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Posts posted by jskinnz

  1. I agree in this case. He basically beats out White for the #5. He must be cheap, but it seems like a waste to me.

    This is why this rumor makes zero sense to me. Your 5th WR, if you even carry one, better be a contributor on special teams. If this somehow signals that White is not healthy, I would think that opens the door for a guy like Gilreath. There is no way the TJ would return or cover kicks.

    The only thing that makes sense as to why there would be interest is if there is a injury to one of the main WR's but there has been no reports of that to my knowledge.

    The other thing I thought off was this may mean a trade for Gonzo is in the works but that does not pass the common sense test either. What kind of trade value is there for guy who has not been healthy the last two years. What woud they get in return? I think the answer is not much.

    I don't think anything comes of this.

  2. this is what i hate about the colts front office yes the o line might work out eventually but its about right now peyton is 35 whats is wrong with them sign og brain waters for god sake sheesh i would of went o line before d line

    Feel free to mix in a period or a comma or something resembling basic grammar.

    And learning a little more about the game or the Colts would also be nice.

  3. check his stats from 09 72 tackles and zero int is that your idea of good enough? all im saying is we can do so much better then bullitt

    Dwight Freeney routinely has games in which he post a very small stat line. You want to argue his impact on the game.

    Now before you go getting your panties in a wad, I am in no way comparing Freeney and Bullitt. I am simply saying that pointing to a stat line to make your point is not overly informed. But I have not overly informed from you for years so this is not surprising to me.

  4. so that doesnt count their rookies. some rookies are not gonna excel their first year like berry. bullitt has been in the league for 5 years and has started for pretty much 2 years and has show me nothing.

    You know there is not liking a player and then there is the irrational nonsense you have spewed throughout this thread.

    Here is what I need to know. Bullitt was good enough to be a starter on team that went to the Super Bowl. And the Colts decided to bring him back. I have seen your player evaluations before and I think I will side with Polian & company.

  5. maybe they will look into bringing hayden back (which they should be doing anyway)

    Maybe the Colts actually know what they are doing?

    JMV tweeted yesterday that the Bears are passing on Hayden due to health concerns. If the reports that by cutting they only saved $1 million are accurate, that is easily explained away by him not having fully recovered from his neck issue last season.

  6. Hey everyone.

    I'm going to the Oct 30 game in Tennessee with my wife. I haven't been to LP Field before. Are Titans fans hostile to Colts fans, or can we wear our Colts jerseys and cheer loud and proud?


    Been down there many times and have always worn my Colts gear without fear. Have never had a problem at the stadium or walking aroud downtown prior to kickoff. Now you can run into the wrong drunken * anywhere but we have never experienced it.

    We have been to many Colts road games and Nashville is far and away my favorite. You will have a good time.

  7. I don't know about that. Referees for professional wrestling are probably more meaningless.

    Walmart greeters are probably on the same level.

    A speech by President Obama is more worthless. (Ohh bad poster.)

    I think I'll stop there.

    James is above Carter does that mean anything?

    Oh yes it does mean something. It obviously means the Colts made a mistake in drafting Costanzo and that he's a first round bust and the Colts should have drafted Saffold the year before and Polian has lost touch with reality and the game has passed him by and Manning is going to get sacked 25 times a game and he's not getting in younger so Polian just cost the Colts the chance of ever getting another Superbowl all because he won't ever admit he's wrong. And if he just drafted the way the fans want then the Colts would have won every Superbowl since 1998. HOW CAN YOU SAY IT DOESN'T MEAN ANYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Oh well, you may have a point.

    Well done sir. Well done.

  8. I think your assessment and grade is pretty accurate. I to think Garcon is maxed out, I think he will do well against slower CBs but will continue to struggle against faster CBs that can run with him because his route running is not the greatest.

    I will also say, if Gonzo stays healthy Garcon will see his looks go down but that might be beneficial for both him and the Colts. Imagine a CB covering Gonzo and gets used to Gonzo's speed and cuts and route running. Then Garcon comes in, Gonzo moves to the inside, Garcon runs the 9 or a skinny post off a PA, catches the CBs and safeties focusing on Gonzo. Could really lead to a lot of big plays. So in that scenario Garcon would see the number of catches go down but would see his YAC and total yards remain close to the same.

    Did you copy & paste this directly from one of your 2010 responses to the same topic?

  9. For week 1? Is the probability of Manning not being under center week 1 growing larger and they want to let the new guys get used to the NFL while he's out, or are they just going to make Peyton deal with having a rookie as an LT for the first few weeks?

    Please tell me where you heard about this growing probability of Manning not being ready by week # 1.

  10. I swear we need to get rid of donald brown now he's dead weight to the running game and sometimes idk what he be doing but he needs to block better

    You are not exactly coming up with the freshest of thread ideas. This is almost 2 freaking years old.

    Hey, here is a thread topic for you. Why don't you do something on Manning's competitive side and find video from the 2005 Rams Monday nigth game to show proof of said competitiveness.

  11. We can't affor 2 of our 3 big free agents being injured, but it's not a huge, it will just slightly stunt their growth as a Colts player. I'm worried about Conner, he's been quite injured lately, but he's only a backup so no bigge.

    You are all over the map. In this thread you talk about not being able to afford having 2 of the 3 big free agents injured, but in another thread you said that Anderson would get beat out by a guy...

    wait for it...

    in Dawson who is not even on the Colts roster.

  12. where do you all think keyunta dawson should b at this point with the team......he's my cousin and im just curious to c what other fans think? and also what do you all think about trying to get samuels, even though hes a little up in age, i still think he could help..

    Not real close with your cousin are you?

  13. Keyunta should be our backup DE to Dwight Freeney, he knows the defense better than Jamaal, and he's a better run stopper than Jamaal, let Jerry and Foster (if he plays DE) play the other side.

    Tell me truthfully. Have you ever watchted the Falcons play and specifically looked at Anderson's run stopping skills?

    And the fact that you say that Dawson should be the backup DE to Freeney is conflicts directly with the fact that Dawson is not even on the team any longer.

  14. Joseph addai--donald brown--delone carter--chad spann--javaris james--dominic rhodes--devin moore--darren evans

    I think 1st string is Joseph addai, then delone carter, then donald brown

    I think Chad Spann and Devin moore will stay for kick/punt returns

    I think javaris james and darren evans are gone.

    What happened to dominic rhodes is he still with us or gone????

    90 players on training camp rosters this year instead of the usual 80 so that in part explains the large #'s.

    Rhodes is not on the roster, nor should he be at this point. You bring in young guys and hope you hit on one. You already know what you have in him and at his age, there is limited if any interest in him. If you need to bring him back in season due to injury, you can.

    James and Evans are both still on the roster. Where are you getting your information? Where ever it is, I would look elsewhere.

  15. It's also been reported that he lost 10 - 15 lbs from last year. He'll most likely be a DE in run situations.

    The Moala, Mookie, Nevis, Harris and maybe Mathews rotation should be better than last year.

    In the scrimmage on Saturday, that is exactly what they had him doing - a DE in early downs and in running situations.

  16. DT play should hopefully be better than last year and we didn't have Anderson on the team last year. Harris is also a possibility to start if he does well in camp. There will be some changes compared to last year and I definitely think we will be better against the run

    I don't know where this sentiment that Anderson will be a DT is coming from. He played DE in Atlanta. He is listed as a DE on the Colts roster. In the scrimmage I watched on Saturday, he played DE.

    My conclusion - he will be a DE if/when he makes the roster.

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