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Posts posted by Flash7

  1. Here's where they lost me.

    "In addition, league sources say Manning's neck has potentially developed bone spurs just above the point where his latest fusion surgery took place in early September, and the Colts organization is under the belief that it is nearly inevitable Manning will at some point require further surgery, and possibly another fusion procedure, even if he does successfully return to the field in 2012. It's unclear how any potential long-term neck issues will impact Manning's decision to attempt a resumption of his NFL playing career later this year."

    I could be wrong but I think any bone spurs would have developed because of the bulging disk, not after repair to it, and likely would have been dealt with during the fusion surgery. Also, Peyton has made it pretty clear that his mind is made up about resuming his playing career.

    It appears that Peyton has made up his mind about resuming his playing career by his actions. He practiced in December in hopes to return to the field. He practiced red zone plays so that he can be inserted into games when within the red zone. However, it appeared to those watching the practice session that he was clearly not ready to play, according to this report.

    My point is that Manning is willing to put himself in harms way. It took others to make the decision not to let him play, such as the doctor that did not allow for his clearance to play, Polian, and Caldwell.

    So just because he is determined to play does not necessarily mean that he can or that he will.

    In a documentary I watched about Manning, Archie was talking about Peyton's older brother, and how his playing career was cut short. Archie mentioned that although it was sad for this to have happened to Cooper Manning, he was glad that it was him rather than Peyton. Cooper could get over it, but Manning would die trying to get back on the field.

  2. What really strikes me about this article is that Manning was willing to put himself in harms way. It appeared clear to all of the decision makers that he was not ready to play. Yet, Manning wanted to practicve and play in games?

    I understand Manning's desire to play, but at this point, I think Irsay's approach of making sure that manning is healthy enough to play is the best approach. Someone has to look out for Peyton's health becuase he is too determined to comback, even if it's by putting himself in harm's way.

  3. i couldnt agree more, luck wasnt even mentioned to be a colt before manning went down for the year. yet he still seems to be blamed for the possible release of manning. but guarentee that these fans will change their minds about luck if he ends up starting and somehow he ends up getting the colts to the playoffs in 2012.

    You could also argue that if Manning wasn't injured and had played this past season, we would now be choosing in the draft somewhere in the 20's. If that were the case, Luck wouldn't even be a consideration for Colt's fans. The fact that Manning was hurt and subsequently we now have the #1 pick as a replacement for Manning is a little ironic.
  4. Jim Irsay wrote Peyton a check for 26 million last year so that Peyton would be the Colts QB this year. Now some folks believe he should write Peyton another check for 28 Million plus Peyton's salary which adds up to 35 million for Peyton this year. This is what some folks believe Irsay should do.

    These folks would be the first to blame Irsay if things do not work out next season. Peyton isn't able to play as Peyton used to play. His injury did not heal properly.

    Polian left the team in cap trouble and players who are past their prime. It is time to re-load. Time to start rebuilding the team. New GM, new coaches, new schemes. It is time.

    If Peyton REALLY wants to be here, he can be here by restructuring his contract.

    I do not understand why Peyton would want to be here. Reggie will probably be gone. Gonzales is gone. Garcon will make a fantastic catch and then drop one that hits him in his hands. The most frustrating WR the Colts have had in my memory. Can the Colts O line protect Manning next season? He can't take many hits and survive with his new surgically repaired neck.

    IMO, it is better for all concerned to move on. No one knows for sure whether Peyton can still play QB at an NFL level. If he can he has a much better chance of winning another SB ring somewhere other than Indy. Indy will re-build and the 1st round pick in the NFL can start this process.

    Lets do it.

    Jim Irsay did write out a check for 26 million to Peyton for not playing last year. One way to look at is that Manning has reworked his contract several times and even structured his new contract to be somewhat "cap friendly." It could have easily been structured in a way where was owed a certain amount of "straight line" salary (similar amount of salary per year) which would have been worse for the cap, and a certain amount of gauranteed money. So if Irsay didn't pay manning last year, then Manning would have restructured and reworked his previous contracts all to get jipped out of the money that he could have had. So in essense, Manning had done a favor for the Colts, and the Colts returned that favor.
  5. the funny thing is, without Luck in this draft. All of us Colts fans would be sending him get well cards, not saying goodbye.

    don't even say RGIII would be a popular choice to replace him

    Luck provides us a viable option if Manning is not retained. Luck is not the reason that Manning has his health issue. I don't know why in many of your posts you have such a negative attribution to Luck. Luck is just a kid in college who played his heart out for his team. Again, he has nothing to do with Manning's health, which is what has caused so much doubt about Manning's future.
  6. His point that information was kep in-house under Polian is not all that accurate. There was plenty of talk going around regarding Manning, his contract, and his future with the Colts, even while Polian was there. The only difference that I see is that Irsay has continuously shot down rumors created by the press. Irsay is being more proactive to get the right information out there.

    Of course, Manning's "eggshels" interview and Irsays "politicain" statement added to the speculation. But aside from that, it has been a media whirl wind, even when the Polians were here.

  7. No doubt Brady is an elite QB.

    However, judging from the last SB, his performance did not match his regular season performance, or of other seasons I remember when he was so clutch. Maybe it was just one game....but it was the biggest game of the season.

    Let's see how he does in 2012.

    It's a little unfair to judge Brady on just one game, as you have mentioned. Also we had discussed that he really hasn't had much talent, with the exception of Welker, in his receiving corps and had to heavily rely on his tight ends. And of course, as we were all reminded a million times during Superbowl week, Gronk was injured. This further limited Brady's weapons.

    Overall, he had a very good season, and you could argue that despite having a weak defense, and a weak receiving corps he took the team to the superbowl. That's a big accomplishment.

  8. Or....maybe his agent is savvy, and is telling Luck to bomb the combine, so the Colts don't draft him after they pay Peyton the option bonus?

    I woulld think that if Luck and his camp didn't want him to play for the Colts they would make it known, rather than bombing at the combine, which would have financial implications.

    My guess is that he really doesn't have anything to hide and expects to do well at the combine. My fear is that scouts saw prospects such as Kyle Boller and Jamarcus Russell at these combines and fell in love with their arm strength and potential, rather than their entire body of work in college. It lead them to make bad decisions.

  9. I think in the next few years you will see the Pats develop Mallet or another backup to the point he will be ready to take over after Brady's contract expires in 2014. What will be interesting is how Brady performs next season. Will it show the continuing decline, or will he get back on track?

    It will be an interesting off season for the Pats. It's clear that they need a big play receiver and Chad Ochocinco wasn't the answer. Branch is getting old and that leaves Brady with his effective tight ends, and Wes Welker. They will definitely have to address the receiver position for Brady to have continued success. The lack of a play making receiver can partially be blamed for his performance.
  10. I like that they mentioned that a lot will depend on his surrounding cast. It is very difficult for rookie QBs o adjust to the game, and even more so wehn you are on a bad team. I think that Sam Bradford has shown that he can be a good QB, but it's obvious that he does not have enough talent around him. I hope that will not be the case with Luck and the Colts, if the Colts draft him.

  11. I wonder if andrew Luck's performance during the combind and his pro day will have an effect on his draft status. I am assuming that it won't, however, I feel that he may really underwhelm a lot of scouts. He will not have the strongest arm at the combine, and will not be the fastest. Other quarterbacks with rocket arms will get a lot of attention, and of course RGIII wih his blazing speed and powerful arm will be who all of the scouts will be talking about during the combine. Andrew Luck will show great fundamentals, footwork and accuracy, but that's not flashy.

    Could the combine and pro days have that big of an effect on scout's opinions?


    A link of when both will have their pro days.

  12. I beg to differ on that. you dont necesarily have to take Luck. because even RG3 by some analyst has been projected as a number 1 draft pick. and sorry but for a QB who says he wants to start right away but needs to talk to his DAD about sitting under manning if the colts bring him back is not mature enough and shows he cant make decisions on his own...MEANING he was nothing like peyton manning in college as some like to compare him. it reminds me of possibly another Eli/Rivers situation a few years ago where Mannings dad stepped in and said he didnt want eli in san diego. but the best thing to do would be to draft luck, trade him to cleveland when the 4th pick comes up, draft RG3 get the browns other 1st round pick, and second round pick and next years first round pick and there you have it its set

    If RGIII is projected to be such a high draft pick, then why would the browns want to trade so much to get Luck? Why wouldn't they stay at #4 and draft RGIII?
  13. Wercolts, I think that we see things differently and that's perfectly fine. That's the beauty of the forum. We can express our thoughts freely and share with others how we see things.

    I would like to point out that I am a huge Manning fan, and do not have anything against him, or an agenda.

    Like you, I am trying my best to be objective. When given data, I review it and formulate an opinion. Here is what I see:

    1. Although we do do not have data that specifically relates to Manning's exact situation, the set of data that is provided is probably the closest that we can find to how it would relate to Manning. It clearly shows that there is a decline with numerous other high performing QB's in their mid 30's. I tend to think that time is just and has no favorites, and therefore will treat Manning the same.

    2. I do not think that the game has changed that much. In essence, it's still very much the same. The hit that Manning took during the Redskins game is the reason for his 3 neck surgeries is proof that he is subject to injuries, in this era of football.

    3. Every player has a date when they will retire. It is also conceivable that player's productivity can decline over time. If I were to ask you if a player, (not named Manning, but just an unknown player) had played at a high level, then had 3 neck surgeries and is now feeling the effects of the surgeries in lack of arm strength, didn't play for a year due to related health issues, and is turning 36 years old, would you think he will return better than before, as good as before, or will he be on a decline? I think that most people would answer that they would think he would be on a decline.

    That's how I see the situation. Please note that this is to clarify my point of view and not to be arguementative.

  14. A year off may extend a career and we do not have any verifiable information on arm strength. Also we're talking about a different game that Peyton plays in as compared to the players from the 70's 80's 90's and even the early 2000's, not exactly apples to oranges but not apples and apples either.
    I'm sorry, but the game isn't that different than it was before. They are not wearing dresses out there and playing touch football (sarcasm). Look at all of the teams and their QBs. You will see a high percentage of QBs missed games or have played through several injuries this season. QBs are still getting hit, just now by bigger and faster players.
  15. If anyone could say that a highly rated QB prospect should sit behind a legendary veteran and have some credibility to their words, Steve Young would be the guy. This is why I've maintained that the false dichotomy of Manning and Luck is not the issue here. Maybe the money is the issue. The health is definitely at issue. But the two can co-exist, and I'm of the opinion that Luck would be better of for it.

    There will be people, especially bloggers, who look to discredit what Young is saying here, but I think he's more qualified to speak to that issue that anyone else in NFL history.

    I've stated this before, but we are seeing at least from Manning's camp, an improvement in Peyton's health. If Irsay is true to his word and he wants to keep a healthy Peyton on the team, then one way to do this is to sign him and draft Luck.

    If we draft Luck, he knows that he will have to wait to play. However, in this scenario, he would actually get to play right away. Luck can play until Manning is 100% healthy and in game shape. This may be all the way through the preseason and maybe 4-5 games into the regular season. This will allow Luck valuable playing time, and will allow Manning time to fully recover. Also, Manning will have every incentive to teach Luck so that when he Manning returns, he has a shot at making the playoffs.

  16. It appears that everything is indicating that we are at the end of Manning's career, or at the least, the point where we will see a significant decline, yet, everyone is still making excuses for him. Yes, he was the greatest ever and played in a way where he did his best to avoid hits, but let's not forget that he missed the 2011 season due to an injury that he incurred while playing.

    The hit that he took against the Redskins is the cause of all of the nerve issues. It was an on the field hit that caused him to have 3 surgeries, yet, people claim that he does such a good job of avoiding injuries and hits.

    Also, please note that qbs like Montana, Marino, Aikman, and Bradshaw also had the heart and desire to want to play. It's not just Peyton that has this incredible will to play. They all did, and that's prt of what made them great. I heard in an earlier post that Manning's desire will allow him to push through this. I hope so, but the odds show clearly that age catches up with everyone.

  17. what about some relevant stats saying the opposite? like my post above, about how many young QB's fail.

    Joe Montana, John elway, Dan Marino, all of these quarterbacks came out of college. They were all young quarterbacks at one time. If we have to move on from Manning, then his successor will be a college QB. Why not choose the best available college QB and not worry about him being a bust, rather, provide him all of the tools to become successful?

  18. name a disease or a situation and not everyone fits the mold.

    I love how that new movie, Moneyball, is about statistics. and they haven't won jack......

    Every team now has adopted the use of statistics..so every team is winning with the use of statisctics. The A's just were the first to use it extensively due to their inability to compete with larger market teams.
  19. I know that's when the bonus date is, but why do people insist that a decision has to be made now, or even before then? If I'm Irsay I wait until that date before I say yes or no, unless a miracle happens before then that Manning's nerve is 100%. I realize everything that Manning has done for this team, city, state, and the NFL but if the guy can't make the throws necessary due to weakness of the muscles or numbness in the arm then why should you continue to pay the man? Out of sentiment? Out of "respect"? It's always easier to spend somebody else's money. All players careers come to an end, be it altogether or with a particular team. The man can't play forever and to just say that he deserves to continue to be paid because of what he did, well then the 49ers should still be giving payroll checks to Montana. Get real!

    Manning wants the decision to be made sooner rather than later. If he is moving onto another team, he wants to start rehabbing there, have a chance to get to know his new team mates, the staff, coaches, offensive philosophy etc..

    If he's not goint to remain a Colt, then why wait. I'm sure he is throwing 3-5 days a week now, and he would prefer to throw to his new receivers to work on things in hopes that he plays next season. That's why we are seeing a full force media blitz by the Manning camp. He wants to pressure on Irsay to make the decision.

  20. I think that Manning has been informed that he will be released. I was definately in the club that thought that Irsay had expressed that he would like to keep Manning regardless of the financial obligations to keep him on the team, and that it all depended on Manning's health.

    Then Irsay completely changed the coaching staff and the GM. The Colts organization is all new and Manning expressed his displeasure, which led to a discussion between Manning and Irsay. My opinion is that during this discussion, they talked about Manning's future and Manning learned that he will be released.

    Now we are seeing Manning on TV giving an interview, his agent on TV, his doctors releasing a statement on his health, and Cooper Manning and Archie Manning providing statements that Peyton is progressing and the he will try to play again next year.

    This is a clear indication that the Manning Camp has regrouped, strategized, and are now in full force to get the message out to other teams that he is healthy and can play. This is putting pressure on Irsay. Manning knows that if he is to be released, it would be better for him to be released sooner rather than later so that he can sign with another team and start to gel with his new team mates. We all know that Manning is a perfectionist and that he continuously worked with his receivers to get timing down. I'm sure that he would like to continue his rehab with the new staff, trainers, and team mates at his new team.

  21. Do you remember when Rob Lowe treeted about Peyton? I don't think Peyton needs to wait for the Super Bowl to be in town to capture the attention of the sports world.

    Regardless of that, my point is that it's very orchestrated and it's becoming obvious with the back and forth between Manning and Irsay. They're lobbying their positions.
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