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Posts posted by jskinnz

  1. I don't put a lot of faith in those comments. It sounds like spin to me. I hope he is healty because if he is, they have a steal on their hands. I hope he can be productive in Indy but I have to see it to believe it.

  2. 5 RBs? Especially since one is no longer on the roster. A LB who is no longer on the roster backing up two positions? A DE no longer on the roster and a DT who probably won't make the final 53 as a starter.

    Plus, I don't think Smith is eligible for the practice squad. He has accrued three seasons already (2008, 2009 and 2010.)

    Don't you dare bring facts into an Andy fantasy thread!

  3. Nope sorry guys, its ok to give him a hard time. You might have thought he was a good guy, but he took the money and ran. So he is fair game. I never thought we was a good OT any ways. Every time I even mentioned that he is more of a gaurd then tackle there was always people trying to disagree with me. Anyways, good luck having a guard play ur Tackle position Vikings.

    You mean he did the exact same thing that you would have done?

    Let me ask you a question - where should a man's responsibility be?

  4. Yeah, since he didn't get up for one play that gives Harris more upside.

    Overall, That's a horrible point... pretty funny video though!! lol

    To tell you the truth I'm not really a fan of either one of these guys, but Haynesworth still has better upside.

    And we can talk about this until the cows come home, but we'll conclude this with a lil stat comparison at the end of the year. :)

    Dude, you like Haynesworth more and that is fine. But you are glossing some major character issues. His effort has always been questioned. Always. Dungy himself said as much earlier this week - essentially that he only played hard in contract years and otherwise, was not much of a factor.

    The point is both players have had past issues (health and otherwise) and are in the situation they are now where because of those. More power to them if they take advantage of the 2nd chance they have been given.

    To the question of potential - they both have/had tremendous ability.

  5. no no, I'm talking about my depth chart, I haven't seen the Official Colts one.

    The point is you have players on your depth chart that are not in camp, specifically Francisco & Rhodes. Are you suggesting that both will make the roster?

  6. Haynesworth has no red flags.

    He didn't play well last season for two reasons: The 3-4 defense and Mike Shanahan.

    Tommie Harris didn't play well last season for three reasons: His left knee, his right knee, and Lovie Smith.

    Haynesworth has no red flags?

    Aside from recent legal troubles he has never played hard in a season that did have a contract on the line. He only really gave effort in 2 seasons with the Titans - both contract years.

    Not playing hard would seem to me to be a huge red flag.

  7. I love the homeristic takes on Harris v. Haynesworth. If the roles would have been reversed this board would have been all over Big Al as the clear best fit for Indy.

    The fact is they both have big red flags. Both come with risks but are high reward for the Pats and Colts.

  8. He seems to not be in the Broncos plans for the future. not gaining support from the front office. We should look at this guy and let him back up 18 and groom him into a starter. your thoughts

    My goodness what a strange post.

    Tebow is only in his 2nd year - I find it hard to believe the Broncos have given up on him already.

    Why would the Colts be interested right now in grooming anyone to replace Manning. It was in the news recently - maybe you missed it but Manning signed a 5 year deal. He is not going anywhere anytime soon.

  9. Arguably one of the best free agents still out there, Carlos Rogers, has signed with the 49ers on a 1 year deal. The Colts are still looking for that new no.1 cornerback after they released Kelvin Hayden last week. Thoughts on the signing? and who do you think the Colts can target that can become our new no.1 cornerback?


    Dude - look around. The # 1 corner for the Colts is already on the roster in Powers. Secondly, Carlos Freaking Rogers would not have been the best corner on the team had they signed him.

  10. Hey, there are a bunch of us here in Louisville that are planning on coming up to tailgate the steelers game. Can anyone tell me what the restrictions are? Are the spots reserved?? Thanks:)

    There is not one designated tailgating spot and each has various times they open. Some lots are reserved but most are first come, first served. For the Steelers game, I would count on getting downtown at minimum 3 hours prior to kickoff as that game will surely have lots fill up quickly.

    What do you mean by restrictions? Like open containers? Open flames for grilling? Tell me what you mean by that.

  11. Ok so do we go and try to pick this guy up and hope that he can drop some weight quick? It might be a good way to transition to AC...thoughts?

    For God sakes no! Look I like what Charlie Johnson did for the Colts and wish him well, but let's face it, if the Vikes chose Johnson over him, that is not a very good endorsement for McKinnie.

  12. well as an outsider I'd say the colts have fallen behind...ie: ya gotta keep up with the Jones'.

    However, and this is a big however, big acquistions while clearly making a team better is not a prerequisite to getting to the SB. Executing and playing as a team (chemistry) is a bigger factor. In that respect the colts roster is good enough to compete.

    Who gets it together is an unknown thus predicting a SB by roster is no better than picking wild cherries at best.

    To me, enjoy the season game by game. Fans have too much SB fixation these days.

    Getting on my soapbox here - I could not agree more with this post, particularly the last line.

    We have been season ticket holders since 2000, but it was not until 2004 & 2005 that I really understood the impact of Colts games. That was when we started to tailgate with a large group of our friends and family. The game itself was only a part of the Sunday experience and every game day was a blast. After they lost to Pitt in the 2005 playoffs, I had a realization that while the loss sucked, it did not detract from the absolute great time we had over the course of the season.

    Long story short - I cannot wait until the first preseason game and then after that, win or lose, I will be counting the days until the next home preseason game and then to the home opener after and so on and so on. At the end of the December let's count up the wins and go from there.

    To the point of the thread - the Colts should be contenders again but calling them favorites at this point is stretching it.

  13. The Colts haven't been this active in the free agency for a long time. They sign Tommie Harris, a very valuable player, and Ernie Sims, another valuable player. Do you think that they could be using these players in a trade in the near future, perhaps going after Asante Samuel. I don't think so, but I thought that this would be an interesting topic.

    This statement shows no concept of how the NFL works. Point # 1 - these players could have been had by any team in the league as they were free agents. Why in the world would somebody then turn around and trade for them? The answer is they wouldn't. Point # 2 - the other side of this is that the Colts signed them as they think/hope they can help this year. Trading them would only acquire draft picks (low ones at that) who would help in subsequent seasons. And lastly point # 3 - see point # 1.

  14. I will try to remember, yeah with the my link system u dont see it in the URL

    it is the only reference I have seen though on the contract so i used it

    to his credit however Sims was 1 of the 4 LBs he discussed hed like us to try & get after Session left, He also said Sims may now fit the Colts price range.


    My link

    Thanks dude. Appreciate the warning.

  15. What? Seriously? That's like saying, 'tell me why September 11th is a notorious day in American history, but don't say it's because of the world trade center bombings'. That's ridiculous dude! He made no worth-while contributions to our team, and, in the biggest possible moment, he choked and put his team in a very bad situation. All he had to do is catch the dayum football and fall on the ground! He was supposed to be a 'hands' guy! To this day, if I ran into Hank Baskett in public, or wherever for that matter, I'd slap the crap out of him, and maybe kick him in the sack too!

    That is a comically off base post.

    The Baskett signing was not a bad move by the Colts. They needed a receiver after Gonzo went down and he had some experience. But to point at one play that any number of others could have missed as evidence of a bad signing is simply not accurate. There is no guarantee that Wayne or anyone else makes that play.

  16. Why? It hit him in the chest and he's a WR. Enough said.

    That is exactly what I thought you would say and that is really just a poor argument for the Colts making the "wrong move." The ball is not round. It takes funny bounces. Baskett is not the first and won't be the last to not cleanly handle an on-sides kick. Also, Manning threw an INT in that game. Wouldn't that mean that drafting him was the wrong move?

    If you want to make a point that the Colts don't always make the right move, I would have argued the Corey Simon debacle instead. Pointing a play that many routinely miss does not make it the wrong move.

  17. well I'm not going to say I told you so, but... I told you so... :)

    Congrats you are officially 1 for 100 on the player acquisition predictions. When you officially take a swing and a miss at the 100's of other players you suggested for the Colts, will you also please come on here to tell us how off base you were?

  18. THOUGH NO #'s are given

    Charlie didn't get a huge contract from the Vikings, and if the Colts were wiling to blow money on Kelvin Hayden and Gary Brackett, why not give Charlie a little extra dough? Makes no sense, and it is for that reason people are now taking justifiable shots at this front office.

    Just like last year with Ryan Lilja, the front office really seems asleep at the wheel when it comes to acquiring quality talent at an area that has the job of protecting their $90 million dollar quarterback

    My link

    Can't believe I clicked on the link.

    Bayone - please do me a favor - would you please notify the board when linking to a Big Blue Shoe article. It will save many the aggrevation that naturally comes with reading his nonsense.

  19. I guess I don't see your logic. What plan is working well for the Colts. I thought ever team says that not winning the SB is a failure of the season. With Belichick if his plan doesn't work for the year and he doesn't win a SB, he goes out and gets better players. With us, we just rely on the same players to make the same mistake they made the year before. If Polians plan was working so well, then why aren't we in the SB every year? To me, unless we get some better guys and the D, and a coach that doesn't make bad decisions during a game, we will be in the same boat every year.

    Do you really need to see the Colts' resume? The tenure of the current regime has been remarkably successful. One of the top teams in the just completed decade. The business model that only a successful year is one that you win the Super Bowl is nonsense to me. All you really can hope for is that you put yourself in position enough times that you win every now and then. The Colts have done that plenty of times. There have been disappointing endings but that does not mean a season was a waste of time.

  20. While I have been greatly advocating that we need no offensive help this offseason, our RB squad is far from good. I'd say average AT BEST even with Brown, Addai, etc. We are consistantly in the lower 1/3 of the league in rushing every year.

    Just because the Colts have a history of drafting the dancers @ RB and everyone seems happy with it for the most part doesn't mean a power back is a bad move. Cadillac WIlliams 3.8YPC is better than Browns 3.8YPC because Williams did it hurt. I think if he could ever stop being injured he'd be great, another Bob Sanders situation here.

    Also to say the colts wont invest in a RB is ridiculous. This is the Colts were talking about. They will always make the wrong moves in the offseason. As a matter of fact I see this as 10x more likely than a move that makes sense like a CB or an OL, or a true DT.

    Just spitballing here but wouldn't an improved offensive line help those runners who rank where they do with YPC? And again, just spitballing here - I think I recall the Colts drafting two offensive linemen early in the last draft and then a different type of back that they have traditionally carried.

    If Brown, Addai, & Carter all stay healthy this year, the Colts will not do anything with a named RB. They might bring a rookie to the practice squad but that is about it.

    Lastly, you compare Cadillac to Sanders but yet want to bring him to the Colts? There seems a disconnect there.

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