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Posts posted by jskinnz

  1. 1 minute ago, Solid84 said:

    It was still within Tucker’s range and they would’ve gone for it. 

    The refs bogus call may have sealed the game against the Browns, but we lost because the Browns scored 17 points off Minshew’s four turnovers. The Colts could have won that game even with the refs screwing them if they’d played proper football.

    Do you think the coaches came back monday and said: “Welp, nothing to learn here - it was all the refs fault!” Or, did they possibly recognize the Colts made obvious, costly mistakes that ultimately gave the Browns the game?

    This. I wish I could like a post more than once. 

    As a life long golfer, being an NFL fan is the same thing. When recounting my round, you always lament the perfect drive down the middle that hit a sprinkler head square and bounced OB. Got hosed by the golf gods. 

    The ball heading into water that bounced off a turtle and landed a foot from the hole?  Just a deserved break. 

    My point is it all evens out. You get some breaks and some breaks go against you. To me the Colts record is exactly as it should be. A favorable call helped in one game and hurt in another. 

    • Like 2
  2. 17 minutes ago, Patrick Miller said:

    What I mean is ….maybe they think it’s an easy win for them and they overlook us.


    1) I did not need an explanation of what a trap game is. 

    2) The Raiders have a losing record and just saved their season. They are not good enough to just show up and beat Indy without their best effort.  I don’t buy for a second that they overlook Indy. 

    • Like 2
  3. 6 hours ago, CR91 said:


    We were riding high vs the Steelers and you saw what happened vs the Falcons. It happens.

    The Colts can best the Raiders but it will 100% not be due them overlooking Indy. 

    They have a losing record and just gave themselves a chance yesterday. Why would they overlook or fall into a trap game against anyone?

  4. 1 minute ago, JediXMan said:

    He's been sacked 3 times and hit a lot and has 2 picks. He might get hurt even more.

    Man, I don’t know. Can you definitely say his poor play is due the concussion?  

    I think the best thing is go with the medical professionals who have no affiliation to the Jags. If f he clears protocol, going with the docs seems the best decision. 

    • Like 1
  5. 31 minutes ago, 1959Colts said:

    This whole concussion process seems to be evolving...

    I remember posting a while back, how it was almost a certainty, that after a concussion, that player would have to miss the following game. Now it's like in the majority of cases, they are back in action just in time for the next game.

    100% not happening in the majority of cases. 

    Extreme majority of the time, a concussion on Sunday has meant missing the next week’s game. 

    Recent examples have involved an injury on Thursday (Watt) or Saturday(Pittman) and cleared the following week. The extra day or two makes a difference. 

  6. 35 minutes ago, RollerColt said:

    I’m not a gambler at all. Is Vegas really that accurate with this stuff, or is it because we’re a small market team and they don’t really pay that much attention to us?

    Nothing to do with being a small market team. There are billions of dollars at stake so it would be a really bad business practice not be aware of something going on with every team. 

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  7. 10 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:

    Not only is it really a thing, I think NFL Films used to sell a video of the biggest and best hits for each season.   

    Of course it’s politically incorrect these days so they haven’t sold it in years, but they once did.  

    The NFL is a bit on the hypocritical side when they were promoting the hits that are now outlawed. 

    Along the same lines but on a much smaller scale - I think it was to promote last week’s games, they used Pittman’s touchdown against the Browns when he flashed the peace sign. He was penalized and fined for it and yet they use it in their promos?  Seems a mixed message at best. 

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  8. 2 hours ago, Superman said:


    Speaking for myself, I never watched football to see players get obliterated like this. And now that we have a better understanding of how dangerous these plays are -- immediately, and in the long term -- I react very differently to them.


    I'm not a racing fan, but I've never heard anyone say they watch for the wrecks. Is that really a thing??

    I am a racing fan with a very long history at the Indy 500 and for the real fans of the sport, that is 100% not a thing. 

    I was in the stadium when Austin Collie got lit up against the Jags and it was scary as hell. I was not there Saturday to see the Pittman hit and glad to have missed it. 

    • Like 1
  9. 13 minutes ago, Hawkeyecolt said:

    So based on the answers the defender in the NFL is now supposed to let receivers catch the ball.  Due to Pittman diving and Minshew’s ball placement there was literally no way to hit him low and there was no way for the defender to intercept the ball.  

    You are not taking the contrarian opinion here. You are taking the wrong stance. That is 100% the type of play and hit that the league is trying to get out of the game. 

    • Like 9
  10. 1 hour ago, rock8591 said:

    In hindsight, the Kazee hit was not as bad as it initially looked. Looks like technically, his back struck MPJ's helmet, not his head nor shoulder.


    This was the initial impact; looks like his spine/upper back made first contact, which would actually put Kazee himself at a much higher risk.


    The Kayvon Thibodeaux celebration was 100x worse.




    Pretty much nothing about your post is correct. 

  11. 6 hours ago, indyagent17 said:

    We rarely beat Pittsburgh and the Raiders have put 56 points on the Chargers. And we face a much improved Texans team. If we cannot get the running game back to where it should be and depend on Minshew it’s going to a bitter end to this season I hope I am wrong but it may be a long month of games ahead 

    Glass half empty I see. 

    Steelers - while true the Colts record against them, how does the 2005 Playoff loss to them impact this game?  Or any other win they had over Indy?  Maybe the fact that they’ve lost consecutive games against two win teams tells you more than any game in the Colts / Steelers series. 

    Raiders - they rarely beat them?  That dog don’t hunt. The Colts beat them last year, and in 2000 and in 2018.  And I judge nothing in last night - the Chargers have quit. 

    Texans - they are improved but have you paid attention?  They are a total MASH unit - so many injuries that are season ending and Stroud is hurt too. 

    The Colts are completely capable of losing to all these teams. They are just as capable of going 3-0 as well. 

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  12. 2 minutes ago, IndySouthsider said:

    Oh there’s zero doubt that his chances of another concussion are significantly higher. It’s scientific fact. Let’s just admit the league lied and they are no longer taking them serious. Lasted a few seasons before backtracking 

    I believe you are having the wrong conversation - one that only exists in your head. He’s only talking about Watt clearing protocol and being able play on Saturday. 


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