playoff games in between.

    Look, I am not certain that Caldwell is the rigth man for the Colts job. My point is, and always has been, that his record as coach is pretty freaking good and that has to count for something. His teams always play hard, they never panic, and are never out of games. YOu contend that is solely on Manning but I just refuse to believe that Caldwell did not play some role in not only his team's success since he has been HC, but also what he did with Manning as a QB coach.

  7. 6"2 210, 3 receptions 27 yards, 1 TD. He came originally out of Nebraska, what do you think of this guy?? Seems like little is known about this guy & doing some research it seems he could be a big WR we are looking for.

    Scouting report below:


    14 receptions 179 yards & a TD his senior year. It almost just seems like noone ever gave him a solid chance.


    Could he potentially he the big receiver the Colts have been looking for???

    When have the Colts been looking for a big receiver? I think that is fanboy stuff with no merit at all. If I recall correctly, they have had pretty good success with the receivers they have chosen over the years.

    As for Brooks, his numbers as a WR in Nebraska are skewed by the offense they run there. If they keep Gonzo, I don't think he makes the team. If they cut Gonzo and White stays on the PUP, then I think he has a chance.

  8. I must have confused you with another poster... My apologies.

    I've seen him with groups, but the part that I was talking about was the way Belichick, Rex Ryan, Parcells among others are somewhat rolling up their sleeves and going to work on what's troubling the team at any given point in time. Later in on in one post I'm fairly certain I expanded on it, but in the post you quoted I said huddle, and I meant bench type huddle as opposed to a group about to go on the field.

    Like you said, he was never a coordinator and that is a glaring weakness in my opinion and one of the reasons I wished he wasn't hired to start with. It's not the lone criteria, but it is a part of it. If a team comes out in something different and unexpected you can't wait till halftime to address it and I've not seen him as active as others that have been mentioned. You are right Belichick is a different being. It's going to be interesting and yet depressing to watch that special on him to see how advanced he is compared to what we have. Belichick is the type that any assistant coach on his staff could be kidnapped, and he could step in and run the QB, TE's, DL, LB's, special teams and of course he could fill in for the video guy too, but he is different.

    I do not think one of the standards on the quality of a coach is whether or not they use x and o on a white board during the course of a game. To me there are different kinds of coaches and leaders. Caldwell is clearly a delegator and enables his coaches to make decisions and changes in the course of a ball game. You cite BB and he goes about it differently. Does not mean that either one is right or wrong and most certainly does not speak to Caldwell's deficencies.

  9. Did he have "nothing" to do with the success of the team since he became HC? Of course he had something to do with it.

    Was he the main reason for the success of the team since he became HC? Of course not.

    So it seems you didn't get the answer you thought you were going to get.

    Could others have done as good or better? In my opinion yes. Could others have done worse? Of course. Does he have a long way to go? Of course he does. One negative is that he seems stubborn, and based on what he was faced with vs. Jacksonville & then again with the Jets, it doesn't show a willingness to learn from a mistake. Which is not a good thing.

    Only a complete fool would have said he had nothing to do with the Colts' success since he became HC. Congrats on that.

    Look, I am not certain that he is the ultimate answer for the Colts. But his record is pretty dayum good and I think the nonsense that he gets is just that - nonsense.

  10. I have said it before and I will say it again even though few, if any, will agree. I think Caldwell will prove to be a better coach than Dungy. TO in the Jags game was absolutely the correct call. The TO in the Jets game was absolutely the wrong call. That does not negate the fact that he has already proven to be a very good coach and will get better with experience.

    Nay Nay. A coach with a regular season winning percentage of 75% should have been fired already. Yeah I know he took the Colts to the Super Bowl in his first year as a NFL Head Coach. And double digit wins and a division title with a roster decimated by injury - all that be danmed!!! Get rid of this embarassment to the city, to the team, and to me personally. What a freaking bum he is.

  11. Don't cry over spilt milk is my thought. He was dropped for Toudouze, who apparently has a revolving door to the locker room. So how good could he be?

    Exactly my thoughts.

    Of all the guys that play on now or played for or talked about the Colts, this guy is ranked # 1,273,999,456 on the list of people who deserve their own thread on this board.

  12. I agree that we will only dress three RB's but the kind of runs we ask out of James and Carter are bruising plays and could lead to an injury with one of them throughout the season. We can't put James on the practice squad and if we try to put Carter there then some team will likely grab him up. We either cut James and take our chances or keep him. He has been very effective in the red zone so I think he deserves to stay.

    Again, my point was that as of right now both Collie and Gonzalez are hurt. So I have Brooks making the 53 man roster just until one of them gets back to playing or if we try to pick up another tight end who gets cut around the league. And because we can't put them (Collie or Gonzo) on PUP, they will still count towards the 53, hence why I had us keeping 6 receivers on the active roster in the beginning. I think we are saying a lot of the same things here though.

    If we cut Brayton then it hurts us on the run defensive line group. Hughes is a backup to the pass rushing ends and would not do very well on running downs, in my opinion; which is why we brought Brayton in to begin with.

    Brooks can be that extra special teams player along with Smith. With more teams running three receiver sets, the nickel packages are going up in the NFL.

    If you only dress 3 RB's, there is a wasted roster spot for the 4th that does not dress. That is why the 4th RB to me is Evans. He has plenty of PS eligibility. If one of Addai, Brown or Carter gets dinged, you have insurance in a guy you like and knows the offense. And who would not be activated until it was necessary.

    I would bet a significant amount of cash (at least $1) on Brooks not making the roster.

  13. Thanks. I will do my best. ;)

    My reasoning for keeping four running backs is because I believe we are going to focus on the running game more than we have in the past 10 years. Manning’s getting older so we can’t expect for him to throw for over 4,000 yards each of his last five years. I believe we are actually going the John Elway retirement route and that’s to run the ball, play great defense, and let Peyton manage the game. It did get a few extra years out of Elway and he finished with two Super Bowls.

    I could be wrong on that, but I have always thought this is the way we would do it and after us using the first two draft picks on the offensive line, the third on the defensive line, and bringing in these defensive players that are certain to help; it looks like the direction we are heading in.

    What he brings is a big body and again, I think we are focused and determined to run the ball. I had us keeping Smith, who is already a little on the small side, so keeping Gilreath would make us very small.

    And you’re right, six receivers is a lot, but when you look at how many of them are healthy then it’s easy to see why I had us keeping six. I don’t think we want to put Collie on PUP and who knows about Gonzalez? My point is that if we went into the season right now with those six receivers then only four of them could play anyway (Wayne, Garcon, Brooks, and Smith). As I said above, I expect for Brooks to end up back on the practice squad when Collie and/or Gonzalez comes back or if we decide to pick up another TE from another team.

    I actually believe something totally opposite of that. I think we are going to have two different defensive line groups this season. One group for pass rushing and the other for run defense. Brayton and Anderson are bookends in our run defense and I think they could see the field a lot this year.

    I wouldn’t call it a stretch at all. We only have three positions at linebacker. We don’t really need a backup at each position. We will only dress five anyway. Plus it looks like we are going to play a lot of nickel this year so I would expect to only have two linebackers (Simms/Conner and Bracket/Angerer) on the field 30-45 percent of the time.

    I agree and I also disagree. lol Go figure right? ;) (Two Colts fans with three different opinions) I promise I am not Bipolar that I know of.

    The extra quarterback doesn’t hurt us on game day because the emergency quarterback doesn’t count as part of the 45 man roster anyway. It does hinder us a bit on the 53rd man, which I believe is ridiculous anyway. The NFL needs to just do away with the practice squad and make the roster 60 and dress 50.

    This is just one fans opinion. I don’t claim to know any “inside the locker-room” information. I am just an observant fan who picks up on little things. Sometimes I am right and sometimes I am wrong.

    Cheers brother and thanks for the kind words.

    On 4 RB's - with the 45 (46 with 3rd QB) they are not going to be dressing 4 RB's on game day. That is why I think you go with 3 active and one on the PS. Even if your reasoning of a more focused running attack is accurate, they are not going to give 4 RB's carries on game day.

    I will be shocked if Chris Brooks makes the active roster. I heard over the weekend that both Collie and Gonzo are looking at a return for opening day. BTW - Collie and Gonzo have already practiced so they are not PUP eligible. What both Smith and Gilreath bring is ST skills. But I think if the WR's shake out with Wayne, Garcon, Gonzo, Collie, & Gilreath with White on PUP.

    There will be a cut made on the D'line that will surprise / tick off fans. My guess is on Brayton but just a guess.

    They have traditionally kept at the least 6 lb's on the active roster. And all of them dress. I guess if there have to have extra players elsewhere on the roster, they could make room here but I would be shocked. And the Colts will only play nickel defense if the offense goes 3 wide. I don't know how you can say they will play lots of nickel as that will be predictated on game circumstances.

  14. It's confusing, here's what I just read:

    "A player has to be placed on Active PUP before training camp begins. That means this player can't practice with the team but he can work out off to the side and attend meetings. A player on Active PUP counts against the 80-man roster limit and can be removed from this list at any time during the preseason.

    At the end of preseason, the team must decide whether to activate the player or put him on Reserve PUP. Players on Reserve PUP are are not eligible to play for the first six weeks of the season. Reserve PUP players do not count against the 53 man roster."

    If that's true, I stand by my original point - there was no need to put Peyton on PUP.

    They used the PUP as a means to manage the roster once they get into the season. The PUP do not count against the 53 in-season so if a guy is too hurt to start practice in camp and return is uncertain, put in on PUP in case he has to start the season there. The other choices would be to carry a guy on the 53 or IR him. Just gives them flexibility.

  15. So we could have an extra roster spot to look at players.

    I don't think that is accurate. A few years ago when they took camp rosters to 80 from 85, I remember hearing something about PUP is not a way to stow away players while looking at others. They have to count against the camp #'s to prevent teams from using that as a temp IR. And it is clear that Manning and WHite both counted among the players in camp this year.

  16. 3 QB: Manning, Peyton - Collins, Kerry - Painter, Curtis

    2 RB: Addai, Joseph - Brown, Donald

    2 3RB: James, Javarris - Carter, Delone

    2 WRP: Wayne, Reggie - Gonzalez, Anthony

    2 WRSP: Garcon, Pierre - Smith, Taj

    2 WRSL: Collie, Austin - Brooks, Chris

    2 RTE: Clark, Dallas - Tamme, Jacob

    1 BTE Eldridge, Brody

    1 LT: Castonzo, Anthony

    2 LG: Reitz, Joe - DeVan, Kyle

    2 C: Saturday, Jeff - Richard, Jamey

    2 RG: Diem, Ryan - Pollak, Mike

    2 RT: Linkenbach, Jeff - Ijalana, Ben


    2 LDE: Mathis, Robert - Anderson, Jamaal

    2 NT: Johnson, Antonio - Foster, Eric

    3 UT: Harris, Tommie - Moala, Fili - Nevis, Drake

    3 RDE: Freeney, Dwight - Brayton, Tyler - Hughes, Jerry

    2 SAM: Angerer, Pat - Wheeler, Philip

    1 MIKE: Brackett, Gary

    2 WILL: Sims, Ernie - Conner, Kavell

    2 LC: Lacey, Jacob - Thomas, Kevin

    3 RC: Tryon, Justin - Rucker, Chris - Johnson, Terrence

    1 NC: Powers, Jerraud

    2 SS: Bullitt, Melvin - Lefeged, Joe

    2 FS: Bethea, Antoine - Caldwell, David


    1 K: Vinatieri, Adam

    1 P: McAfee, Pat

    1 LS: Snow, Justin


    This is as good as any I have seen but I would question a few things.

    On offense

    * I can see only 3 RB's making the roster with Evans on the PS. That saves them a roster spot while keeping Evans on the squad.

    * I don't see how Brooks makes the team. He does not bring the extra dimension of a Gilreath

    * 6 WR's is a lot. They have had 6 on the roster before but that was primarily due to injuries. As early as 2009, they started the year with only 4 WR's.

    On Defense

    * I imagine that Brayton and Anderson are fighting for the same spot

    * Only 5LB's is a stretch. They have to have more than that to play adequate ST's coverage.

    One comment - with some of the cuts that will be made, it is clear the impact of an iffy Manning will have on the final 53. Having an extra roster on the 3rd QB causes problems.

  17. Foster downplays injury, says he will start for Texans Week 1

    While Texans coach Gary Kubiak was cautiously optimistic about Arian Foster's status after he tweaked his hamstring, the Houston running back tweeted Sunday he will play Week 1.

    My link

    I dont want the guy to get hurt bad because i really wanted him to bot play week 1 because all we would ahve to worry about on the O is A. JOHNSOn

    1) The game is 2 weeks away. Neither Foster or Kubiak have a clue of his availability for the opener. Their commentary is meaningless right now.

    2) The notion that all the Colts have to worry about is AJ should Foster not play is comical. They have playmakers all over the field. I am surprised you don't know this since, as you have said, you live in Houston.

  18. ESPN

    In order to lure Collins back to the NFL, the Colts will pay him $4 million this season, league sources told Mortensen. The sources also said it is a two-year contract with an unknown total value, but structured, in essence, to be a one-year deal.

    I Have No Idea What That Means

    My link

    It means there is no penalty to the team if Collins and the Colts go their separate ways at the end of the year.

  19. Peyton Manning is uncertain if he'll play in week 1. With that being said, we should sign a QB, and to a 1 year contract, because it's only this year we're worried about. Why would the Colts go out and sign Kerry Colins to a 2 year deal? BTW, Kerry Collins is getting 4M this year, so that means we have about 3M left in the salary cap.

    The length of the contract means nothing. I would be shocked if Collins was on the team next ear.

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