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Posts posted by jskinnz

  1. 1 minute ago, CR91 said:


    Blown whistle fine I get, but no review? That's unacceptable. They didn't even acknowledge it

    process failure to be sure. Part of a larger conspiracy?  That dog don’t hunt. 

  2. 6 hours ago, braveheartcolt said:

    Was there a clear recovery by a Colt?

    No clear recovery. 

    Certainly a process failure in not reviewing but thr outcome of the play would not have changed.

    • Like 1
  3. 3 hours ago, CR91 said:

    Any more proof you need that the NFL wants the Texans more then the colts? Mike perriera also acting like it would have been tough to overturn. There was clear footage of the ball being loose and Leonard recovered. Total nonsense

    Dear God....


    please be smarter than that

  4. 47 minutes ago, Smoke317 said:

    As I stated in the post, I'm gonna be very disappointed.  I was one of the, if not the, first person(s) that said we were going to and should go after Funchess when last season ended.  Even more so than the receiver who went to the Raiders from the Chargers.  So I would take it kind of personally if the guy I clamored for, despite some stats suggesting he had drop issues and wasn't that good, being basically a waste of an acquisition. 


    Also, it would not look good on his resume.  To not attempt to come back (if it were at all possible) wouldn't be a good look.  Especially, being on a team that's contending for the division.  I actually feel for the guy though.  His behavior in camp seemed like that of a guy who felt very comfortable in this organization.  I'm sure he wants to leave his mark here and maybe even establish some roots. 


    I'm probably being unfairly hard on him because the team really could use him on the field down the stretch.  I hope he comes back and balls out and secures a respectable 2-3 year contract with us.


    You would take it personally?  Do you think your opinion influenced Ballard to sign him?


    The rest of your post has words.  Not many of them make sense but the words are there.

  5. On 11/20/2019 at 10:54 AM, Smoke317 said:

    Isn't he nearing the point where he has to be activated or placed on I.R. for the rest of the year?  Is he not healing properly?  I called for us to go get him after last season.  I'm gonna be very disappointed if he doesn't come back and try to play.  He better not be making "business decisions" while the team is out there competing for the division...

    This feels like there is an “or else” sentiment to your post. As in he better not be making a business decision or else. 

    So what is the “or else?”

  6. On 11/18/2019 at 11:46 AM, Imgrandojji said:

    Wilkins isn't bad, but we've been looking for him to emerge as a change of pace back to allow Reich to have the confidence not to put all the rushing burden on Mack, and that kind of just never quite happened.  Williams came in in 1 game and suddenly was that guy. 


    it says something when Reich would rather give rushing carries to a depth RB and even to Chester Rogers than to Wilkins.  I dunno what but there's something going on there.

    sweet baby Jesus...


    you do realize that Wilkins was inactive on Sunday right?  You asked what was going on there - that is it. And somehow tying Rogers’ reverse into a supposed unhappiness with Wilkins.  Clueless. 

  7. We’ve done a good bit of traveling to away games over the years. Been to KC and Green Bay and those are a step ahead of Indy. Others that we’ve been to  - not so much. Love Tenn but not a great game environment. A few others the same. 

    I believe LOS can get plenty loud. Been a season ticket holder there since the beginning. I find myself on a key 3rd down intently watching the play instead of yelling my head off. Maybe it’s an age thing. 

    Clearly the manning to luck to Brissett has had an impact. Plus the Colts have mishandled a couple of situations or at least the perception that they did is there I see other cities with plainly visible pockets of empty seats. Maybe just the nature of sports these days. 

  8. I’ve not read through every post here. So maybe these thoughts have already been shared. 

    I do think there is a false narrative that Ballard is unwilling to pay for elite level talent. We’ve seen him in on a few free agent before the price tag got too high for that player. CJ Mosley is one example. I think a better term is “overpay” that in salary or draft capital.  

    i do think those who were expecting him to part with a # 1 pick with out truly knowing for fact where they are at QB are delusional. That was never going to happen nor should it. Those clamoring for Fitzpatrick truly don’t have a clue how Ballard thinks. IMHO I believe the Colts feel they have a great safety duo on their hands so why give up capital for a position they feel is already REALLY set?

    I think Ballard’s  restraint has and will continue to serve the Colts very well.  It takes guts and discipline to not get into a bidding war over player x and be willing to walk away.  I also think there will come a time in which he does overpay for that one player but I have never thought they were at that point. I also strongly believe until we see his plan for re-signing core players we have no idea of how much cap space the team truly has. 

  9. 58 minutes ago, Chloe6124 said:

    Just for the record  I have never said that he doesn’t need to improve. I have also never hated on anyone saying it. My issue has always been with the ones who say he can’t improve or won’t improve.  I have patience.

    I would in fact be willing to bet that you’ve said both things in the same thread 

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  10. 27 minutes ago, NannyMcafee said:


    There is plenty out there that shows he has more talent. It has nothing to do with the NFL. It has to do with his abilities and he has more than JB as a QB. The dude was born to play QB. He just doesn't have the mindset. If we could combine JB and CK youd have your franchise QB. 

    Dear God...

  11. On 11/6/2019 at 12:27 PM, HOF19 said:

    Been reading (over the last 24 hours ) stories on internet coming from Alabama media that Mr. Tua might not chose to enter this next draft .( especially if Saban announces he can't play this weekend ) If true do the Dolphins continue to tank ?

    I am amazed at the nonsense on here. 

    Does anyone really know if Tua is their target?  I don’t but have my doubts. 

    Now that these “rumors”that you cite are out there, do they all of the sudden stop tanking?  I mean they are 1-7. Their lot for the season has long been cast. 

    What in the holy hell if Saban does announce that Tua is out today have to do with anything?  What is the connection to Tua entering the draft 2 months from now?


    Dear God...

  12. 17 hours ago, Gramz said:

    I get it.


    A lot of folks have the utmost respect for him, including  myself.  Heck my profile pic is a pic of me in his Jersey.  


    I wanted so much for him to go out on a good season. 


    I love this team, and I love this franchise. 


    No boos from me. Ever.





    Same. I would never boo the team. Ever.  I guess I get those who do but I find it kind of silly. I don’t need to boo a player or the team if they mess up. They know it without me having to tell them by booing. 

    • Like 1
  13. 5 hours ago, Imgrandojji said:

    Except that we could have matched what the Patriots paid for Mohammed Sanu.  I was anxious to see us go for Sanu because he is very talented and would be here beyond this year.


    We also had multiple chances to pick up Demayrius Thomas, who would have cost little more than a 5th or 6th rounder and represented an upgrade over some of our depth guys.


    I don't think a big trade was there on the defensive end.  I also don't think we necessarily needed a big splash on defense.  Our D has been adequate for the most part and I would prefer to let them mature in place and learn on the job, at least until it becomes an issue.  IMHO the D has been carrying its weight.


    The unit I was and still am most concerned about is WR.  We don't have good depth there and a lot of what we do have is either out or playing hurt.  If Pascal didn't step up we'd be on the edge of disaster right now.


    The standard for what would constitute a trade that would improve the team are low enough that there's not a lot of valid excuses for sitting tight there.  Especially because WR is an area where drafting talent is anything but settled science.

    Sweet baby Jesus - can we get the readers digest version of this post?

  14. 18 hours ago, Imgrandojji said:

    and I don't have a problem with that perspective except that we don't play next year this year.


    We had a chance this year to make some noise.  Because we sat still at the deadline that chance got quite a bit smaller.  It's something of a missed opportunity IMHO

    maybe next year they trade for that all world center - you know the more valuable position over qb. 

  15. 22 minutes ago, Dr. T said:

    Prior to the game on another thread, I stated that there is always home cookin' by the refs, especially in Pittsburgh, and a few posters scoffed at me. Can I say "I told you so" now?

    I still scoff at you. 

    Fouts was right because the Pascal PI Was a gift. It had no chance of being caught. There were other favorable calls the Colts got. 

    The calls against Indy that were truly bad were the Tell and Okereke ones  The Leonard penalties were deserved. The one at half was simply a stupid play on his part. No need for hit. The guy was stopped and going no further. 

    On top of all that, AV hits a couple of kicks and Indy wins.  

    there was no home cooking from the refs. 

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