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Posts posted by jskinnz

  1. 1 hour ago, Restinpeacesweetchloe said:

    I am losing hope the secondary is going to be fixed. Right now without Blackmon the secondary is even weaker.

    For the love of all that Holy…


    In other words, Dear God

    We are less than 48 hours into the new league year.  There is still a wee bit of time to add to the position group. 



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  2. 10 minutes ago, CardiacColts said:

    I’m 36 going on 87. Probably going to go catch the early bird special somewhere soon before I get ready for bed at 7 lol. I can empathize. 

    I am 56. We got a very late start on becoming parents with an 8 and 10 year old. But it is glorious that we can go to bed the same time as our kids at 8:30. 

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  3. 26 minutes ago, CardiacColts said:

    Have you seen my profile picture? I don’t know how to change anything on here these days. I’m lucky I still know how to login, although I couldn’t tell you my password anymore either. 

    Ha. My phone is well past time for an upgrade and I am waiting as long as possible to make a change for precisely the password reason. 

  4. 6 minutes ago, richard pallo said:

    Imo the only thing holding up adding any other player to the secondary is Kenny Moore.  I think there are plans in place depending on whether he signs or not.  Once he makes his decision then Ballard makes his moves.  Waiting on Kenny I think.

    That is 100% backwards. 

    Kenny Moore is not the domino to fall that they are waiting on. 

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  5. 3 hours ago, richard pallo said:

    I believe Ballard has NEVER opened his wallet for an expensive FA because he didn’t think his team was close enough where he thought such an investment was the right time.  I think he is now confident he has the quarterback and coach and solid nucleus of a team to make those kind of moves.  I would bet he feels his window has just opened and the next few years will be his opportunity to make some aggressive moves to go for that Super Bowl.

    I believe you are setting yourself up for disappointment yet again. 

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  6. On 2/7/2024 at 10:54 AM, chad72 said:


    Yes, Brock Bowers definitely has that skillset you talked about. 


    J J McCarthy, I do see Alex Smith like ceiling but more of a Colt McCoy floor. If you are thinking you will get the next Tom Brady, you are totally mistaken. Michael Penix Jr. is the 3rd best QB in this draft and if I am the Seahawks and he is there at my pick, I pull the trigger for the guy that played in my state. 

    I think Penix bombs in the NFL. Nice college player but I just don’t think his game translates. 

    Just my opinion

  7. 3 hours ago, jvan1973 said:

    I will also say to you,  you are one of my favorite posters here.   However. Venturi critiquing Bradley's defense is comical.   Bradley has had far more success than Rick as a DC.  Rick, should probably chill on calling his scheme as high school level. Rick was never considered a great defensive mind.   As bad as Bradley was as a head coach,  Bradley had more success..  



    I just think that Venturi is credible and his opinions on Bradley are 1) not new and 2) spot on. I know his record as a coach / coordinator is not great but doesn’t mean he does not know the game. 

    I am a casual fan and can see the Colts D is easy to play against. Look at how bad the stats are and how mediocre the QBs they played against were. 

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  8. 12 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

    With me, I was even mad at the play call. We were trying to fool them so I get it, and the play almost worked. I still would have run Taylor is all I have been saying. Then again if Taylor would have got stuffed, I would have looked wrong. Having said that, I would trust my 14 Mill a year RB to get 1 yard who had been having the best game he had all year over anything else. 

    I had no issue with the play call because after his long touchdown run, Houston had effectively shut down Taylor (and he was hurt). They were in 4th and 1 largely because his effectiveness was not the same later in the game. 

  9. 3 hours ago, Superman said:


    I'm sensitive to the idea that it would have been better to have a different back in the game. It's not an idea that should be totally dismissed.


    I just want to point out four things. 1) Taylor was hurt, clearly. 2) Moss had just come back from an injury. 3) The team has practiced that play with Goodson all year. 4) Any QB pass play had to go through Minshew, whether he was struggling or not.


    As it stands, we asked our QB who started 14 games to make a simple throw to a RB who knows how to catch the ball. There's nothing reckless about this.


    As I was walking out of the game on Saturday night and overheard a conversation with someone lamenting the play and that Taylor was not in the game to “at least be a decoy.”  

    The play worked. It was WFO. There no need for Taylor as a decoy. They just did not execute it. 

    I personally had no issue with the personnel / play call decision which to me means you live with the result.  I believe most became ticked at the decision when the result was a dropped pass. 

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  10. 9 hours ago, Restinpeacesweetchloe said:

    Some of you guys are over reacting to Bradley.  The injuries and suspension of Rodger’s really decimated his unit. Blackmon got hurt.  Considering what he had to work with it’s shocking we weren’t giving up 40 points every game. I think you need to wait and see what happens when they fix this secondary.

    I recall Rick Venturi calling Bradley’s defense a high school scheme when he was the HQ in Jacksonville.

  11. 1 hour ago, indyagent17 said:

    As you all know, he was fired today and my first thought would be is that he was a very strong defensive coordinator with a lot of energy. Makes me wonder if Ballard is considering him. just a thought for conversation.

    Not one single chance this happens. 

    But sure - let’s discuss. 

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  12. 3 hours ago, BProland85 said:

    Ballard would be stupid to let him go elsewhere unless he simply wants to be paid like Justin Jefferson or Tyreek Hill. If he’s reasonable with his contract demands he has to be back and there are no excuses from Ballard if he’s not in that case. 

    Who is deciding what’s reasonable?

  13. 5 minutes ago, Smonroe said:


    You're right about one thing - people on the forum will disagree with you, lol!


    By your logic, if we win Saturday but lose in the playoff game, the season wouldn't be a success.  Take it further, and the season wouldn't be a success without a SB?  Again, using your logic.

    I once debated with a co-worker who would have rather the Colts lose in the AFCCG than to lose in the Super Bowl. For the life of me I could not understand that logic. 

    The two weeks leading up to the big game are awesome, damn near magical. That is two more weeks of fun, of having something to look forward to - to have hope. And as Andy Dufresne said to Red in The Shawshank Redemption - “hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things.”


    Kind of like Tennyson said - better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all. 

    Off my soap box now

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  14. 1 hour ago, Jared Cisneros said:

    This is the biggest game since the 2021 season when the Colts crapped the bed Vs the Jaguars in a must win to try and get into the playoffs. Can't have that happen again. People on the forum will disagree with me, but this game will determine whether this season is a success or a failure. We win, we are playing with house money in the playoffs. We lose, and it's like 2021 all over again in the sense that we choke in the final game and miss the playoffs by one game. Have to win. No excuses. Can't be satisfied with a 9-8 record if we lose. We put ourselves in a position where a win gets us in the playoffs. Now we have to capitalize. Expectations are big now.

    You might be surprised but I disagree with you and this take. 

    They can lose on Saturday and we can be disappointed with the outcome but look on the season as a success. Hell, they’ve already won 5 more games than they did last year. By any measure that is a successful season. 

    I also look at it from my own personal enjoyment which has been infinitely more fun this year over last. I look at watching the Colts play and going to games as a privilege and 9 times I have turned off the TV or walked out of the stadium with a great feeling. I’ve also had fun at games they lost as well. I’ve seen the future with this team and it looks bright. 

    Long story short - the success of this season is not dependent on the outcome of the Texans game to me. 

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  15. 2 hours ago, RollerColt said:

    Raimann will get his dues soon. I imagine when the NFL Top 100 comes out next summer and people see his name that will push the needle a bit. 

    Raimann will not be in the top 100 this summer. No chance. 

  16. 5 minutes ago, Superman said:


    I think you're missing me. I'm not arguing that we have a bad pass rush, and I never called sacks a misleading stat. In fact, I agree that sacks are more valuable than pressures, and have argued the same in the past. A sack ends the play, whereas anything can happen after a pressure. However, pressure is still valuable; it's effect is cumulative, and should not be disregarded.


    My point is simple: A team that doesn't get a lot of pressure is not likely to get a lot of sacks. When this does happen, it should be treated as a statistical outlier, not an ideal. The fact that the Colts get a lot of sacks without getting a lot of pressure is most likely influenced by the level of offensive competition we've faced this season, and the result is unlikely to be sustainable. So if anyone thinks that setting a team record for sacks means that the pass rush is "good," I think that's a mistaken conclusion.


    By the way, the defense deserves big props for the Ravens game. It's a great example of why I think Bradley needs to be more flexible with his approach. But just a couple weeks ago, we couldn't get a hand on Jake Browning, which demonstrates the wide level of variance that exists with a defense that doesn't get consistent pressure.

    I don’t have the statistical data that you’ve discussed previously. My sense is anecdotal at best but what I am looking for out of the d’line is to make a play to affect that game and far too often that is not the case. Ebukan got strip sack to end the Bucs game but my memory fails on too many more than that. The 4th quarter of the Raiders game I wanted them to make a play against O’Connell that never came. 

    They have feasted on injured or inferior lines. That makes me nervous for Saturday night. 

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  17. 15 minutes ago, Restinpeacesweetchloe said:

    The fact she called police right away tells me to believe her. Says they found her in pain. It does say she tried to hit him first after she broke his phone. Reminds me of an aunt I had. Her and her husband were so toxic together. He was physically abusive but she always would egg him on. To this day they are actually friends and get along well. Just weren’t good together.

    Yeah, that is not really a good answer. There is not a one size fits all response to these situations.  

  18. 4 hours ago, Jared Cisneros said:

    As someone who has Bipolar, this seems like a distraction tactic so they look good because our chances of making the playoffs are slim, Pittman may be out, and the Raiders are red-hot right now. It's a PR move to take some of the heat off the Colts if we lose.


    I appreciate the thought, but I agree. Win the game.

    I don’t see how this is an attempt as a distraction should the game go awry. 

    1) I have no knowledge of this but my strong guess is this was already planned.


    2) What is the tangible impact of having this “spotlight” on mental health?  How does it create a distraction?  Does Steichen preach the message to the team all weak?  Does it take away from game prep?  No - of course not. Should they lose will he say the Raiders kicked our butt today for sure but did you notice the good deed we did with the mental health thingy?  Does Gregg Doyle not rip them if a ripping is deserved because they had a mental health spotlight?

    3) As a fan at the game on Sunday, whatever the spotlight looks like, I will say “good for the Colts.  They are doing a good thing.”  And then my entire focus will be on the game. Should Indy lose, I will be ticked at the loss and think not one thing about the mental health thing.  I imagine that sentiment will put me in the super majority. 

    The reality is if one person in the stadium decides to get help and talk about their mentals from this effort, then it will be a resounding success and worthy of not being questioned for ulterior motives. Because there are none. 


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